View Full Version : war stories

11-20-2001, 08:11 PM
post your war stories here....i'll post mine a lil later when i got some more time



11-20-2001, 08:28 PM
well look at this i got time now :D

my story takes place about 6 months ago...

a nice warm day of bum kicking..and shooting friends...
so we split all 12 of us into teams of 6...my team as the "garage side" b/c there is a garage there....so my team sets up our plan of....me taking left flank...2 in the middle one to the right and the other to play kinda every part...

so the whistle blows..i take off...well as fast as my legs can carry my fat self...so i reach my side...i notice someone sitting in my path...so i take on shot...it slowlys drops behind this low bunker..and hits him on the calf...he's out...with in like 30 secs..and the first shot fired...so i run across into some actual cover..and sit for a lil bit...i see and hear nothing up the trail..i slowly creep up on my way...i make it to the thorns...i crawl and get to this like low and dense covers bushy area..and notice 2 of them walking back and forth...so i just want to get them down on the ground and than come up behind them.....so i fire maybe 20 shots..they scream duck..and i disapear shortly after...so i'm walking the woods trying to spot the team...i walk all the way around...and see that the sides of the field have switched....(no flag..just elim.)...so i'm now on the hill side..and they have the garage side...my team has them surrounded in a trail and some pushes...we send cocker-boy around behind...me head on...and the others just spread out....we exchange fire for like 20 mins....i'm just standing in the middle of the field...i notice 3 of the other teams players walk away green...so i'm thinking i need another kill...so i say to my team mate to the right" i'm going for it" he sez...i'll cover ya...he starts firing at this one person....so i run down a small hill...behind a small tree...and come up over the kid and tell him to surrender...he sez "out out" he walks off...i hear paint fly past my head..i duck ...and aim my gun in his direction...and don't even fire a single shot..and he surrenders....

this is just one of my stories where my team one...i'll give a good one of where my team lost b/c of eliminations of key positions...but we did good


11-21-2001, 12:25 AM
I got alot, my team was on the side of a hill behind a few rocks and my friend screams AHH so we all duck, turns out a bee flew up into his mask and stung him in the nose, it was hilarious. Another time the same guy, is running downhill(he was a big boy, like 300 lbs) and slips, he rolled about 30 ft down a hill, like a giant donut it was hilarious. Same guy again on another day, im behind a tree snapping on the right, it was a huge tree, hes about 20 ft in front of me, his team mate starts firing at me so i concentrate on him and then the kid, runs up on the side of the tree i wasnt shooting from, and tries to call me out, i didnt hear him so he shot me from 5 ft away in the back, it hurt, then he slipped and landed stomach first on a rock....

Yet another time me and my brother set up a paintball field in our backyard and when it was all said and done, my brother had lost so he got mad and shot a paintball into one of the boogie board we were using to help make bunkers, the ball bounces off the board hitting him in the stomach knocking the wind out of him...that was one of the funniest things i have ever seen.

11-21-2001, 10:06 AM
This past summer i was down in Maryland at a field with my brother. We were playing rec ball and a couple tourney players joined us. The day was going fine until speedball came around. I noticed one person who really had no clue what he was doing. The speedball game started and I ran to a bunker in the back left. So did the guy who had no clue what he was doing. I guess he had a rented a autococker and compressed air. Hes blazin away on his cocker and im blazin away on my mag. Next thing out of the corner of my eye i see the ref jump back splattered with paint and in pain. The guy next to me turns to me and goes i got the ref i got the ref all happy. I was like whatever and tried explaining we needed to get the other team no the refs. So eventually i was shot and he was shot 2 and we were both out, the ref walks up to him lifts uh his shirt to expose a welt the size of a orange purple in colr. He looks at the guy and says we need to check your velocity. It gets better though.... We walked off the speedball fields and prepared to go play in the woods. The judge stopped the group for a couple minutes for a rest. The guy i was talkin about before comes walkin up to the ref and goes my guns broken this bottle came off. He had the cocker in one hand and the bottle in the other. The ref looks at him puzzled takes the gun and bottle and looks at them. Then he takes the bottle screws it back into the gun and says all fixed. Next game in the woods my team dominated the field we moved from bunker to bunker pushing up until we thought we had killed everyone and we were about to run up and get the flag. I stopped to reload, everyone was standing up getting ready to walk up and take the flag. Next i hear runnin on the only dirt trail on the field it led down into a 5 foot ditch. This guy I was talkin bout earlier comes runnin out of the woods his gun pointing to the sky blazing. It took us by suprise. Everyone just started unloading on him, (I couldn't cuz i was still reloading) Next thing you see is his body jerk every witch way and he just like falls straight into the ditch. My whole team stopped and went running up to see if he was ok. He got up and walked off like nothing ever happend. It was a funny day i will alwayz remember.

11-21-2001, 03:08 PM
Here's one when I was playing 'renegade:'

It was a 4 on 5. We were playing at this farm with a nice little gravel road right down the middle, some asstd. shacks on both sides, and then some bushes past them. In the past 2 games, the other team ALL ran to the bushes and immediatly started 'sniping' us. So Brad (tooslow) turns to me and asks "Rush?," I nod. The whistle blows and, like before, all but one of them rushes for the bushes. So all 4 of us boot it down the road, paint flying. I reach the bunker containing their flag, shoot the 'guard' about 10 times from 20 feet. He walks off, crying :D (wuss). So I go the rest of the way, pull the flag, and win the game! The other guys don't even get off one round as they sit in the bush all confused. We won 5-0 that day! He hasn't since invited us back to play.

11-21-2001, 04:46 PM
these are some good ones...

this one is where my team lost, ok my field doesn't have boundries we set them before hand, we play edge of this huge field and a trail as the boundries...so it's a lil bigger than a speedball field...3 games go by..so the last game i ask boundries? and no one sez anything....so thje game starts off..my team uses the same technic, that has won us ever game...so the game starts we all head to our respective parts of the field...about 10 mins pass...slow exchanging fire except me...i'm in my bunker, waiting to ambush, i here firing all over the place...and than a deads silence...nothing happens... my buddy from across the field yells to me " ERIC, IT'S TO QUIET FOR MY LIKING!"....i just sit there wondering what the heck is happening..,.than out of no where ...all hell broke loose where he was... "out out out" he yells...i leave my flank alone and run back to see what happened....he was out...so i high tail it back...and say watch the trail..they'll be coming that way...a few mintues later..i see someone prancing down the trail...and i'm like..."d'uhhhh, stupid move" i start capping there runners...i got like 3 of em...than one guy is hiding behind a tree in direct line of mine he can't hit me i cant hit him.....i see him pop out so far...so i pop out...and that dreaded sound...no air left....i called my self out..and my coker-boy friend rushed him and took the squad out..and...as i was on my way out...i say the reason my team lost....the other 2 players or their team...went outta bounds...i was kinda pissed..but they were like you called no boundries...no boundries....we fought for a lil bit..than i said rematch..and we went at it....the game took 5 mins....my team won...b/c we pulled off an all team charge...
