View Full Version : Nor-So-Cal Day was a success!

04-04-2005, 12:35 AM
A weekend that will go down in AO history! Z-Man pulled it out again, with another fantastic weekend of friends, gear, and paintball love!

Things started out Friday night with a gathering of the early birds at Hoovers 101, a long established eatery of proven fame, for good food, drink, and early swapping of lies :clap: After full tummies, the group returned to the Colony Inn conference room (provided free of charge by the hotel!) for the rest of the evening to swap news of the last year, compare new markers, play a little friendly poker, and generally visit with some friends we haven't seen in a year.

Saturday dawned bright and mildly overcast, but with plenty of good sun, a little breeze, and temps in the 70's. In other words, PERFECT for paintballing! While the AO gang found their way to Breakout Paintball's Mindfields (www.breakoutpaintball.net)....some missed the turn into the property...final prep was happening on the Speedball and concept fields. This year we had 4500psi fills for both days, with zero delays in fills due to the gang fill station. This was SO welcome after last years fiasco with the generators and air. Plenty of paint was on hand starting at $45 a case. Mindfields is normally FPO, but granted us leeway, seeing as they are one of the few AGD dealers in Calli, and fully support AGD and AO Day. "Thanks Jon and Lew!"

Well over 100 players began to descend on the speedball and concept fields as soon as enough had their gear ready. Play for both days was intense, straight up, and wild. Turn-around time between games was normally less than 5 minutes all weekend...we came to play, not stand around :rofl: Oh, and if anyone is wondering...yes, Z-Man got royally bunkered again :headbang: The concept field is laid out on over two acres, with numerous pipe, dirt mound, towers, and VW Bug bunkers in abundance, along with a set piece from the movie "Aliens" (BTW, don't try to hide behind the little farm tractor). Games ranged from one-on-one, to one game of 20 on 20....awesome! After a lunch break of burgers, dogs, and Tri-Tip (a central coast of Calli specialty cut of sirloin) sandwiches, A random ticket draw was conducted by Z-Man. Two Pro-Classic markers, generously donated by AGD and Dave Zupan (HUGE thanks Zupe!), were vied for by only those players present that didn't own their own marker. Two extremely happy people are now the proud owners of some of AGD's finest.
After the draw, play resumed on the fields for the rest of the day (proving that us old guys can keep up with all the punks :D Ain't that right CableDawg!), until exhaustion took over, and we began to drift back to the hotel for the evening.

The fun continued back at the conference room, with a pizza party, review of the days video, laughs at the days still photo's, and yet another random ticket draw for AGD hats, barrel socks, WarpFeeds, and AO Day T-shirts (no, I will not mention "Shrek 3"...). Good food, good friends, good fun.

Sunday dawned bright and early.......without anyone noticing because nearly all of us forgot to set our clocks forward :dance: When the gang finally showed up at Mindfields, it was close to 10:00, but that didn't seem to slow anyone down as we again took to the fields to shoot up the rest of our paint. More than a few games of hopper-ball were played to extend the fun, but as the day wore on more and more AO members began to pack up for the drive home. By 3:00 most everyone had finally run out of paint, air, and stamina. Goodbyes were said, promises to do this again next year were sworn, and the day ended on a great weekend of comaraderie, fun, good play, and great times.

I want to thank Zack Vetter, Z-Man, for another great weekend of AO goodness. Ya did good, HOOAH!

There were literally thousands of photos taken, including over 600 from an independant photog who filled a DVD with them. Z-Man will do a compilation soon, and post a link to it.

Thanks to all that showed up. I had a great time, as this was the first ballin' I've done since LAST years AO day! It was a nice welcome home after my deployment. I'm looking forward to next year...it's gonna be geat :headbang:

04-04-2005, 12:46 AM
Sounds like you guys had a blast. Too bad i wasn't able to make it :(

04-04-2005, 02:07 AM
I agree. the event was great. I just wish i could have played...it looked like the play was fun and challenging. the Airball field looked like it was getting some good games. would have like to have practice my airball skills, but fate wouldnt have it. Ill definatly see yall next year, hopefully with a gun this time, insteadf a camera... where should we poast pics? or should i start a

04-04-2005, 06:42 AM
Sounds like a great weekend.. To bad I couldn't make it :(

04-04-2005, 09:58 AM
I just wish i could have played...

Mna, you should have introduced yourself. I won't make you feel any worse by telling you what I could have loaned you... :cry:

Mighty Mike
04-04-2005, 11:09 AM
AO NorCal / SoCal / Central Cal UNITES!!

Mighty Mike
04-04-2005, 11:19 AM
Army in action!! Great picture taken by Blennidae.

Eatem Alive
04-04-2005, 12:04 PM
a good one of carbon "the bandana king" & mighty mike
http://img207.exs.cx/img207/21/miscpics09426sw.jpg (http://www.imageshack.us)

04-04-2005, 12:08 PM

I picked up Carbon about 12:30pm and made some last minute stops around, grabbed lunch and got on the road around 2pm. The ride flew by since we had such a good time chatting and except for getting lost about 5 miles from the hotel, we pulled into the Colony Inn around 4.

The first people who deserve a big thank you is the Best Western. Not many of you knew this but they went way beyond what they were obligated to do for us. Technically we had to have 20 rooms reserved in order to quality for that confrence room AND they upgraded one of our rooms to fit in a lst minute jam at NO charge. They were generous with our group in every level and I am very glad I gave them a certificate of appreciation for it.

Moving on. After having everyone else unload the majority of my electronic possessions in a room that already had 4 other people in it :p , I asked the kind front desk person to suggest a tasty place to eat. We all jumped in our cars and drove over to Hoovers 101 to dine on tasty foodies. Best of all, the waitress told us about the every tasty Cold Stone nearby so of course we had to stop there as well.

When the ice cream had been consumed we drifted over to the Best Western’s conference room and chatted about this and that and watched some of the footage from the last NorCal AO Day (go ahead make another comment about wondering where it all went! GO AHEAD!!!!) and I spent like 40 min trying to get my stupid base station to send out a wireless signal (sorry ‘Cue).

Around 11pm Steelrat arrives (his plane having run over some luggage and delayed for like 6 hours) and after chatting a while we all head off to bed. OK everyone else did while I made like hard for my room by staying up till 3am printing waivers and trying to get lil’man to play Descent 3 with me ;) (the game does NOT SUCK!)


Saturday Morning I was booted awake by CableDawg who (it should be noted) spent 2-3 hours of his life working on a detailed nametag/business card plan for us that never got to completion due to my own fault. Cable your help in this event was critical and I want to thank you very much for it.

Well, I had plans to follow Prox9 out to the field because well, my ability to find a location on a map is rivaled by some women. But for reasons that won’t be expended upon, they left and I was left with this stupid Map Quest map for directions. Let’s leave it at, I had fun visiting the rolling hills of Paso Robles and the surrounding counties and I arrive safe and sound at the field at about 8:30 (having left around 7)

People had already begun to play by the time I had arrived and after some scrambling around fixing loose ends that always seem to happen at an event, (thanks for the ride Army) I stole Steelrat’s Excal (again) and went out to do my duty and drop 1000-1500 rounds a game when and where I could.

