View Full Version : Worst Hit Thread

04-01-2005, 03:30 AM
What was the worst hit you ever got in paintball. I read separate stories about it but I just wanted to make a thread to get them all together.

Mine: I got hit off and was walking off the field when a guy on my team saw me walking to him and thought I was going to bunker him. So he decided to light me since I was going to light him up too. Stupid me wearing only a t-shirt get shot up all over a bare arm. And I lose my grip of my gun and drop it and my arm starts to shake. It felt all numb, then it started to tinlge like it was asleep or something. My arm was fine, but it was one ugly thing to look at. I wore long sleeve shirts for almost 2 weeks.

Okay next....

04-01-2005, 03:33 AM
Guts. I got gutshot in every game in just about the same spot the entire day. Can you say meat tenderizer ?

04-01-2005, 03:33 AM
Sorry to start off your post with a disappointment.... but I've actually never been hit in "CRUCIAL" areas...

Though I would have to say the worst spots would include getting shot dead center in the front of your neck - adams apple, or ur balz... hah


04-01-2005, 03:49 AM
i got shot in my left nut as i came around to bunkers someone (so, point blank), layed there for probably 10 min, still seem to work fine, but, man o man did that ever hurt.

04-01-2005, 06:05 AM
I got hit with several bouncers UNDER the mask on my bottom lip....

that was very painful and looked like I had been smacked in the mouth my mike tyson :D

took 3 weeks for the bruising to clear up...

drinking @ the pub afterwards was interesting too :cry:

04-01-2005, 07:55 AM
Shot to my trigger fingernail from 3 feet away. Cracked the nail along the cuticle, which then promptly turned purple and fell off. Ouch.

04-01-2005, 08:39 AM
Got shot from above and behind it snuck in between the mask and my head and broke behind my ear. It wasn't the most painful shoot I've taken but it scared the bejesus out of me.

04-01-2005, 09:23 AM
Point blank into the rubber part of my Flex7, cut my mouth up, and gave me a fat lip. Spitting blood the rest of the day.

04-01-2005, 09:40 AM
Sorry to start off your post with a disappointment.... but I've actually never been hit in "CRUCIAL" areas...

Though I would have to say the worst spots would include getting shot dead center in the front of your neck - adams apple, or ur balz... hah


Been shot in the throat with the kid about 5 ft away.
It ain't that bad
I've always had an issue with being nailed in the knuckles and unfortunately it only happens when I forget the gloves.

04-01-2005, 09:44 AM
speaking of throat hits:


Some kid in a sniper outfit with a tippmann thought it would be fun to hide out of bounds and pick guys off. Don't know why he aimed for my neck when I was like 10 feet away from him. I chewed him out and then went to find a napkin to stop the bleeding. :tard:

04-01-2005, 09:47 AM
Left side of my neck right under my jaw, little kid was playing and he was on our team I ran up and slid into the bunker with him, I guess I freaked him out cause he rolled over and shot me from perhpas 4 inch right in my throat. Hurt like all get out, and it was really hard trying to tell my wife I got shot in the neck when I was "at" work on that Saturday LOL

It broke the skin almost like tearing a half circle open when I got home it was about half the size of a ping pong ball

04-01-2005, 10:21 AM
point blank, back of the neck. I was playing woods just to kill time and my friends and I decided to walk the tape for the fun of it. I leaned out to see down the tape and some new player behind me(who was on my team) shot me point blank in the neck. I still have the scar

04-01-2005, 10:31 AM
getting bunkered in the neck is quite painfull

04-01-2005, 10:41 AM
Five shots to the top of my head while trying to stay low and run(back when i was a newb). The guy was using winter painballs at an indoor field. Felt like 200mph rocks bouncing off my head. He did apologize for using the winter paint but i still had 5 big lumps on my head for about a week. :p

04-01-2005, 10:54 AM
the captian of my team actually ran around to bunker some one behind me and ran right in to me then proceeded to shoot up my back....brusin my ribs badley and i still have the scar from about 18 months ago......luckily it was just practice.....thanx bryce :dance:

