View Full Version : It's official, I will be reffing at a local field! Suggestions needed

03-31-2005, 10:28 PM
I got a job reffing at a local field on Saturdays. The job doesn't pay money but I do get a FREE case of RP premuim paint (the good stuff), a free day of playing AND free air all day long! Sounds like a GREAT deal to me!

Now, as players, what kinds of things do you like your refs to do, and what do you NOT like them doing? The feild is about 4 acres and it is a wood feild, a top notch guys go there, but mostly newbs.

Eatem Alive
03-31-2005, 10:32 PM
that's a good deal

1. when doing a paint check, don't be afraid to get shot

2. don't stand around b.s.'ing with other refs

3. keep the games going, happy players are returning players

4. don't cuss

5. speak to every player as if they are the same person. i.e. talking down to noobs.

6. have fun

03-31-2005, 10:35 PM
be a good reff , dont let your friends slide when they are hit. Be honest and polite. ;)

03-31-2005, 10:41 PM
Well just be on your toes to watch the players. don't nod off on the sidelines and wake up only to call game on and off.

Things to do for field:
~make sure everyone has paid to play
~Play them at a reasonable pace... mabey every 10-15 min (faster if possible) so they can be off the field soon as possible
~Don't whine about having to clean up at the end of the day
~Don't curse, no matter who is there
~ Dont try and work on people's guns. 1 you probably don't know whats wrong and 2 the field can be held responsible for you messing up someones gun
~That orientation you get from EVERY field... memorize it, recite it, recite it again, amend when and where needed, repeat.

Things for players:
~Watch the games. Get to a point on the field where you can watch players and get to them quickly (without being shot hopefully) if needed (paintcheck or gun check or whatnot)
~Talk to them. See what kind of game they want to play, what field.... do they need just one more minute to get pods filled and ready?
~IF someone complains as to why you called them out tell them. They'll shut up...
~ if you catch someone cheating. pull him, don't be afraid, he might put up a fight, but he still knows he cheated.... he won't fight for more than a minute before giving in.
~check them throughly before calling them out
~stay out of lanes
~stay out of thier path that they are running to. you'll get trampled over.
~Don't suck up to the "pro" players. they're regular poring people too (who play paintball non stop true but still regular people)
~IF someone wants to play a game a certain way, take a vote, if everyone is cool with it play their flag or reincarnation or whatever they want... (unless your field says otherwise)

Those were just a few things i could think of off the top of my head from working at the paintball factory....

03-31-2005, 10:43 PM
-What ive learned is don't put up with bullcrap.
One time I had to ref ~110 3 man games in a row, and well reffing wears on you. I had one player I was looking at because he was looking fishy and he hollered, "If your gonna stare call me neutral!" And I keep in mind this was my first "official" time reffing thought well isn't it a refs job to look and even stare at the players? (retorical).
-Just be fair and not immature.
-If you see wiping call a 2 for 1.
-playing on 2 for 1 or however your field does it.
-Don't be afraid either. Yep your gonna get hit, a lot, but don't let it get to you.

03-31-2005, 10:51 PM
No need to worry about me letting my friends get by, none of my friends play there that I know of. I also don't know any of the other refs yet so I am not worried about BS'ing around with them, I will be on the lookout for cheaters, and I am ready to get hit. I remember the hitting a ref once, it was bad. . .there was no-one standing around him and I just lit him up. . .

This is a job (I am getting compensated for my time), and on a job, slacking off is OUT OF THE QUESTION! That you for all your suggestions and I will do my best to follow them to the letter.

Target Practice
03-31-2005, 11:24 PM



Don't be afraid to exercise authority. If you have a hand chrono, use it. Like it's been said, don't worry about getting shot. If it helps, grab a ref shield before you go out. I use one, and it's saved my hide, especially with the new kids. And remember, THERE WILL BE NEW KIDS. Try and help 'em out. Try and get them to pick up thier trash too.

04-01-2005, 12:38 AM
keep you eyes pealed and your d***covered.

do your best, and BE LOUD when talking.

04-01-2005, 01:02 AM
Ah safety, its hard to STOP preaching safety to new kids sometimes. . .LOL! I might really consider that ref shield too. I think the owner of the shield has one.