I really enjoyed the fields overall. The weather as mentioned was excellent and the hills were green and the soil was still soft from the rains. I did found out that those tractor bunkers are about the WORST things to hid behind, ESPECIALLY if you have people like Mighty Mike railing on you!

Now as many of you know, RogueFactor was scheduled to arrive Saturday. Not many of you realize that he was the main reason we even had prizes this year. I had called up Zupan earlier in the year to ask about this event but had not received any word from him. I had mentioned this to Rogue and he said he would look into it. He calls me up a mere week before the event and casually mentions that he got us 2 Pro Classics, 5 Warp feeds, and a bundle of other loot. I was anxious to get that out here and to finally put a face to the name. I wander back after being blown away by… I don’t know some punk ;) and here’s this guy sitting on my tailgate who looks like he’s about to wish Neo goodbye and then stab him in the back and he starts ragging on my game (I should a known). Rogue has this ability to meld with the shadows on a sunny day and disappear into the crowd and tech guns (which he did most of the event). Make no mistake about it, RogueFactor was instrumental in getting our prizes from AGD this year and spent most of the day helping people who needed it without most of us knowing who or where he was.

I should also mention that Carbon’s playing on Team ESP has defiantly brought his game up to the level of that swine Cory and his equally swine-like son who keeps shooting me. I am sorry to say that Steelrat dropped the ball in my hour of need and let Carbon get up closer to me than he should have been allowed to. It’s ok Ryan I forgive you. Fortunately Carbon was bunkering fools all day long. As Ryan would say, he was “keelhauling mates all day long ARRRR!!”

I cannot do you all justice in this post in writing about how much fun I have playing with all you guys. It really galvanizes my resolve in putting these events on. Just 1 day of play and I am happy.

I was really happy that we had a good selection of eligible people to give out the AGD Pro Classics. I thank you all for your iron will in waiting on me while the smell of that amazing BBQ was wafting around us. I have to say that food was amazing and worth every penny.

4pm came around at just the right time. We were all a bit exhausted and ready to gloat about all the amazing things we did. CableDawg and Steelrat took charge of getting the pizzas for us while I got the easy part of relazing with the rest of the crew in the confrence room and watching the raw footage of the day. Everything worked wonderful. I was not about to tell you all what was going on while you waited but Steel and Cable drove to Pizza Hut only to find out that they were not prepared to make 18 pizzas for us (even though we called them up the day before). So they scrambled around and found a local place (we need to get their name) that not only crancked out 18 pizzas in ½ the time Pizza Hut wanted but they even drove them up to us.

Then came the fun part I was waiting for. I had made up some awards for some of the aspects of the game.
Prox9 earned the “Stitched” award hands down as he took 3 point blank rounds from Carbon (on one of his many bunkerings) but then took another shot from me! (sorry again man). He never made a single complaint about it.
Carbon as we all know earned and deserved both the “Best Movie of the Event” and “Swine of the Event” awards. Better watch your back son. You keep up that kind of play and you are going to be a target prized more than I am;)
The raffle for the remaining 4 warp feeds, hats and barrel covers from AGD went off really well (except for CableDawg having about 30% of the tickets). I really like being able to give out that stuff, thank you again AGD and RogueFactor.

Just when the raffle was finished and I was quite happy to go back to nibbling pizza, Mighty Mike comes up and announces that he and the rest of the AO crew had got me a AO jersey that I just needed to choose the colors and design and it was mine. I am really honored guys. I had no idea they were still available and I plan on making it uniquely a Z-man design. It will be at the next AO Day!


Before drifting off to bed, a few of us came back to the room to watch part of the infamous “Pumaman” but even that could not keep us from finally falling asleep.

Sunday was a late start not only because we were tired but also that evil time change took place. I think most of us were out there by 10 or 11am though. I was glad that all the wards and raffles had been done by Saturday because we all had to leave at different times during the day to make it home before Monday Morning. It was a very relaxed Sunday of play and IMO, the best way to end the event. We even had a chance to bust out a bit of video footage of us shooting things fast; well most of us...

I want to thank you all again for coming out to this event. Sure I organize it but if no one comes out,it does not mean much does it? I think CableDawg said it best to me. He said, “Zak, the AO day’s got me back into recball.” And I think that is what this is all about. Many of us could be playing (or do play) the tourney level paintball and many of us have. But this is a laid back event of people who know the game but are coming to play for the fun of it. I like to say that I can play as hard or as passive from game to game as I like and not feel bad about it. Even a crappy field or crappy reffing cannot ruin a day with the AO crew and that is what I think really brings everyone out here.

Final Shoutouts
-Lil’man, it was great playing with you and I am stoaked that you are getting a Borg ?
-Waffleman, you worked your butt off our there AND made the shirts for the event
-Miscue, I am so glad you came out again. I don’t know how you and Blenn are so calm all day but I cracks me up
-Army, you are a bad bad bad bad bad man with that DVD and I fear it’s release on SA and the world
-Dude-with-the-3-foot-telephot-lens-who-came-out-and-brought-us-a-DVD-of-all-your-pictures. Thank you! I know you are a law enforcement offical of some sort in Kind City right? I hope you email me so I can give you the credit you deserve.
-Steelrat, you the man! All the way from the NY state and back! Thank you again for letting me use your oh-so-wonderful Excal.
-Mandatory, great meeting you and your GF. Looking forward to seeing ya both next AO day
-EatemAlive, don’t worry, you and your son are still the original swine with your stupid fast guns and your uncanny ability to find me on the field.
-TargetPractice, thank you for the paint hookups my man. You were most kind. I am glad you were able to enjoy some of it.
-Blennidae thank you for letting me use your Karta X-Mag and filming while I played. It reminded me how much I enjoy those E-Mags.
-Carbon, ohhhh Carbon my friend, your days ARE numbered. I think it’s time I finish my plans for a HPA tank Classic RT QLoader 30bps system. If I can’t out play you, Ill out-spray you.

AO Day Pictures

Blennidae's Images (about 50MB) (http://www.zakvetter.com/Blenn%20AO%20Day%20Images.zip)

Mighty Mike's Images (about 70MB) (http://www.zakvetter.com/Mike's%20AO%20Day%20Images.zip)

NEW!/Part 1 of the REALLY HIGH res Photos (http://www.zakvetter.com/High%20Res%20Photos%201.zip)

Part 2 of the REALLY HIGH res Photos (http://www.zakvetter.com/High%20Res%20Photos%202.zip) (don't fear, part 1 has not been put up yet)

04-04-2005, 12:22 PM
damn im exauhsted, that was the best paintballing ive ever done! Im gonna be at breakout again this weekend, I just bought some kevlar knee pants so I dont rip myself up again

04-04-2005, 12:28 PM
ya, this weekend was great... great food, great weather, great paintball, great times back in the conference, and i was able to pick up an intelli frame too! It was unfortunate that my better HPA tank failed on sat morning though...but thats what spares are for...i took a little video on sunday, where is a good place that i can host it for you guys to see it? i havnet looked at it yet, but when i get a chance, im going to...and "shrek 3..." what else can i say? the photos that i saw on saturday night were great, and id love to get them all on dvd data disc if its at all possible... be a nice little thing to hold onto in addition to the shirt...