04-01-2005, 10:57 AM
no wait....i gotta a better one...i brought this random newb with a rental tippy who thought it would be funny to shoot me in the face from about 6 feet away and i wasnt warin a mask so i endid up not bein that kids friend and proceeded to punch him for like a minute strait :dance:

04-01-2005, 11:02 AM
no wait... an even better one....the proshop i work for setup a scenerio wich realy sucked to setup cuz it was inthe dessert and we had no tools....any ways at part of the game the generals of both teams desided to send all their people after our black ops team( me,12 years old,37 year old) wasnt preety....85 people on us 3, we lasted about 9 minutes...we had to make to ten for some reason any ways....it was pure madness and we were all brused purple and painted pink.....good times :dance: cant wait for next year

04-01-2005, 12:15 PM
I have yet to be bagged by a paintball, but I imagine that is the worst.
But the worst hit(s) I have had were : Inbetween neck and adams apple, it felt like it shifted in my throat (10 feet away).
2) For some reason on my lower back, I get shot and the sting just didn't go away for the rest of the game.
3.) playing with a newb, and he shot me(:() but after that I raised me gun to walk off and the little :cuss: shot my pinky twice, and it bled, and felt pretty bad..

04-01-2005, 12:18 PM
This is gotta be the worst. We were at the break playing a ghetto speedball game [wooden bunkers in a teammates back yard] I go in for a slide on a bunker and hit it down on accident.
I jump up and turn around to slide into another one. And I got hit in the back same spot like 3-5 times. Hurt like hell...but it went away 10 minutes later.

Also getting shot inbetween the fingers from 10 feet away hurts really really bad.

04-01-2005, 12:32 PM
shot in the same nut in back to back weekends. that was not cool. always play with a cup now.

04-01-2005, 01:11 PM
Worst hit I've ever taken is the base of the spine, just directly above the belt line. This shot is virtually impossible to take now with modern oversized harnesses and fanny packs, but anyone who has played a good deal of stock class knows exactly what I mean.

When a paintball hits that meaty area in your lower back, you can't do anything ... you drop your marker and fall to your knees with arms outstretched like Willem Dafoe in Platoon. It's a complete nervous system shutdown that paralyzes you for a moment.

Close second occured last time I played. I was moving up to a bunker, not aware that someone was camping on the other side. I was shot near point blank on the middle knuckle of my tigger finger. I couldn't write, play an instrument ... nothing for almost two weeks.

04-01-2005, 01:14 PM
On top of the head from about 2 feet. I still hate that guy.

04-01-2005, 04:32 PM
i was at a scenario and ran out of paint, so i walked off the field, and there was this guy behind a pile of wood next to the entrance, who popped up and shot me 5 times directly to the neck from 10 feet away.

then theres also the welt i still have on my head from a month or two ago when i was out of paint (i emptied a FULL HOPPER on this guy who kept wiping... i hit him at LEAST a dozen times :mad: ) and right when i ran out his teammate bunkered me. but i dont mind too much, i got a free profiler after my parents found out i still have a huge bump on my head after over a month. :D

and then theres the time both of my index fingers were dripping blood after the first few games... frozen paintballs are bad.


04-01-2005, 04:39 PM
Reloading a pod behind a bunker, and got bunkered right in the neck. Left a welt for about a freakin month, and it hurt like ****

04-01-2005, 04:43 PM
never really had a one that really broke skin or atleast none that hurt more than another but i've had a few that have made me jump 1 in the nipple when i was out looking on from the side lines and one bounce off the nads :wow:

04-01-2005, 04:44 PM
i got shot in my left nut as i came around to bunkers someone (so, point blank), layed there for probably 10 min, still seem to work fine, but, man o man did that ever hurt.

