View Full Version : Warp Feed sounds like a pain...

04-01-2005, 12:05 AM
I've been considering buying a warp feed for a while, but I haven't been too impressed by what I've seen. It sounds like it requires a lot of TLC to keep it working proper. I'd like to know all the potential cons, as well as the pros. Also, I could go for some pictures of your setups.

:dance: Thanks in advance :dance:

04-01-2005, 12:16 AM
never really liked mine, meh, it seems like a love/hate thing that you just have to try

04-01-2005, 12:24 AM
mine worked ok, I just dont use it anymore since you can't shoot left handed good with them.

04-01-2005, 12:37 AM
I never leave home (for the field anyway) without one. Actually two. :) Only time I don't play with a warp is when I decide to play with my pump Mag or when I'm gonna be truckin around all day during a scenario game.

I find it very weird to play without a warp. I'm so used to the wide open field of vision - no damn hopper in the way, plus it gives you a smaller profile too.

mine worked ok, I just dont use it anymore since you can't shoot left handed good with them.

Well...you don't shoot left handed with them (unless you're left handed of course). You just tilt the gun to the left and continue to fire with your right hand.

04-01-2005, 12:39 AM
When it worked I didn't know how I ever played without it; it was GREAT! Left hand shooting simply means tilting it on it's side. It'll feed a good 10-15 balls before you have to tilt it up again.

When it didn't work it wouldn't feed. If that happens you're screwed because there is no Warp Rip drive.

After it died the third time during a tournament game I took it off and have made do without it since. If you can't trust something you have to let it go. :(

04-01-2005, 12:45 AM
there fun i liked mine but i decided it did fit my style of play too well. it ws nice not to worry about gun angle and it always nice to show with I could walk my mag upside down for about 15 balls. but it is something you need to try to see if you like

04-01-2005, 01:02 AM
I love mine but I had the worst luck with Halos, they took more effort to keep running than my warp. Kept dying on me as soon as they yelled game on. But warps are kind of like coconut, you either love it or hate it. Just realize the first time out may be a bit rocky, you'll need to work out the kinks in the system first.

04-01-2005, 01:58 AM
mine worked ok, I just dont use it anymore since you can't shoot left handed good with them.
Obviously does not know how to use one.......

Evil Bob
04-01-2005, 06:23 AM
Obviously does not know how to use one.......

Or never actually owned one...

I've had a warp on my emag since they came out, I've never had a problem with it, ever. One of the secrets to success with the warp is to use quality paint. Never had to oil the discs for balls to slip, never had to clean paint out of it, never had a ball break in it.

If you shoot crappy paint, you're taking a risk, spend the extra few $'s and get the good stuff and you'll never have a problem.

-Evil Bob

04-01-2005, 11:22 AM
i love mine except when the batterys low and at long scenerios like aliens in the rockys...that thing gets crazy heavy but its good workout :dance:

04-01-2005, 11:22 AM
plus if any one shoot the warp tube it usually breaks the paint in the tube :dance:

04-01-2005, 12:09 PM
I am considering one of these as well, so that I wont need a halo, I can just keep my revvy :).. BUT, when you need to clean it do you just like, take it all apart or run a squeegee through or what?

04-01-2005, 12:42 PM
qloader seems like a better solution now.

04-01-2005, 12:46 PM
BUT, when you need to clean it do you just like, take it all aparent or run a squeegee through or what?

Never had to clean it. :D

trains are bad
04-01-2005, 01:10 PM
I've run them for years now. It's not been a problem, once you get it set up you are good to go. If you break paint in them they keep working fine. To clean them they are not hard to take apart when you get back home. The only time I've had trouble is when I DIDNT have them intellifeed. ALWAYS intellifeed them for best results.

I currently have one on my tourney gun and it keeps up fine. I had trouble last tournament we played it jammed up and I was angry, untill I discovered it was an egg-shaped paintball that would have jammed anything. Regardless, I will NEVER run a hopper.

oh yeah...and run rechargeable batteries. It's stupid not to. The amount of paintballers using disposable batteries amazes me.

bound for glory
04-01-2005, 01:42 PM
i have a warp on on my emag and i never had a problem with it. whoever said its a love or hate thing is right. i would'nt play without one.

04-01-2005, 02:22 PM
I had one on my xmag. used it for a while but it wasnt my style.
best thing you can do is try to borrow one or go to misc forum and try and find one for cheap.