...till next year...

04-04-2005, 12:34 PM
heres "the cronnicle of my g/f's 1st bunkering"

photo 1. egar to go, plannin on going deep off the break. i said it was risky. she didnt listen

photo 2. she made it!!!

photo 3. battiling with the opp.

04-04-2005, 12:39 PM
.....and now for the opposition....yikes!!!

photo1. her bunkerer, seconds befor he ran around to bunker her.

photo2 the back right was helping to hold her in.

photo3 this guy was just laying it down on the corner of her bunker. her eyes were as big as silver dollers.

04-04-2005, 12:45 PM
wow :wow: :wow: judjung y that last post, she had 4 players on her. I think she was one of the last ones in. you can see her bunkerer and the guy in the back left dorito. then the guy in the laydown beer can, and then the guy in yellow pants in the back right standup beer can. That pretty good for your first bunkering. and now for the post-bunkering photos.......

04-04-2005, 12:52 PM
Another great weekend. LPB, RTDanimal & I really had a good time. Thanks to Zak for all the effort involved. Next time I'll wait for Zak's edit before watching any video, however.


04-04-2005, 12:54 PM
oops...forgot the captions..

Bottom right photo....her, seconds after taking 7 balls to the dome. you can see the orange on her fingers as well al over thr bunker. officially se took two bounces off the forarm, two on the right hand ( the pointer and middle fingers, middle knuckles. ouch!!) , and 3 on the back. i said " damn!! you got yo ish tore up son!"

Bottom left photo.....hands shaking/ stinging, eyes a little misty. reminds me of my first bunkering.. no crying though. she man'd up.

top photo....right back into another game. i was very proud of her, being this was her first expierence paintballing. she thanks all of you.

04-04-2005, 01:00 PM
OH man, these pics are pretty fly!

Corey, I call them field napkins ;) Heh, kinda like a post modern hankechief of some sort.

Eatem Alive
04-04-2005, 01:21 PM
http://img236.exs.cx/img236/4218/378gr.jpg (http://www.imageshack.us)

Mighty Mike
04-04-2005, 01:25 PM
Aegis & Eatem..... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

04-04-2005, 04:12 PM
Mandatory, your GF is cute. just saying.

Target Practice
04-04-2005, 04:23 PM
You know, out of both days, I only played ONE game. But you know, sunday was the best day of paintball I've had in a long time, and I only played about 15 minutes out of the seven hours I was on at the field.

04-04-2005, 04:42 PM
Good times meeting the folks that showed. I think all paintball should be this good. The play was fair and very few whipping concerns. The only issue was the field's team that showed up-playing like it was a tourny instead of for the fun of it. I really enjoyed playing with people that enjoy the sport and play the game fair. Kinda rare today, but real nice when you can.

Boski AKA Papa Smurf

Target Practice
04-04-2005, 04:44 PM
The only issue was the field's team that showed up-playing like it was a tourny instead of for the fun of it.

They do that all the time. It's kinda sad to watch a walk on get stiched half a dozen times by the bastards on the team. But you didn't hear that from me.

04-04-2005, 04:55 PM
That was one of the most fun times I had paintballing EVER! Thanks again Zak, we need to have another one of these again soon.

04-04-2005, 05:00 PM
Here’s my set of pics, my commentary, and my thoughts.

5am? I’m so freakin tired.

Highway 101

Buying expensive gas. Whoops didn’t even see that!

Bought exactly $18 worth of gas

The field entrance sure looked like a scene from Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Yes I know I take too many non-paintball pics. So here you go!

Conference room, good stuff, looks like we’ve been tricked out of a projector?
One of the craziest guns ever.


The Stitches Award!

I’ve been working out.

….so has Casey.

And to top it off with more paintball pics.

There's only 4 people at this standup?

I had a great time, I also took a great beating. Took 10 shots to the skull, everyone aims for my head. I took 1 shoulder hit everything else was neck and up :cuss: . Hotel was nice, missed breakfast. My Speed was giving me a hard time. Never played that much paintball before. It was great PLAYING with the AO crew again!

04-04-2005, 05:13 PM
Heheh I'm in a couple of those :-)

04-04-2005, 05:23 PM
nice photos

Mighty Mike
04-04-2005, 05:36 PM
Funny pics Ken....especially of you and Casey lifting the cement barricade. :rofl:

Here's a good trophy pic of a hunter and his prey. :)

Eatem Alive
04-04-2005, 05:41 PM
i like the caption from the video of that..."he looks like a dead bear"

04-04-2005, 06:37 PM
Heres the video to go along with the above picture (http://www.pbvidsupload.com/uploads/297dc6543b.wmv)

04-04-2005, 06:47 PM
I like the difference of opinion as expressed by the hand gestures... :rofl:

04-04-2005, 07:05 PM
I like the difference of opinion as expressed by the hand gestures...

lol i didnt notice it till u pointed it out :p

04-04-2005, 07:06 PM
I like the difference of opinion as expressed by the hand gestures... :rofl:

:rofl: Great pics guys.

04-04-2005, 07:16 PM
Heres the video to go along with the above picture (http://www.pbvidsupload.com/uploads/297dc6543b.wmv)
I think I peed my pan...oh wait...hrmm I did. I just hope AO NE Day turns out like this that looks awesome.

04-04-2005, 07:31 PM
I just had to share this. :D The friend of mine that I brought wrote this in an email to "all" our friends. I thought it was well written... :spit_take

So there we were, the day was getting late, I'm shot out and sitting on the sidelines trying to catch my breath and watching my poor friend Larry being converged on. He's the last man standing on our team of 8. It's 3 on 1. He's on our 20 hunkered behind a cylinder shaped inflatable on it's side. He pops over the top and snap shoots one. There's a murmur in the crowd that's formed to watch this poor soul. The last two are converging, one man on each side. It gets silent, He knows it's time for concern. He peeks out the right side and sees one coming. He rolls around the right side, His E-Mag roars to life and he drops back into position. The enemy's hand raises and he steps over the rope into the safety of the neutral zone. Again the crowd stirs. Larry then figures the last man is coming on his left. He rolls to the right side of his prop. The enemy advances and glances at the spot he's sure Larry was. Then obviously figuring Larry must have backed up to the next prop begins to hammer it while walking towards him. He passes Larry's position and once again the E-Mag rips to life. The crowd goes nuts this time. The enemy's hand goes up and he comes out and voices his disapproval of his own performance. Larry runs downfield to be sure his team has indeed been victorious.....it was sweet, sorry you missed it.