how do you know which is which? :rolleyes:

about 4 years ago, i brought my friends for the first time. apparently they can get scared a little easily... i sat and whatched everyone take out each other with glee, sitting a few feet from the snake. there was one more guy left on the other team, and i was the last one on my team. i come up behind my friend. and tap him with my barrel. he jumps, shooting me in the thigh within a foot away. a little blood and pus ensued :rolleyes:

i got my revenge though :clap: he said hes gonna blame me if he never has children

on another side, about a year ago, i was playing a game where i saw my friend on the side. i immediatly took cover when i saw his profile. then popped up shooting.

turns out he was just talking to a ref, right next to him. the ref took 3-4 to the chest and lower :eek: he rolled around a bit :rofl: actually, a walk on was blamed (who happend to have shot me in the back while on the same team) and he was "mysteriously" shot in the back of the leg by some ghostly ref. :D

karma :D

04-01-2005, 04:49 PM
I just hate getting hit in the butt.

04-01-2005, 04:56 PM
i got blasted in the jewels at a tourny once ( magman , gitarroman from AO where both on the team ). so i bunker this fool and he spins on me and blasts me right on the tender spot ... i yelled and fell down... the refs took me of the feild , and i couldnt play for the rest of the tourny.

other then that finger shoots hurt alot ( i wear gloves with the trigger fingers cut out).
i my had is currently still healing from one

04-01-2005, 05:07 PM
Tourney, at the 50. I'm reloading. Crazy a$$ on the other team tries a run-thru. Hits me anywhere from 7-18 times (Damn rampers)... Then, my backman showed him what I felt like (Damn bouncers).

Also, I was playing 10-man sppedball (A rec game, though)., and a 10 year old shot all the way across the field (Back right to our back left) and shot my backman's left manlyness... The was down and out for the day. After about 15 minutes of screaming, he got an ice pack.

And, in my first tourney, I shot my own teammate in the ear (Behind the mask). See, I normally don't shoot off the break, but this time, the team thought I should.. 3...2...1..GO! GO! GO!!! I run left and rip a stream. He decides he wants to run left, too. I shoot him 2 times in the ear and once in the head (He was supposed to take the right 40...).


"the FitZ"
04-01-2005, 05:24 PM
okay I got 2 that I can think of right now.

A long time ago (about 5 years) we were playin some woods ball and this kid had to chrono his new mag. Well we didn't have a chrono but you could tell by shooting at this tree line about 50 yds away. It is SUPPOSED to fall just short of the treeline, but he had it where you couldn't even see the ball when it whizzed way past the trees. So we're playin and he shoots my friends dad right in the neck. It left a scar for at least a year. I haven't seen him in a long time but I'm sure it's still there.

#2 was about 6 months ago when I shot my friend in the balzack. Before we started he was like "nobody's gonna be able to hit me throught this hole!" Yea right. I caught him laying down in the snake. Haha

Slimm Jimm
04-01-2005, 05:25 PM
got a couple one about me and one about a friend

mine: i was running to the snake off the break and every gun on the other team managed to put at least a few balls in a 3 inch circle centered on my crotch

friends: he bunkered a guy and got shot in the nut in process. another guy and i ran him to the hospital and he started to go into shock just after we arrived.

04-01-2005, 05:35 PM
Was playing pump, i thought it was realy to go but it was not, so i was bunkered and shot.

Had that for a few months

04-01-2005, 06:53 PM
Cold day, shooting REALLY hard paint (might have been Nelson, and we were playing with Splatmasters :) ).

While exchanging close fire from behind a tree with someone in a bunker, the guy in the bunker gets ne right between the eyes just above the whipper snappers.

Couldn't stand, couldn't speak. Went out cold for a bit and had to be carried off field.

Had a GIANT welt center of my brow line for a LONG time.

04-01-2005, 07:39 PM
I'v had really only two that were decently hurtful.

1) About 6 months ago I tried to bunker this guy with my rental tippy(my COCKEr wasnt working...it was the funniest thing, I had a evo 2 on a stock tippy lol). We were 10 feet apart, TOPS, and my gun decided to be un accurate and miss, while he went around the bunker, I went around my bunker, and I shot some more, and he decided to shoot a few, and they all hit me...one hit me inbetween my pinky and the ring finger....wow was it bleeding.