04-01-2005, 02:34 PM
its one of thoughs things you have to get useto sure its gonna feel wierd when you fisrt start useing it but its awsome. I love mine and the only thing you have to worry about when you get it is breaking in the motor

Evil Bob
04-01-2005, 03:14 PM
I have to agree. When I first got mine, I wasn't entirely sure I was going to like it as it did add considerable weight to my setup and changed the point of balance, but I knew I wasn't going to have to switch hands anymore, so that point of balance was perfect right between my arms. The view is unmatched, not having to look through a feed neck or the mass of the loader really opens up the game for you, you will see movement that you didnt before because you had that mass moving around in front of you. Without it being there, you'll see alot more movement earlier.

-Evil Bob

trains are bad
04-01-2005, 03:41 PM
I know, it's funny, when people try to point out the disadvantages of the warp (and it does have disadvantages), they always say something like

"any hit that doesn't hit your hopper because you have a warp, is going to hit your mask anyway..."

Which is true, but that also means at the same time you didn't have a &%)$# hopper in your face the whole time! As if not having to clean your goggles is a fair tradeoff for having to peek around a huge hard plastic blimp. You're out either way, one way you can see.

04-01-2005, 03:57 PM
But they're forgetting that the Warp allows you to come out the top of your bunker without a large target giving you away before you even have a chance to shoot.

04-01-2005, 04:05 PM
Yeah, I think I'll go with the warp+body special on airgun's store. Thanks guys (even though this isn't my thread :tard:

04-01-2005, 11:45 PM
mines never had any probs. was questioning it but found out that i love the thing.

04-02-2005, 12:00 AM
Yeah, I think I'll go with the warp+body special on airgun's store. Thanks guys (even though this isn't my thread :tard:

yeah that deal is really really tempting...

04-02-2005, 12:04 AM
I've never had a problem looking around my hoppers. I do have a warp on a 98c with RT on it. There are plusses and minuses. It does add weight. It does put the gun off balance. And I find it awkward to get my left hand on the front grip of my gun. The good. Reliable force feed for the RT. Lowers the top profile of the gun. I'm still up in the air on weather I like it or not. I don't use the 98c that often. Only picked it up for a messing around gun. Or a loaner for others.

Evil Bob
04-02-2005, 10:56 AM
The awkwardness of putting your left hand on the front of your marker can be fixed by changing the mount of the warp so that it is not swept forward at a 45 degree angle. Mount it at 90 or towards the rear and it settles in between your arms quite naturally. In the dealers forum are some custom made mounting brackets for use with an MW quick disconnect that do this quite nicely.

-Evil Bob

04-03-2005, 07:34 PM
I've had mine for 2 years. It has the "big cell" mod and on/off switch with intellifeed. Works great. I played some airball with it yesteday and shot 2 guys from the left side of my bunker, by rotating my Minimag left. It was awesome. People look at me wierd because I tell them I don't need to switch hands.

04-03-2005, 07:50 PM
ya and its allways fun for people to dought you then when you play them all they see is your barrel on the side of the bunker and your laneing and killing

04-03-2005, 08:07 PM
I just took advantage of the mb+free warp deal , i can't wait to get it! it arrives tomorrow!

04-03-2005, 08:18 PM
I played with one for about a year before i decided to drop my warp. But now, i think i might go back to using one.

Creative Mayhem
04-03-2005, 09:29 PM
I've been considering buying a warp feed for a while, but I haven't been too impressed by what I've seen. It sounds like it requires a lot of TLC to keep it working proper. I'd like to know all the potential cons, as well as the pros. Also, I could go for some pictures of your setups.

:dance: Thanks in advance :dance:

TLC to keep it working proper?!?! I have never had to take mine apart other than for the Bigcell mod. I don't know where you got that idea, but they work fantastic with little to no maintenance.


- reduces profile, and allows for minimal exposure over top or around bunkers.

- no need to switch hands(for those unco-ordinated folks this is a plus) all you do is lean the setup on its side and fire.


- Weight and balance, can be somewhat cumbersome when running and can get heavy after a long day(Scenarios, etc)

04-03-2005, 09:38 PM
Mostly from the manual. AGD is brutally honest in the manuals, they tend to make their products sound crappy.

04-03-2005, 11:51 PM
i won a warp feed at AO norcal vs. socal on saturday night. i set it up today and played, and for some reason, it breaks balls in the breach. its never broken balls in the breach. same balls i used on saturday. so i got angry and frustrated, and took it off. but i couldn't take my valve out because i couldn't get my tank off because the regulator was separating from the tank when i tried to unscrew it. its my PMI air tank. the guage crapped out on friday, and now the reg is slipping.
anyway, i took my warp off. and put my hopper back on top, and it shot fine.

could the balls be breaking in the gun because i had 2 different kinds of balls going through it? i was useing GAP and x-ball bronze. they are two different sizes, so i hope its that, otherwise i will have to do some tinkering.

when it was going fine at first, i loved it. for some reason it made it easier to shoot.
then it broke a ball, and i couldn't turn the power feed plug because it would pinch a ball. and i didn't know what to do, then i got shot a few times.
i'm going to try just one kind of paint through it tomorrow to see if haveing 2 kinds of paint in it is the problem.