Larry came and sat next to me to catch his breathe on the grassy hill. I said "Man, your a badass! Can I hang out with you?"

A bit later in the day we were just about the last two playing. Larry asks. "is it just us?" I said, I think so, but after what I just saw I aint playin one on one with you!

04-04-2005, 07:44 PM
ok my turn.
Once again an awesome event. Thanx to all the folks who showed up and played ball. This event is about you. Its good to see new faces and meet new people. It is also great meeting some of the newer norcal crew folks. I hope yall can attend some more AO days in the upcoming months.

in no particular order.

Big ups to:

Zman: thnx for the ride, the planning was great, the weather/timimg was perfect, the scenery was awesome. Thnx once again for spearheading the event. I cant say enough about your tenacity and enthusiasm.

Blenn, Mighty Mike, RoadDawg: Thanx for hooking up the room, thnx for dealing with my snoring. Sat night i was so hurt and tired i didnt even notice Mike chainsawing.

Eatem Alive: thnx for the paint hookup. That stuff shot great and broke bright. Its always cool seeing you at these kinds of events.

CableDawg: Thnx for the battery lend-out and charge-up! Balls and money is all you need!

Steelrat: aka Tom Hanks. super big ups...in from the east coast, suffering torturous layovers and suffering the indignity of driving a rental car, to hangout and ball it up with the west coast crew. Good luck in the east chief!

Awesome weather, little bit toasty on Sat. Perfect on Sun.

RogueFactor: akak Bane from the 3rd matrix movie. Thanks for sticking around and tech-ing all those guns. Its was nice meeting ya.

AGD: for hooking up some warpfeeds, barrel covers, hats and some Classics to raffle off. What a company!

The waitreses/hosteses at Hoovers: as Ricker said "worth every penny"

getting the Swine Award as well as the Best Move award. I've never won anything in my life. :D

being sore the day after. its kinda sucks, but then you think about it and its like, "hey man its good to be alive"

pizza, beer and ibuprofin.

decent reffing: they got in there and made the checks.

the turf: Slideriffic grass

awesome pics and vid footage!



reffing: keep your gogs on dum dum!

turf: potholes

thats all for now to be cont.

04-04-2005, 07:46 PM
I should've taken a picture of the cement barricade lying on top of someone.

04-04-2005, 07:50 PM

reffing: keep your gogs on dum dum!

turf: potholes

thats all for now to be cont.

lol u just had to remind us of the video :p

04-04-2005, 07:54 PM
i suppose there are only a chosen few in the world that get to see IRDONKEY video. Unfortunately, i was one of em.

04-04-2005, 08:00 PM
Blenn, Mighty Mike, RoadDawg: Thanx for hooking up the room, thnx for dealing with my snoring. Sat night i was so hurt and tired i didnt even notice Mike chainsawing.

You see, spacd, happy, bigweapons and O_o. Carbon snores TOO!! and they slept through it. I think you guys have sensitive ears :D

04-04-2005, 08:18 PM
A bit more time to post now -

Good -

Zak's setup - I hope everyone realizes how much time and energy is required to put this together. Energy he obviously has in abundance, time is precious for us all. I am so appreciative I am going straight to the AAA office to get him a map of Paso Robles.

The AO Crew - Great bunch all around, It was great to see Cable and Steelrat make the effort, I think Cable has longest drive and Steelrat has biggest ordeal as far as travel. I might be neglecting Miscue for that honor, though. It was nice to meet Roguefactor in person, and good to see RoadDawg, EJ & Darwin from last year. Missed out on meeting the other SoCal guys that made the trip. The rest of the NorCal crew is always fun to hang out with. A fine bunch, and a good example for my son and my nephew. Well, almost.

The field - worked out great. It seemed crowded at first, I think because everyone geared up and headed to the airball field at the same time. Got a bit crowded, so we organized a rec game to attract people to the other field. Once everyone got spread out as far as prep time, and the other field got some play, it worked great.

The hotel - OK rooms, great accomodation for the group time in the conference center. I would bet that the desk did not get a single complaint while we all had a good time. Unusual setup, very good for us.

Random stuff

- the Norcal group has been around for a few years now, and it is really good to see the way the young guys are coming into their game. LPB and RTDanimal are coming on strong, Prox9 is playing very strong, Kenny, Casey and the gang are also coming into their game. All in all a tough crowd. Short, but tough. Compared to two years ago, a noticeable difference. Oh, I almost forgot Bubbles.

- It is also good to see the old guys. No offense to Army, but you are in that group with me and Cable. Still got game. I am not going to spend another penny to take an ounce off my weapon until I take a few ounces off the weapons carrier, though.

The rest -

Some bad sportsmanship from whatever team that was. WAY too intense, especially against their own team. Saw one shoot their teamate out from the dead box while cussing HER head off. Wierd, and not welcome.

Shrek 3. Words fail me.

High pressure fills. Good food. West Nile Virus. Two out of three ain't bad.

HYPER TURBO SHOTGUN! By the way, where IS Rick?

And last but not least...

As long as I have THIS and THIS - I'M GOOD!

Big Weapons
04-04-2005, 08:20 PM
You see, spacd, happy, bigweapons and O_o. Carbon snores TOO!! and they slept through it. I think you guys have sensitive ears :D

Dude, it sounded like you had 2200psi going through your nose the whole night.

I don't really feel like summarizing the weekend since you guys got almost all of it. All I can say is I had fun, and I'll definately be there next year.

There was one thing that bothered me about the field besides the lack of safety netting -- the chrono. No one was monitoring that thing, and it was constantly beeping throughout Saturday. It sounded like everyone was shooting hot. But what are ya gonna do. Also, the field team was way too aggressive. One game, I got shot and called myself out. The ref told them to let me out... and as soon as I walked out of the bunker, I got stitched with an extra 6 or 7 balls from the snake. I could see why their female teammate flipped out [though that was definately inappropriate for such an event as well]. Overall though, it was a good weekend and no one got hurt.

I gotta apologize to Mandatory once more for not getting my gun working for him. I promised him my 2k3 bushy for the weekend and it ended up overpressurizing when we hooked up his maxflo. I should have gone around asking for a gun for you after that, but I was too eager to play. So, my apologies to you, mandatory.

Ah, also gotta thank RoadDawg for hooking me up with a case of paint. That stuff shot great all day.

What's this Shrek 3 thing I keep hearing about? I'm guessing it was a Friday night thing.

04-04-2005, 08:29 PM
O yes, I heard about that team. I heard that that "team" was whiping, at first I thought they were a part of AO and started to doubt our honor system, the refs weren't helping much either.

04-04-2005, 08:42 PM
yeah ith one thing i will have to say is next time we play there, we need to bring catcher shin guards to save our knees from the concrete turf!!! :)

Big Weapons
04-04-2005, 09:11 PM
The turf was actually pretty forgiving. Of course, I have a pair of Dye core kneepads. I played a couple of games without them and it wasn't that bad sliding into a bunker [wonderful grassy padding], but the area around the bunkers was pretty hard.