2) At AO WI I was getting hit in the head alot in the streets.

04-01-2005, 07:42 PM
shot in the tricep area, stung for 2 hours after<<<<longest pain.

crouching behind a bush in woods ball and took a bouncer to the nuts, both of them lol<<<worst pain ever.

04-01-2005, 07:56 PM
Many, Many moons ago, back when masks only covered the eyes and mouth, I was shot twice....not once...TWICE inside my left ear. Inside that is....two shots, one right after the other. I fell over into a rather large patch of blackberry bushes with some incredibly large thorns. Didn't feel the thorns, though it took my friends a few minutes to untangle me. Stood up and almost passed out. Totally screwed up my equalibrium and DANG did that hurt.

Did you know it's very hard to dig paint shell outta your ear channal?
oh, and don't fall in thorns. I looked like I had got in a fight with a bucket of razor blades :p

04-01-2005, 08:08 PM
I got shot in the *** point blank by a girl up at Skirmish. No bleeding, but it hurt when I sat down. It was all good though b/c I roughed her up in the next game. Payback's a b****, ain't it. :shooting:

04-01-2005, 08:27 PM
Woodsball. Running through some low tree limbs I didn't duck low enough, and hit my head...hard. Stood up, continued to play. Once off the field I took my mask off and noticed the inside my lens was full of red paint. Thought that was odd since no one used red paint...and realized I was bleeding. I had a nice gash in my head, and it bled pretty good, but it wasn't worth the $850 ER visit to get a couple of stitches, so I cleaned it up, got the bleeding to stop, and went out on the next available game.

As luck would have it, I got nailed right in the exact spot where the cut was, at a distance of about 20'. Now THAT hurt! It started bleeding again, and I had to clean paint and shell out of the wound. Still have a nice scar to show for it.

04-01-2005, 10:43 PM
well, this happened a couple weeks ago. I was getting used to my renegade knee/shin pads that I started wearing under my cammies. My right pant-leg had a rip in it, and I slid ard into a bunker (AZ dirt and rocks), and the knee portion of my pads caught through the rip in the pants and folded back. So I took a crazy slide entirely on my right knee. I probably should have gotten stitches for this thing, but there wasnt anything left to stitch too.

Heres my runner up.... nuff said:


Mike Smith
04-02-2005, 08:41 AM
Ummm.. Neck injuries goes to Mia Cary at Twin Towers event in 2003.


04-02-2005, 10:03 AM
First time I ever got shot. I had just got my first gun, my p/c. I had some friends over so we decided to test it out. We decided to take turns with one shot at each other. At first it hit him in the shoe and he barely felt anything. Then he shot and missed and I did the same. Then he said,"if I take my glasses off will you let me take 2 shots. I said sure, thinking that he wouldn't hit me and, even if he did it wouldn't hurt because it was from 50' away. The first shot wizzed by about 3' away and hit the fence I was standing next to. Next shot somehow hit me dead in the gut and it hurt like a mother. I was only wearing a thin sweatshirt so there was no protection. I went inside to look at the bruise and my stomach was totaly black and blue with a red ring where the ball hit. I still have a faint scar.

04-02-2005, 01:33 PM
years ago I got bunkered and shot in the back of the neck and when I turned around to shoot back I caught 2 in the throat.

04-02-2005, 02:45 PM
I saw a punter today @ the site...

he was covered in welts - I mean a good 40-50... god knows what he was wearing when he was playing - but I think it was a thin t-shirt and the extra thin site tiger stripe suits!

he looks like he'll be very sore in the morning ;)

I wish I had a camera with me, cos it was definately worthy of a photo!

04-02-2005, 05:25 PM
the first time i played was at some open field in my neighborhood with a compact delux spyder. My friends all thought it would be hilarious if they shot me as fast as they could when i was not paying attention. 6 shots to the back of the head and a good 60 to my legs later... i could not feel anything anymore.