04-04-2005, 12:51 AM
I just took advantage of the mb+free warp deal , i can't wait to get it! it arrives tomorrow!

Awesome. Let us know how you like it. I would suggest that you install the on/off switch with "big cell mod".

More info on these mods at Havoc-Online.com (http://havoc-online.com/11575.html)

04-04-2005, 05:38 PM
What is this Big cell mod? I am interested...

04-04-2005, 07:34 PM
well my warp broke :(

the batt lid came off and they just dropd out and the wire came witht he batt

as ive said before the wriing harness sucks! :mad:

im going to redo it with a revvy style 12 vlt mod...when ig et time and $

til then its verticle :shooting:

04-04-2005, 09:12 PM
Click on the havoc online link in the post above yours, it's explained there. I did all the mods to my warp before I even took it out to play. Totally worth it. That damn battery cover doesn't stay on either, it's a terrible design flaw.

04-05-2005, 07:31 PM
That is a great site, thanks for jewie posting it :)

04-05-2005, 10:11 PM
Warps are a pain in the tush, but once set up, they work nice.

04-05-2005, 11:43 PM
Ive had mine on for years with no probs. I play scenarios exclusivly and I hate to play with out the warp. My marker is actually balanced perfectly with the warp on it, and if you cant carry 10lbs for 2 days, start developing some muscles! Besides, a heavier marker won't stray as much as a light one. And Trains are Bad is right: ALWAYS Intellefeed! It will save you alot of frustration with low batts and low recoil markers. I will nevr stop using my warp, untill something better comes out which is not probable.

04-06-2005, 04:18 AM
well my warp broke :(

the batt lid came off and they just dropd out and the wire came witht he batt

as ive said before the wriing harness sucks! :mad:

im going to redo it with a revvy style 12 vlt mod...when ig et time and $

til then its verticle :shooting:

Same thing happened to my Warp last year. The soldering isn't that strong and the wires ripped off of the board. I had AGD fix it for me. (for a fee)

I suggest that when you redo your wires, leave a lot of extra slack in the wires. Also tape the wires up to the side of the Warp shell so they don't pull of the board.

04-06-2005, 04:22 AM
Intellifeeding your Warp feed is the best way to run it. I've used to use the vibration sensor but it's not as good as intellifeed. It's better to have the Warp turn on each trigger pull, than it is for the vibration sensor to "feel" a shot then turn the Warp.

04-06-2005, 06:06 AM
to intellifeed an emag ujust have to plug in a wire to the board right

04-06-2005, 04:14 PM
Its not a pain, but than again i am a stupid :cuss: .

04-07-2005, 02:29 AM
to intellifeed an emag ujust have to plug in a wire to the board right


04-07-2005, 02:30 AM
i won a warp feed at AO norcal vs. socal on saturday night. i set it up today and played, and for some reason, it breaks balls in the breach. its never broken balls in the breach. same balls i used on saturday. so i got angry and frustrated, and took it off. but i couldn't take my valve out because i couldn't get my tank off because the regulator was separating from the tank when i tried to unscrew it. its my PMI air tank. the guage crapped out on friday, and now the reg is slipping.
anyway, i took my warp off. and put my hopper back on top, and it shot fine.

could the balls be breaking in the gun because i had 2 different kinds of balls going through it? i was useing GAP and x-ball bronze. they are two different sizes, so i hope its that, otherwise i will have to do some tinkering.

when it was going fine at first, i loved it. for some reason it made it easier to shoot.
then it broke a ball, and i couldn't turn the power feed plug because it would pinch a ball. and i didn't know what to do, then i got shot a few times.
i'm going to try just one kind of paint through it tomorrow to see if haveing 2 kinds of paint in it is the problem.

Are you using a plastic or old style wire nubbin? Also, do you have level 10? Was the paint fresh?

Recon by Fire
04-07-2005, 09:12 AM
Warps are awkward at first but after you are used to it, you don't ever want to not have one. I use a warp on my X-mag and have it intelliwired and added the big cell and on/off mods. I have never cleaned mine inside or done any maintenance to it since I bought it years ago. The only problems I ever had had with it was when I used cheap paint that pinched and jammed. And that was a grand total of three times.