Target Practice
04-04-2005, 09:19 PM
The turf was actually pretty forgiving. Of course, I have a pair of Dye core kneepads. I played a couple of games without them and it wasn't that bad sliding into a bunker [wonderful grassy padding], but the area around the bunkers was pretty hard.

Damn concrete-ground. I smashed my tailbone and twisted my ankle on the same damn slide. I managed to make a couple more moves and an out before it was over, though.

04-04-2005, 09:23 PM
Yeah I got some pretty nasty marks from the ground, but then again I was wearing cheap gloves and a Tshirt.

Speaking of marks and bruises, me, Casey, Bubbles, and Big Weapons could've died on Highway 101. There were 2 lanes, everyone is driving around 75mph and the car right next to us decided it wanted to switch lanes, he doesn't even look over and he comes right towards me, my heart skips like 2 beats and I see my life flash before my eyes, than the car pulled back. Car came close enough for our mirrors to touch each other. Whew.... close call? Crazy guy....

And none of my friends believed that I could lift up that concrete barricade. :cry:

04-04-2005, 09:41 PM
HYPER TURBO SHOTGUN! By the way, where IS Rick?


04-04-2005, 10:17 PM
I hate breakouts terrain alot, i play there all the time and I just now decided to buy kevlar knee pants. Ive got big bruises and chunks outta my arm from some stupid slides :rolleyes:

04-04-2005, 10:26 PM
Wished that I could have made it this year! Looks like everyone had a blast.I'm definately going to make it next year!

Army: Glad to see you back balling in Cali. And where did you get your jersey? Looks sweet!

04-04-2005, 10:38 PM
Well i just gotta say for my first AO meet it was a frickin blast, i had so much fun meetin all the ppl like crazy zak, ryan, and cable dog just to name a few. thx muxh to cable dog and ryan for letting me use there sweet guns since mine decsided to take a crap half way through the first day > : (

thumbs up for my bud matt ( prox9 ) for the stichted award :D that was awesome how he made a come back on sunday seeing how he bunked 2 ppl, making one of them fall to the ground LOL!. friday night was great how we used the conffrence room to show all the different guns, and to meet the ppl that we were gonna play with for the next 2 days.

so yah zak great job on setting it up and all, i just hope that the next AO tops this last one, i know me and prox9 will be there :D

lets see some of those vids :D

04-04-2005, 10:38 PM
Is there anyone with all of the random photographer's pictures that could send the full resolution sequence of me off the break? i believe it starts around 5913~ on the picture numbers. i think my friend brian is around 5550~ but im not sure. catch me on aim (prox546) if youve got them.

04-04-2005, 10:45 PM
CockerF - Give us all a memory boost, who are you again? There were a few unregistered players there this weekend.

04-04-2005, 10:54 PM
im brian the dude that was with matt ( prox9 ) i was driving the big tan diesel all weeknd, i had the E2'd ccm series 5 gun with the slik kit ( the back block was the part the crapped on me > : ( )

^^ that should clarify who i am

04-04-2005, 10:54 PM
oh man the wiping :(

i know for a fact it happened. in fact a dude wiped on me!

i was in a laydown wit a fella, not an AO member and not the tourney team. we'll call him "Wore a black and white "we kill suckers written in an olde english font jersey".. Anyhow im snapping out of the right i hear a smack! and i get spray on my gog. I turn to WKSWIAOEFJ next and ask if i was clear, he said i was. I ask the ref, he said i was clean, cool. I checked my hopper, nothing. A few momnst later I hear another "THWACK" loud this time. I check my hopper again, nothing. As i was checking my hopper i feel the dude next to me "tucking in".

after the game, im filling up my pods, WKSWIAOEFJ comes up to me while im chit chatting with Army and some other folks. Oh such the jovial disposition this guy had!

"Oh man did you feel me rub up against ya?"

me "yeah man you were tucking in there pretty good"

"hhahah, yeah i knew i was gogged, i had to make sure, i put my face in your back, look at it, yup tehre it was"

the whole time i have this crap eating grin thinking WTF man you just admited to like 4 people that you cheated...during friggin rec ball?

he walks away, i say "keep it fair man its only rec ball"

he say "well everyone else is doing it, might as well hehe"


04-04-2005, 10:59 PM
CockerfO - "I am blank, unregistered" right? haha I remember someone saying that.

Carbon - Must've been those agg kids from PBN.

04-04-2005, 10:59 PM
yea, the refs did all they could to keep the wiping down but it was tough with 20 on 20!
Carbon by any chance was that guy using a black halo loader? I saw him whipe a couple till I capped his pack and a ref saw it

04-04-2005, 11:03 PM
Fortunately, the wiping and poor attitude was confined to locals and local team members. I heard or learned of no muppet play by any AO members or their friends.

We be too cool!

pbzmag, that jersey is actually a real team jersey from the West Point Black Knights, US Army team. Their captain sent it to me a few years ago.

04-04-2005, 11:10 PM
yea, the refs did all they could to keep the wiping down but it was tough with 20 on 20!
Carbon by any chance was that guy using a black halo loader? I saw him whipe a couple till I capped his pack and a ref saw it

i dont remember what color hopper he had but, he had a black and white outfit/motif.

04-04-2005, 11:30 PM
Like i said b4, I really like playing with guys that let the game be fun. i understand a pod hit or sometimes a hopper hit going unnoticed, but whipping a gog hit is BS!

Let's face it, we all play this game cuz its fun to see someone that you are up against raise the arm and call out when you hit em. When people cheat, they take some fun out of the game for everyone. Don't want to change the point of this thread-just wanted to say thank you to all of the AOer and friends that kept this fun and enjoyable!

Thanks to all the guys from the Sac area, it was good meeting you all and i hope we can do a local get-to-gether soon.

Boski AKA Papa Smurf

04-04-2005, 11:39 PM
i agree boski!

im thinking about a month or so we'll have another AO day at Extreme

04-04-2005, 11:43 PM
OK, my turn.

Overall I think it went much smoother this year. It was great to see Z-man getting a chance to play, instead of just running around trying to fix the glitches that always seem to pop up. Everyone seems to have covered everything already so here is my personal take.

Personal positives:

As always the AO crew is a great bunch of guys to play with. Stand up play, no attitude, the way it’s supposed to be. Watching between games is almost as much fun as playing.
The weather was nice, a bit warm on Sat. but it cooled off in the afternoon.
The field was pretty good. Full fills, giant burgers, not too hard to find (unless you follow Zak)
Karta Emag worked flawlessly all weekend. No breakage, even after finding the foamy missing while cleaning it up on Sat. night. I think my Lotus Eblade worked ok as well, but ej_y4 would know for sure.
The hotel was pretty decent. The conference room was great for us. We picked up an extra roomie last minute, but that just added to the laughs (and snoring).
Putting a face to the name RogueFactor after all these years.