04-03-2005, 02:14 AM
Getting pushed and shot like 10 times in the back. Oh the memories of my first Wold Cup.

04-03-2005, 03:05 AM
The worst would have to be the time I got shot from about point blank by some clueless 10 year old at woodsball who was on my team. Right in the front-right of my neck under the chin, where it swells and hurts a ton.

04-03-2005, 06:53 PM
the first time i played was at some open field in my neighborhood with a compact delux spyder. My friends all thought it would be hilarious if they shot me as fast as they could when i was not paying attention. 6 shots to the back of the head and a good 60 to my legs later... i could not feel anything anymore.

Dang and they are your friends. :rofl:

04-03-2005, 07:28 PM
speaking of throat hits:


Some kid in a sniper outfit with a tippmann thought it would be fun to hide out of bounds and pick guys off. Don't know why he aimed for my neck when I was like 10 feet away from him. I chewed him out and then went to find a napkin to stop the bleeding. :tard:

If you don't wear one of these, you can't complain. Gotta be smart.


04-03-2005, 08:57 PM
I've always worn protection for the family jewels, and have taken some shots in the crotch running at someone to bunker them, but the worst I ever got it was when I was squating, leaning around a bunker. A guy had gotten around me, so not only did I get shot in the small of the back, but one hit me in the potatos from the back. I wish I could have died right then.

04-04-2005, 01:02 AM
I have always worn one, beginning from my first ever paintball game 5 years ago.

04-04-2005, 01:35 AM
The day before my birthday i got a nice stream of hits starting at my left breast going to my right buttox. Not sure which of the 4 hurt the worst. I just wanted the one who gave me welts to sign them (he had pretty eyes).. The welt on my breast is still there umm 3 weeks later, a nice little reminder of the hottie.

That however is nothing like a hit that I saw when I took my girl child to see a retnia specialist. A boy probley around 12 came in and was shot in the eye, it was swollen up bigger than the size of a fist. Turns out he was playing in the back yard with some friends. No one was wearing masks. Shot with a Pirahna from about 10 feet away. Felt bad for the kid, but was the perfect timing being that my son was just starting to learn the rules of PB and was questioning the "saftey first". After seeing that I doubt either one of us will ever go without a mask even for a second.

ps: I still have a scar that oddly resembles a maple leaf on my leg from IAO last year. I guess mayhem had to prove his superiority to poor chick on the feild who's marker stopped working midgame and was simply waiting for time to run out.

04-04-2005, 10:22 AM
a preety weird one was a barrel tag to the head behind my ear, but he punched the gun at me :dance:

04-04-2005, 10:23 AM
The day before my birthday i got a nice stream of hits starting at my left breast going to my right buttox. Not sure which of the 4 hurt the worst. I just wanted the one who gave me welts to sign them (he had pretty eyes).. The welt on my breast is still there umm 3 weeks later, a nice little reminder of the hottie.

This post is worthless without pictures?

04-04-2005, 10:48 AM
The day before my birthday i got a nice stream of hits starting at my left breast going to my right buttox.


I'm sure you'd have had those welts signed if you had only asked. :rofl:

04-04-2005, 01:28 PM
marker stopped working midgame and was simply waiting for time to run out.

What kind of marker? What was wrong?

04-04-2005, 10:43 PM
What kind of marker? What was wrong?

Palmers, It was Muz's old gun... I can't remember if it was outta air or needed lubed (or is it called oiled). I just remember Glenn Palmer comeing back saying it was fine except for being dry as a bone. Which would that reffer to?

I do have pics of the "maple leaf" on my leg, would never give out others. :clap:

04-04-2005, 10:48 PM
Thats funny I always considered it kind of an unspoken rule to take it easy on chicks. Like pack shots and shoe shots you know. But it never fails to amuse me to see one get lit up. Nice work.

