View Full Version : My Automag

04-02-2005, 03:48 PM
Here's my winter project finished. Everything's pretty standard. Great feel and very light.





04-02-2005, 03:50 PM
looks great

- the forgrip

04-02-2005, 03:55 PM
That is a nice gun, but I agree with dj89 on the foregrp...That is the only good thing winter is for.

04-02-2005, 06:46 PM
minus barrel and foregrip.. it's nice.

04-02-2005, 10:01 PM
That is a really nice marker, I didn't know that sleeper rails looked so nice.

I would take that gun any day, except, sorry, that barrel.

bound for glory
04-02-2005, 10:23 PM
whats wrong with the lapco barrel? ever shoot one? :rolleyes:

04-02-2005, 10:34 PM
I was actually going to say good choice in barrels, I have an autospirit and bigshot on my mag.

04-02-2005, 10:42 PM
Also I would trim the neck on your evo. I trimmed the neck and it sits almost on the body of the marker. Another thing is the circle evolution cover, its a neoprene cover that is very tight and looks nice on the gun.

04-02-2005, 11:29 PM
the mag looks great. I bet that forgrip is comfy in your hands. and good call on the lapco.. great barrel. mine got stolen a while back. those jerks.

04-03-2005, 12:32 AM

but if you put a reverse 15* asa on that it would look much better

otherwise it is superb as is :)

04-03-2005, 12:34 AM
That is sharp

04-03-2005, 12:47 AM
Very nice ! The red and black looks great !

04-03-2005, 12:55 AM
light and balanced? :D

cool, foregrip looks crappy(honest) but i bet its comfy ;) :p

--edit macro sucks :ninja:

04-03-2005, 08:34 AM
Thanks everyone,

The foregrip may not look the best but it is very comfy and extremely light. I wasn't going to run a gas through grip so I couldn't see adding all that weight. It's only a couple ounces. I may refine the design a bit and shorten it up but there's no hurry. Everything I've read about the Lapco barrels has been positive. I haven't shot it yet so I can't say personally but it was cheap. I want to get some of those new Reds Pepper Sticks eventually. That's a good idea to trim the evo neck, I'll probably do that. It looks like i could almost lose 1/2" without any problem.



04-03-2005, 04:49 PM
Yeah you will lose about a half an inch it will look very nice.

04-03-2005, 05:15 PM
whys everyone dissing lapco?? the only reason i could see would be the porting... besides that its the best barrel ive ever used, better than J&J, a pipe kit, an empire kit or a WWA barrel.

04-03-2005, 07:09 PM
whys everyone dissing lapco?? the only reason i could see would be the porting... besides that its the best barrel ive ever used, better than J&J, a pipe kit, an empire kit or a WWA barrel.

Nothing is wrong with the porting. It's made like that for a reason..... For gas efficiency. Mags need about 8 inches of unported barrel to be efficient.

04-03-2005, 07:44 PM
The porting is one of the reasons that I chose the Lapco. It's one of the only barrels whose porting is not more than half of the total length. More efficiency.

04-03-2005, 08:33 PM
Nice setup. Don't listen to people regarding the Lapco...they are great barrels. Very underrated by those who have not used them.

04-04-2005, 01:03 AM
What kinda foregrip is that? Looks like a grip off of a bike's handlebar. :p

04-04-2005, 01:09 AM
I like it. The lapco barrel doesn't look too great with the ULE bodies, but its a great barrel nontheless :)

04-04-2005, 07:41 AM
Clean & sharp!!! ;)

04-04-2005, 07:57 AM
I made the foregrip. It's pvc and a foam grip from McMaster Carr and industrial supplier. I was looking for light weight since I wasn't going to be using it for a "gas through" grip. It weighs 2.3 oz including the mounting hardware. The Rogue rail has a slot up front that is a perfect fit for a small 1/4" - 20 carriage bolt. This allows me to twist and slide it forward or backward to adjust the fit.


Oh, I cut down the neck on the loader yesterday so it sits right next to the body.

04-04-2005, 01:34 PM
I made the foregrip. It's pvc and a foam grip from McMaster Carr and industrial supplier. I was looking for light weight since I wasn't going to be using it for a "gas through" grip. It weighs 2.3 oz including the mounting hardware. The Rogue rail has a slot up front that is a perfect fit for a small 1/4" - 20 carriage bolt. This allows me to twist and slide it forward or backward to adjust the fit.


Oh, I cut down the neck on the loader yesterday so it sits right next to the body.

Update us with new pics of the loader on the body. Did you use a hacksaw?

04-04-2005, 01:43 PM
I'll try to update the pictures tonight.

I used a small mitre box hand saw with very fine teeth. I laid out the cutting line with a piece of masking tape all around the circumference as a guide. Cleaned it up with some 120 grit paper on a sanding block. Turned out perfect.

Also, I made a custom stainless trigger pin and shims to eliminate all side to side trigger play. Added 2 trigger stops as well.

Makes a big difference.


04-04-2005, 04:15 PM
what did you use for shims on the trigger blade?

Are you using ULT? My Y-Grip has a lot of side to side play and was wondering if it would help me shoot better by shimming it.

04-04-2005, 04:20 PM
Shim stock, .004" or .005" I think. I punched washers in the size I needed out of it.

I have the ULE Trigger kit but am not using it right now. I'm going to mess around with that this week/weekend.

AS far as making you shoot better, not sure. It'll definitely give the trigger a more solid feel though. I did polish the end of the trigger rod and the back of the trigger where it engages the trigger rod. Not sure if it did a whole lot but it couldn't hurt.


04-04-2005, 05:15 PM
That is one of the cleanest mags I've seen in a while. Not tacky, but doesn't look like a brick. Nice, I really like it.

But, I'm not a big fan of the drop.

04-04-2005, 05:57 PM
You should get a red halo b on there just to complete the black/red scheme. Then it would be the ultimate hawtness

04-04-2005, 07:28 PM
if it were mine, I would get:

stick grip and utilize as a gas through (that allows to switch and shoot both hands w/o the hose in the way, which it looks to be, unless your left handed)

Since barrels are prefernce, and I prefer a queiter lighter barrel, Id recommend a stiff or a UL.

Very nice mag though, and black and red is my thing. I dig it. :headbang:

04-04-2005, 08:03 PM
Here's the cut down EVO neck.