Personal negatives:

I think we are really lucky no one got hurt, with the chrono and goggle discipline slacking. The guy taking pics with the DSLR on the tape line with no protection at all? I can’t believe he took pics of all those guys with face hits and didn’t make the connection.
My forearms have this nice red to pink fade due to my t-shirt and lack of sunscreen.
Prox9 was the bane of my existence on Sunday. He shot me out more times than I care to admit. He even managed to hit me when I was filming the action. :) I wish I could say it’s because he’s 20yrs younger than I am, but the truth is he is just a better player. I’ll have to try to get revenge next NorCal day.

04-04-2005, 11:52 PM
Man I had a blast. It was a lot of fun. At first I wasn't sure of the fields and the drive but after meeting everyone, playing and winning that red warp I would have to say it was WELL worth it. Thanks to everyone who put this together. The next one will be just as much fun if not more. I can't wait.

04-04-2005, 11:54 PM
Yeah prox was hitting me up pretty good, he rolled me 3 outta 3 when we did 1v1. good stuff.
my excuse was that i was tired :rolleyes:

04-05-2005, 12:05 AM
Blennidae thank you so much :hail: for letting me barrow your Lotus Eblade. That is one of the best cockers I have ever seen. -I finally got my guns up tonight :tard:

There where a few cases of wiping, but it wasnt to bad. Nothing to really complain about. I had a great time. I enjoyed this year alot. I look forward to next year :D . Thank you Zman for the last 2 Norcal vs Socal (if only we showed up :rolleyes: ) events.

PS: Socal could have taken you guys =)

04-05-2005, 12:05 AM
I had a great time. Even though not everything was perfect... it was still... WHAT??? YEAAA... fun. :rofl: It was great meeting most of you for the 2nd time. Mighty Mike, Blen & Carbon... you guys were a blast and I appreciate the floor space.

Negatives- Couldn't get my marker to work just right & the field got a bit too crowded at times. Oh and the refs weren't as smooth as they could've been but they were still cool.

Ultimate highlights was all the laughs and good times.

04-05-2005, 12:26 AM
This was the best paintball outing I've ever had. You know you've had a good day when you go back home all bruised, welted, and sore.

-Getting to the 50 just about every game.
-Meeting new and old faces.
-Being able to get some new regseats for my ailing flatline ( thanks Rogue).
-Somehow getting Carbon to T.K ProX9.
-Getting one elimination with my sydarm.
-The food overall.
-The people.
-Using less than a case of paint for the entire weekend.
-Shrek 3. Or is that a down.......
-My marker worked almost flawlessly throughout the weekend.
-Using Ryan's excal. So smooth........

- Lack of goggle discipline among some of the refs (overall as well). I understand that some of them were kids ( some looked around or younger than Conner), but that doesn't excuse you from pulling off your goggles and going into a "mock fight" with another ref ( who also tore off his goggles) in the middle of the playing field. Not a good idea when surround by people with markers that can go 15 bps on a twitch. :nono:
- Not being able to see Carbon bunker Zak and Ryan.
- Daylight savings. Almost made me missed breakfast dammit.
- Bubbles snoring.

04-05-2005, 01:04 AM
Now my personal summary of the event:

At first when I saw the fields on friday I was kind of shocked by their apparent quality and for a moment was seriously contemplating returning home, seriously. But I think thats because I'm really cynical at times. Thank god for people like Zak to instill confidence in me again. I feel retarded for ever doubting him in the first place, never again though, because Zak always comes through in the clutch, and so does his mom. Moving on to event summary.

Positives (In no specific order):
*Bringing one of my friends into the AO group was definitely a positive.
*Steelratt's pirate talk, "keel hulling blokes" and "adding mad bullion."
*Quality hotel rooms that smelled a little odd but turned out to be really nice.
*The variety of guns was incredible, it was awesome looking at all the guns layed out on the table.
*The food was excellent to say the least; hoover's, bbq catering, and the pizza of which I consumed around 10-12 slices.
*EXCELLENT camera coverage, sometimes too good, ie Carbon lighting me up :mad: ;) I definitely got in more pictures than all of the past AO events combined, especially nice since last year I had not a single action picture. This year has been great. Props to Mighty Mike for the beer pic. :cheers: All people taking pictures deserve props. :)
*Zak's sunglasses, yes, those things were great and Zak is greater for letting me wear them for more time then he got to wear them. I felt so cool in them.
*Meeting lilman, what a cool guy.
*Going from wanting to sell my excal because it was behaving badly to absolutely cherishing its every shot. I owe this one to steelrat for hooking me up with his excal settings. So much thanks.
*Cabledawg, because I love to argue.
*The fields were great despite my thoughts before playing them. The full scenario field was great in the big games and a work out running to the bug off the break.
*Props to my ride and friend too, Brian (Cocker_fO), for hooking me up with dollars at needed times. Next time Ill bring water and food :D
*The compliments that have been recently said, thanks again.
*Props to everyone there, you guys are the nicest group of people that Ive ever met and make my life so much better each ao day I go to.

I dont have any negatives because all the positives make them not even worth saying.

Apologies: Blennidae, I really didnt mean to shoot you while you were filming sorry about that, ill try to avoid that in the future.
Also if I overshot, I didn't mean to, it's just adrenaline.

I cant wait for the next event!!!!

04-05-2005, 01:07 AM
It was fun, glad to see you all there.

Thanks again Zak for organizing it, and kicking my arse in 1-on-1. :hail:

04-05-2005, 01:33 AM
It was fun, glad to see you all there.

Thanks again Zak for organizing it, and kicking my arse in 1-on-1. :hail:

Sorry about the 2nd shot man. I only have 1 skill anyhow. shoot lots of paint to make up for my lack of movement ;) Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. When it does not, it means I need to shoot more paint. Hey that's like the basic ground for a program for winning!

BTW-I fell asleep at like 3pm today and JUST NOW woke up in a pile of drool on my bed.... guess I was tired. now on to writing the thoghts on the event before I becomes totally pointless ;)

04-05-2005, 01:39 AM
I cant wait for the next event!!!!

seriously, if every AO day is this much fun ill be at the next one for sure!

And yea the food was really tasty, those burgers where like 2 inches thick!

Big Weapons
04-05-2005, 02:34 AM
I loved the chunk of meat in the burgers. Really filled me up!

04-05-2005, 04:35 AM
yeah, me and my girl shared one of those burgers. quite good. WE also found a nice late nite baja style taco stand in paso robles that was super good. it was late and they only served al-pastor tacos, fresh off the spit.. we had about 10 tacos and 2 beers and the total was like $13.50. very happy i came across that place. reminded me of my house in mexico.