04-05-2005, 09:49 AM
I was on my stomach in a snake in sup air, and unknown to me my entire team folded and the other team was behind me within 1 minute. I was going 1 on 4 and at the same time i was about to be bunckered form in front by two guys i was also being bunkers from behind i took about 12 shots but i only remember one. The one that hit me in a left nut and no it didnt stop. It continuted to run along my entire....well yes i believe you know. I just layed there, later to find out i had a sports striped D***!!!! OUCH, I dont think you want any pics posted of this one LOL. Ohh and did i mention the ball never broke. Ohh man...

04-05-2005, 10:04 AM
No joke, Hit dead center of my *** crack point blank by own team. He reacted to an ambush by pulling the trigger, with the barrel pointed right at my buttocks. Ball didn't break but without hesitation called myself out. Found a private little area and checked it out. 2 half moons on each cheek ofcourse broke the skin. That sucked, never forgave him either. until I got him back. ***AND NO DON"T ASK FOR PICS*** :D

04-05-2005, 11:51 AM
I can’t even begin to count!!! :tard: The one that did the most damage was one right above my knee. Point blanked by a punk with a bad attitude while being a ref. Shot me on the break. Still have broken blood vessels after 8 years. He gave on to my brother also they match. The kid’s team was disqualified after we caught them attempting to do it to yet another field ref in a third game. My brother has one of the most heinous that I have ever had the displeasure to see ( he’s not shy at all). He got hit on the tip of his fella :dance: & I’m talking a red bleeder of a welt. That was a bad tournament for him, snapped his leg later that day making a bunker move.

04-05-2005, 11:56 AM
Ok I was a newbie at the time, I asked a team mate to lay down paint so I could make a move.He was shooting his supped up timmy and I dove right in front of his line of fire and took 3 in the neck and one on the soft spot under the chin.Hurt bad...it was from like 2 feet away.

04-05-2005, 12:32 PM
I took a hit from about 20 feet away right on the inside of my bicep on my left arm, how this kid managed the shot and whether he was using frozen balls I dont know but I swear I had NO welt but a bruise that was the size of a dollor bill that changed color throughout the week, first day or two it was yellow and purple, then it turned purple and red, then it got green and brown, I wish I had taken a picture of it, it was the strangest thing I have ever seen, must have just broken some blood vessles or something

04-05-2005, 02:44 PM
A long time ago (back when the Sheridan PGP was king) I got one right behind the left ear on that boney part of the ckull back there. It hurt some but worse was that I heared bacon sizzling for the next week. Must have nailed a nerve some how.

04-05-2005, 03:38 PM
one of my first games with a friend. he played by stupid rules that i didnt know about. "when you run out of balls you have to run" and he played with his m98 at full velocity cause he thought it was cool to hurt people. well i ran outta balls and yelled it too, i got out of the bunker. stood up and got nailed in the thigh 2 in the same spot. at full velocity and from about 25 feeet away. hurt alot. left a black mrak as big a as baseball and it left a mark for about a year. im not friends with that kid anymore, just a butt head IMO.

04-06-2005, 10:59 AM
A while back in like october....a girl i know went paintballin with us and took a couple random hits on her legs and body, but the thing is shes huge....im talking 4'10" and 245 pounds...so the welts rippled outward to about the size of you palm.....she never went again :dance:

04-06-2005, 11:11 AM
My brother was worried that the chest protector I bought him wouldn't work (he was 9 at the time so be nice). So I strapped it onto my left arm and shot myself three times. He saw the big bumps (no blood welts, just raised skin) and decided it wasn't working... So I put the barrel up against my arm shot myself 3 times in the right arm and still have scars... Point Blank self inflicted wounds are some of the worse I gotta tell ya. (I am not complaining for anyone who thinks I am.)

04-06-2005, 12:15 PM
i knew i should have taken a pic of when i got shot in the lip. i went to bunker a kid and we both shot at the same time from about 3 feet away. i shot him in the chest and he got me in the lower lip. my lip was covered in blood and i got a huge scab that was about 1 inch wide on my lip and covered it from the bottom to the inside of my lip. it hurt soooo bad. i could not open my mouth that wide b/c it would rip the scab, that lasted for about 3 weeks. it looked really nasty and hurt even more. i had the scab on my lip for more then one month. thats my worst ever and i hope it never happens again.

