View Full Version : Home Anodizing?

11-20-2001, 09:42 PM
I saw a article on www.paitnballtimes.com about home anodizing. I was wondering if anyone had tried this. I would myself, but lets just sya I haven't had the best experiences with sulfuric acid, flammable liquids, and electrical sources/jumper cables. (Note to all: WATER DOES NOT HELP A CHEMICAL BURN!) I have set fire to my garage too many times, and have scars on my hands from several acid incidents, and one alkaline incident. I think i will brave back into this dangerous worl and try it again, but I would liek to know if anyone else has, and if so.. any pics of hte finished result? I hear they turn out rather nice.

11-20-2001, 10:17 PM
im still working on finding some sulfuric acid.....

11-21-2001, 12:12 AM
I was 8 or 9 when I put a rag soaked with acetone in my back pocket for about 45 minutes. I couldn't sit on that cheek for a week!

11-21-2001, 12:15 AM
why would you do that army? on accident?

11-21-2001, 12:33 AM
Hey, I was a little kid. What did I know about chemical burns?:)

11-21-2001, 11:54 AM
Look, seriously...unless you know what you are doing...don't do it. If you do..do it outside. Sulfuric acid=car battery. Pretty corrosive, extremely bad for the oculars. Will eat your clothes away.

11-21-2001, 03:21 PM
I once stepped in a bucket of turpentine in my dark garage once and just figured it was water, so I walked around in a soaked shoe/sock for a few hours after that... Needless to say, I was sorry I did that.

11-21-2001, 03:37 PM
Once my brother and I cleaned out the garage floor by mixing bleach and amonia together. Things to remember here:

1. Don't mix them together - causes a toxic type gas
2. Extremely flamable. (luckily the pilot onthe wateer heater was out that day)

We had to leave the garage door open for a week before the smell of the chemical finally was gone. Had to constantly wash it down with water for the rest of the day. Our eyes were bloodshot for a week they burned so bad.

11-22-2001, 06:50 PM
if its a acid chemical burn you use a alkaline (base) to neutralize it. If its a alkaline burn its the opposite. I have a scar on my plam and on my knee from burns. Sulfuric isn't that harmful if it gets on your skin, as long as you get it off quickly and wash the area, or it could get irritated. And yes, blech and ammonia is not good together. I remeber in science class last year, a friend was working on a project with acids annd we thought it would be cool if we mixed togetehr some things. it was Sulfuric Acid, Muric Acid, Ammonia (i think), zinc, and magneesium. If turned purple, foamed over, filed the room with a hazy gas, and we had to evacuate the sceince department. We didnt get in any trouble becuase it was al part of his project and it was authorized by the teacher. lol.