04-05-2005, 06:36 AM
I wrote up my thoughts on my saved post back on page 1 and I added the 2nd half of the high res photos. that file is about 300MB or so. the first half (about 337MB) will be hosted... somwhere... I dunno yet. I woud have made the whole 640MB selection torrent file but I forget where you get a host for the tracker. Any ideas? Here are a few of the good ones I grabbed and cleaned up a bit


This is the kid we gave the second Pro Classic to:

04-05-2005, 01:25 PM
I just wanted to thank you all for coming to this event. I am extremely happy to host this event for you guys. I haven't met a nicer group of people! For those complaining about our factory team, I am very sorry to hear this and I will be having a nice chat with the guys! Thank you again for your support and great sportsmanship attitudes! Before I leave, my favorite pic with Zman and one of our very in-depth conversations :D


Eatem Alive
04-05-2005, 02:29 PM
I just wanted to thank you all for coming to this event. I am extremely happy to host this event for you guys. I haven't met a nicer group of people! For those complaining about our factory team, I am very sorry to hear this and I will be having a nice chat with the guys! Thank you again for your support and great sportsmanship attitudes! Before I leave, my favorite pic with Zman and one of our very in-depth conversations :D
thank you. you guys were awesome with you outstanding customer service...especially with the air fills. i never once heard of the field employees complain like "not another fill" or "when is line gonna end" like you hear at a lot of fields. i had a fun weekend so thanks again.

04-05-2005, 03:58 PM
Well, i'll compose something better later, but for now...

04-05-2005, 04:09 PM
Well, i'll compose something better later, but for now...

ahahahahahahha :rofl:

Eatem Alive
04-05-2005, 04:23 PM
zak, you should have NEVER handed out those flyers.

p.s. do they sell butt-less leather chaps?

04-05-2005, 04:54 PM
Well, i'll compose something better later, but for now...

Y M C A! :rofl:

04-05-2005, 05:34 PM
I wanna be the cowboy!

04-05-2005, 07:24 PM
heres the pics that the photographer took of myself and my friend brian

Big Weapons
04-05-2005, 10:42 PM
AGD: Killing kids' self esteem one at a time.

And don't forget the WONDERFUL "fade" on my bushy. More like kindergarten finger paint streak =P

04-05-2005, 10:46 PM
AGD: Killing kids' self esteem one at a time.
haha, Those are some of my favorite photos from this weekend :rolleyes:, I laugh everytime I see them

04-05-2005, 11:01 PM
haha, Those are some of my favorite photos from this weekend :rolleyes:, I laugh everytime I see them
O cruel world! :cry: haha
GG :cheers:

04-06-2005, 01:25 AM
Notice the deathgrip on the hat, tightned neck muscles and bared teeth? Not a happy camper

Anger quickly subsides into pure jealosy and sadness

Big Weapons
04-06-2005, 01:50 AM
Poor kid. We shoulda gave him an AO barrel condom or something. Pah.

[BTW that's all I won from the raffles. I wanted a warp =P]

04-06-2005, 03:05 AM
oh shut up, your lucky you just got to sit next to me in the raffle ;)

04-06-2005, 05:22 AM

Your next Steelrat.

04-06-2005, 08:48 AM
damn cable looks like a freaking St Bernard drooling like that!!!!!!!! :spit_take

Eatem Alive
04-06-2005, 09:15 AM
speaking of raffles, where's my quantum loader? i need it to keep up with my dm5.

Mighty Mike
04-06-2005, 09:34 AM
A little late, but I just wanted to say this past weekend was a blast and so much fun. I had a great time at last year’s event, but this year was so much better.

Big Ups

Z-man - Thanks again for all the work you’ve done to put this event together. It couldn’t happen without you.

Breakout Paintball – Thank you for hosting this year’s event. Your staff was extremely friendly and very nice people. I look forward to playing there again.

AGD for donating great prizes!!

Rooming with Blennidae, RoadDawg, and Carbon over the weekend. Lots of laughs and not too many complaints about my snoring.

Listening to Carbon and RoadDawg impersonate rapper Lil Jon, David Chappelle style, and incorporating his catch phrase into paintball code, such as….YEAAAH!! = G, WHAT?!? = Cover Me!! man…that was so funny!! :rofl:

RTDanimal: Thanks for helping me film on Saturday, you did a great job!!

LPB - Thanks for taking some great action pics of me and everyone else on the field.

NorCal bros Steelrat and Cable for traveling far to make this event.

Ken aka “Happy” coming out of retirement to play ball w/ NorCal again.

Playing Texas Hold’em w/ Aegis, Cable, and Bubbles. I’m still a beginner at this game, but with more playing time I hope to figure out what the poker lingo “As long as I have THIS and THIS – I’m Good” actually means??

RogueFactor: thanks for taking the time to fix my minimag.

Shrek 3 :eek:

Two tri-tip sandwiches and a one pound hamburger at the field…that was some good grub!!

Z-man thinking an AO member was the hotel Security/Janitor. :rofl:

Big Downs

Steelrat’s plane delay

Blennidae, Carbon, & RoadDawg taking all the shower towels and leaving my 300lb body w/ nothing else than a single face towel to dry off with. :mad:

Losing $10 to Bubbles in Texas Hold’em Poker.

My 3 tiny pork chops at Hoovers. I should have ordered the prime rib.

Putting a pod in Eatem Alive’s pack. Ask him for a demonstration.

No Zaust??

That’s all.

04-06-2005, 04:43 PM
Blennidae, Carbon, & RoadDawg taking all the shower towels and leaving my 300lb body w/ nothing else than a single face towel to dry off with. :mad:
:rofl: Too damn funny!

04-06-2005, 07:23 PM
If you look in the big thred Zaust posted that he needed a ride. I called him saturday to try and get him up but he was busy. He needed a ride up on sunday but no one called him.

04-06-2005, 09:05 PM
Losing $10 to Bubbles in Texas Hold’em Poker.

and Mike knows what I shall use it for. ;)

04-06-2005, 09:12 PM
:rofl: Too damn funny!

I thought so to. :)

Ok here is my longer list.

Blen, Mighty Mike -allowing me to have some floor space
Getting to use a fully setup Mech RogueMag
Beautiful weather
Great people to play ball with
Me and Carbon doing our Lil Jon routines :rofl:
Making fun of Blen's laziness, Carbon and Mike's chain sawing like snoring and my talking in my sleep.
Using M.Mikes Alias to whip some tail at the middle of Sunday.
I got to buy new pads and pants :dance:
Zman- You put on a heck of a show. Keep it up and we'll see you next year.
RogueFactor- For being yourself and not only making people laugh but to keep the AGD people happy by troubleshooting just about everyones marker.
I got to drive a Caddy to the event. :headbang:


I couldn't make it in as early on Friday as I had wished I could of.
I didn't fall asleep before Mighty Mike on Friday night. :rofl:
Having a mech mag vs Ramping electro's
Refs weren't all that great... two of which were young and inexperienced but still thought they were tough crap.
Left over TriTip sandwich on Sunday :cuss: (bread was soggy)
The weekend went to quickly.
The drive back sucked.
The crowded airball fields. Nothing like 3 men to a bunker.
The field was hard and there were too many pot holes hidden in the grass.