GA Devil
04-06-2005, 12:23 PM
Shot to the head..and not the 1 u should be thinking with. ;)

was playing a scrimage with my 2 teams last year and my wife played for the other squad. She had been joking all day she was gonna shoot me in the "no no place". Well during the scrimage it was me and another guy against her in a 2 on 1. I was on the 50 tape she was on her 30. I snap shot at her and looked like made her switch sides of the rollo she was in to go after the other guy. SO I saw oportunity and went for the run thru. She had just went back and posted knowing i was coming for her. When i went she started her rope. From about 10 feet away the first 1 hit me square in the head ( again not the 1 with brains) then the zipper started from there and went up. I took 1 step thinking i could walk it off and calapsed. What I had I called "turtle heading" im sure you can understand what it was :eek:

this thread brought back some very painful memories. :mad:

shank the wiggles
10-10-2005, 06:48 PM

http://www.thempn.com/teams/splat/pics/welts.jpg :shooting: :shooting:

10-10-2005, 11:35 PM

I decided the one place the person in the top floor of the tower couldn't hit me was directly underneath him. Well, my physics were correct...but my engineering was a bit off as I quickly realized the floor had slots in it big enough for his shocker barrel. Took 3 solid hits to the back (See attached) from about 4-5ft away and as I exited the building took a few bonus shots in the REAR from a guy on the opposite side of the field.


As I was changing out of my shirt in the parking lot, a guy drove by and rolled his window down yelling, "Oh my God! Are you okay!? That looks like it hurt!" Yeah, no poop.

Ironically, I took a shot to the finger that left a little bruise...hurt more than any of those shots in the picture.

But the most painful...well, I had a guy fly around the corner of a building and lay about 6 rounds into my leg. One of them broke the skin worse than any of the 3 in the picture....from about 3-4ft away.

10-11-2005, 02:36 AM
inches from an intimate spot
my grilfriends first day, first game, first five minutes.
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/31000/negraspaintspot.jpg" title="Hosted Free at Jayloo.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/31000/negraspaintspot_rs.jpg" border="0"></a>
the white part is quarter size

10-11-2005, 10:42 AM
I knew a thread like this would crop up again :D
Not me, but I took the picture, all from reffing and none from hot guns...I was on the chrono for the field she was reffing.

http://www.eclipsewatches.com/12264/cougars/web images/020s1.jpg

10-11-2005, 10:50 AM
i got hit by a noob who had his "awesome" spyder compact turned up to 327 fps right under the armabout six inches under my armpit in the tender spot right over the ribs......needless to say i still have a crecsent-moon scar underneath their. i took his gun right away after he shot me and i took it to get it cronoed. man i was pissed. :mad:

10-11-2005, 10:47 PM
I knew a thread like this would crop up again :D
Not me, but I took the picture, all from reffing and none from hot guns...I was on the chrono for the field she was reffing.

http://www.eclipsewatches.com/12264/cougars/web images/020s1.jpg

...do you sleep with all of the refs you work with, or only out of sympathy when they get lit up? I can't believe the "MarkM Human Band-Aid" line actually worked. :rolleyes:

What size paintballs were they using on that field...one looks like she got hit by a cannonball. There goes "sundress season" for her...yikes. :shooting: :shooting:

10-12-2005, 05:37 AM
She was in my room when the pic was taken but only visiting, she is a friend nothing more and at the time both a paintball site owner and paint distributer. The result seen was purely people blind firing or balls bouncing off the barricades. She said that she had never bruised up like that before even when hit in similar places before. There were other hits as bad in places you don't take pictures of, but that I had to take her word since she was a friend.
Since then she has left paintball although she is still registered here on AO.

10-12-2005, 07:34 PM
shot in the tip of my d*ck. pissed blood for the rest of the day.

10-12-2005, 07:46 PM
shot in the tip of my d*ck. pissed blood for the rest of the day.