And I will be sure to be LOUD when I am talking so they hear me.

04-01-2005, 02:45 AM
hey sparta, where do you ref? I ref a venturegames paintball in clayton, CA and there is the exact same ref for play deal. I've reffed there for about a month and a half now and its great. Just remember to be there for the players. If anyone asks you to check a player that they think they shot, if they are close to you, go check them. If they are on the other side of the field, radio(if you have radios) another ref to go check them instead so you can stay where you are. Also remember to move. if you are always moving, you can see hits that you would not normally see. Another tip for getting in the owners good books is to always be there 5-10 minutes early. I mean 5-10 minutes before you're supposed to be there, not 5-10 before it opens. I am always there about 5 minutes before my field owner arrives and waiting, and i think it makes a good impression.(he hasnt fired me yet :P)

04-01-2005, 02:50 AM
Dont be afraid to call a game early if there is only one person left against anymore then three other players, especially if it some newb that has a high chance of getting lit up. I do this regularly and have yet to get a complaint from anyone.

But if there is someone there to complain ask him if he would like to play against three or more ppl by himself. But I think most experienced players would understand a call made like that.

04-01-2005, 03:12 AM
I ref at Agape paintball south of Fresno CA. What everyone has said is pretty right on.
Ive found that when dealing with people the words sir, please, and thank you make things go much easier. Show respect towards people and they will respect you.
Hmm what else...
Bring lots of water
Wear sunscreen

04-01-2005, 03:35 AM
"don't forgit to cup da balz!!!" :rofl: :dance:


04-01-2005, 05:29 PM
Cover the jewels, like said above. Also, when checking someone, make them spin all the way around, alotta people hide paint (I know these things from reffing).


04-01-2005, 05:55 PM
I'll post a pic of me reffing monday if this thread is still alive. I have the towel in one hand covering the jewels, and one on top of my mask cause my proto didnt come with a visor. It's pretty funny.

04-01-2005, 07:06 PM
that's a good deal

1. when doing a paint check, don't be afraid to get shot

2. don't stand around b.s.'ing with other refs

3. keep the games going, happy players are returning players

4. don't cuss

5. speak to every player as if they are the same person. i.e. talking down to noobs.

6. have fun

If you follow #5 and talk to every player as if they are noobs, you will definately have to be ready for #1 :shooting:

04-01-2005, 07:22 PM
Cover the jewels, like said above. Also, when checking someone, make them spin all the way around, alotta people hide paint (I know these things from reffing).


Good point - I have been known at tournaments to offer an arm for a paintcheck... and point to an area where "I felt impact" Course.. it might be the wrong arm, I don't know, I get confused ;) . His point is well taken, look for where you think the hit went - not what is offered to you

04-02-2005, 09:05 AM
1. Drink while on duty
2. Play strip poker in the back room while the game is going on
3. beat the living crap out of people you even suspect are cheating, well except people you know, they can cheat all day
4. make up rules on the fly, kick otherwise safe and good players off the field permanently for not having their shoes tied.
5. fart in the dead box.

04-02-2005, 07:58 PM
If you follow #5 and talk to every player as if they are noobs, you will definately have to be ready for #1 :shooting:

I think he meant, don't talk down to noobs

04-03-2005, 05:46 AM
Today reminded me that it helps to know all the rules and have a copy of them on paper handy.
I warned a player that inside of 20 feet he had to call surrenders because that is our fields rule. He gets 10 feet away, posts up, and shoots an 11 year old kid 4 times in the back. The kid collapsed crying and the player who shot him just walked off.
I made sure the kid was ok and got his parents. One of the other refs found the player and we went to the field owner. He showed the older kid the rule sheet he had signed and pointed out the rule about calling surrenders. We had him apologise and made him not play for two hours. A second offence means he will be banned from the field forever.
When in doubt get the owner and had him decide what to do.

04-03-2005, 11:23 AM
Have Fun, it's a pain in the neck some days, try and goof off a little between sets with your fellow refs, play a good round of paintball "tag" (tossing balls at eachother), but be ready to hit the field again when the set break is over.