That's a gross visual.

My friend was playing night paintball...got shot there...instictively covered it with his hand...got hit on the back of the hand...pulled his hand away instintively...got shot there again. He really needs to invest in a cup.

Creative Mayhem
10-12-2005, 08:41 PM
shot in the tip of my d*ck. pissed blood for the rest of the day.

Been there, done that... minus the blood. I guess us Canucks have tougher skin :p

I actually have 3 bad hits...

1) Tip of the D*ck

2) funny bone, killed all feeling in my hand for a day and made me drop my VM68 and snap the barrel off

3) adams apple, hurt like hell and had trouble swallowing for a little while.

10-12-2005, 09:23 PM
the worst hit i ve ever had never actually touched me .... it got the hornets nest above and i got the bejesus stung out of me. the worst i've ever hit anyone was playing rec ball and i shot a friend who was trying to climb over a log ... it hit him square in the anus he literially got a a paintball enema. He told me it burned all day long and that he had neon green poop later that day (remember that old gator black paint RP scherer used to make , black shell green fill?)

10-13-2005, 11:38 PM
the worst hit i ve ever had never actually touched me .... it got the hornets nest above and i got the bejesus stung out of me. the worst i've ever hit anyone was playing rec ball and i shot a friend who was trying to climb over a log ... it hit him square in the anus he literially got a a paintball enema. He told me it burned all day long and that he had neon green poop later that day (remember that old gator black paint RP scherer used to make , black shell green fill?)

You and your friend need to stop playing in the nude...that's gross...unless she's hot...but don't shoot her in the butt man...shoot yourself and tell her she got ya...then just go chill out all naked in the van...unless your friend is not a hot chick...in which case back to my original position of, stop playing paintball in the nude. :eek: :eek:

10-13-2005, 11:48 PM
shot in the tip of my d*ck. pissed blood for the rest of the day.

Accidentally did that to one of my friends. Was his fault for not knowing where i was and running so high when i was shooting low.

As for my worst hit i'd say in the top of the head in the snake, guy came out of nowhere and gave me one on the head one on the shoulder and one further down my back. I think he popped over a brick is what happened but i still never figured it out, head was hurting too much to do so.

10-14-2005, 02:46 PM
You and your friend need to stop playing in the nude...that's gross...unless she's hot...but don't shoot her in the butt man...shoot yourself and tell her she got ya...then just go chill out all naked in the van...unless your friend is not a hot chick...in which case back to my original position of, stop playing paintball in the nude. :eek: :eek:
key word:


10-14-2005, 03:48 PM
This my back at biggame in racine wisconsin. Thats mr tom kaye pointing at my back.
Thats me after springing out and owning 5 fools, who at the time were yelling "Were white, where on your team!" as I hid my blue armband :)

http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/278/jebsback6nm.th.jpg (http://img66.imageshack.us/my.php?image=jebsback6nm.jpg)
There was a nice picture from the side showing how raised the bumps were. It was pretty sick.

10-14-2005, 08:48 PM
One of the first times I played with my own gun It was in a speed ball field we set up behind a friend of mines house, anyways we played 365 days a year so it was a nice freezing december day and I was tromping threw the snow to bunker a kid and I got three spats of liquide CO2 wonder one on my lower arm and two on my stomach I still have the scars on my stomach like 7 years later

50 cal
10-15-2005, 11:43 AM
Got shot pointblank by a team mate while still in the starting station. He had an SMG-60 and I took 10 to the back from about 3 ft at 340 fps.

SMG-60's weren't around much longer after that.

10-16-2005, 12:43 AM
Circa 1992, ambushed at point blank range. Shot three times on the left side of my face while wearing an oldschool "half mask". Bought a full mask the very next day. :)

10-17-2005, 09:51 PM
I've never had a really bad hit, worst I've had is two shots point blank on the inner thigh. One began bleeding very badly and 3 or 4 years later i still have a cool looking circular scar. It was dangerously close to being much, much, much worse.