04-06-2005, 09:14 PM
Having a mech mag vs Ramping electro's

The only time I saw this as a downer was when i went to bunker someone (which almost happened) Other wise my little rogue i thought was fantastic even against all the machine guns

04-06-2005, 11:28 PM
It wasn't a major downer but it was a downer. I was able to keep my own but it kind of sucked that when you got hit... it was more then once.

04-07-2005, 02:08 AM
A little late review myself:

-2 great days of paintballing, haven't done that before
-Good weather, not blazing hot, not cold and muddy
-Fat delicious mouth watering burgers . .. mmmm
-Get to see and try out all the goodies everyone has
-Not having a singel chop or barrel break all event long (except once at the beginning at the chrono)
-Hangin out with the AO crew
-Bunkering Bubbles and some other people
-Good game turnaround
-Having the ladies get curious about my red circle marks at school ;)
-Umm .. lots of things

-Not getting any good pics from the photographer :(
-That mother ****er that tried to switch into my lane when I'm right beside him on the drive back home. Like Ken said, you could literally smack him since he was that close.
-Not much more, I try to look on the bright side of things

Overall a great event, had tons of fun and can't wait till the next AO event :clap:

By the way, who is this guy ? \/ Whoever you are Mr.Red Dreads, you have HELLA cool *** hair.

Big Weapons
04-07-2005, 02:41 AM
By the way, who is this guy ? \/ Whoever you are Mr.Red Dreads, you have HELLA cool *** hair.

I forgot his name, but I think he was the guy from Pasadena.

04-07-2005, 03:52 AM
Ok I must know, who has the footage of carbon bunkering me? I want the full res so I can have it on my comp.

04-07-2005, 11:31 AM
Ok I must know, who has the footage of carbon bunkering me? I want the full res so I can have it on my comp.

yeah me too, i wann know if my teamates accidentally shot me or if the opposition did.

Mighty Mike
04-07-2005, 01:47 PM
I had the video but I mailed it off to Z-man this past tuesday. The footage of Carbon bunkering Prox and some other guy turned out really good. This happend right in front of the camera and RtDanimal did a great job taping it. I couldn't tell who shot ya Carbon?

04-07-2005, 02:28 PM
well from what i understand, Dan said one of my teamates did, or i ran into a lane. I think this might be correct, as the right side of my gun was hit after i turned right.

04-07-2005, 03:15 PM
It was good seeing a lot of you guys again!
Sorry about our guys, we get a little worked up, we just try and have fun; we were messing around, so that results in a lot of stupid stuff! ;) Anyways, anyone that wants to play a cheap tourney here in 2 weeks should cruise back up here, you guys will have a blast! Maybe this time more people can have fun in San luis and meet some girls or college people.


Guy in the yellow pants!

04-07-2005, 05:19 PM
Small updated guys.

I put the fist part of the remaining 300+MB of high res images up on my site

NEW!Part 1 of the REALLY HIGH res Photos (http://www.zakvetter.com/High%20Res%20Photos%201.zip)

If I have bandwidth issues Ill pull it so get it while you can ;)

I also have that DM5 video up (with more coming)

That Dust Red DM5 that was 100% Tourney Legal :P (http://www.zakvetter.com/Videos/dm5_modded.mov)

Looks to be about 20BPS from the sound breakdown, but I can post an image of anyone using Goldwave thinks its like 15 or something.

04-07-2005, 06:55 PM
ya should of left that "ok now shoot it fast" part and the inserted a laugh track after wards :P

04-07-2005, 06:58 PM
chuckle chuckle

Heres one of my goofy one handed shooting which is made possible by rogue! Notice all the mid air paint? Pretty coo

04-08-2005, 07:24 PM
Well, better late then never.

-Hanging with my NorCal bros again (and centcal/socal). You guys are the best group of 'ballers a person could hope to play with, and I will miss being able to play with you regularly.
-Cyborg working well
-Sounded like the excal worked well too, didn't really get a chance to use it ;)
-Adventures in pizza hunting with Cable
-Field was great, food was much better than any other field I've been to
-Watching prox9 run around like a madman, boy has guts, and as the SAS say "Those who dare win."
-Watching Carbon and Spaced run around, im feelin' old.
-Excellent pictures, thanks everyone, including random DSLR man

-Poopy plane break down
-Im getting old
-I had to leave :cry:

I'll be there next you :shooting:

04-08-2005, 07:50 PM
can someone post the video of people shooting steelrats gun at the very end of sunday?
i wanna see myself shoot it.
it was at the same time and place that that kid was shooting the fully legal red DM4 or 5.

i was the kid standing sround there in the red dye jersey or the tie-dye, and holding z-mans sunglasses.

04-08-2005, 09:39 PM
Im getting old
You're not that old. You're just weighed down by all those pods you carry. You were moving pretty well when you wielded the sydarm. Sorry about having only 2 shots worth of air in it. It's always a fine balance of moving fast vs. shooting lots.

04-09-2005, 03:54 AM
OMG!!!one1!! OMG~`~!!!, I just finished making my first pb vid ever and its freaking awesome. Brian(CockerF0_o123) filmed on sunday for 16 minutes on my camera and took over 4 minutes of useable footage(mad props to him), which is damn good yield in my opinion. A lot of it is me, because I rule, and because I asked Brian to film me. But it has a ton of other good footage, like 6 bunkerings, 5 breakouts, lots of slides, and a few breaks on people. It features great footage of me tking someone in the head and then lpb blowing him away after he was out. I apologize for that but you would have been gone 2 seconds later anyhow. Also featuring some great footage of Zak, Ryan, and who ever had the freestyle(sorry I dont remember your name). The song is one from the cereal killerz dvd, which is a great song because of the high points in it where you can put your bunker footage and breakouts, it also fit within 2 seconds of the needed length (I'm The Best At Ruining My Life-From Autumn To Ashes-The Fiction We Live) or the song from chris lasoya's section. The only problem is that its 68mb and there arent any free hosts for videos that size. If anyone is willing to host it, catch me on aim, my sn is prox546.

04-09-2005, 10:35 AM
someone host that!!!!! i hella want to see that!!!!!

04-09-2005, 11:34 AM

I love to see a young man with his humility in place ;) . Congrats on the highlight film of yourself. Hold on to that. When you get my age, it will be something you show to your kids and lement over. Your kids will just laugh at you and comment how bad you sucked vs. them!


Boski AKA Papa Smurf

04-09-2005, 11:57 AM
come on papa you make it sound like you're 80!!! lol ;)

Eatem Alive
04-09-2005, 02:05 PM
A lot of it is me, because I rule, and because I asked Brian to film me. .
i'll bet you have a lot of mirrors in your house.

04-09-2005, 02:39 PM
Prox - PM me and I can host it. That's me with the freestyle by the way ;)

04-09-2005, 03:04 PM
I thought it was you I just wasnt sure. I got footage of you bunkering someone in the snake.
BTW, my rule for parenthood will be discipline through bunkering.

oh and much thanks to O_o because he's hosting the vid, the ao norcal vs socal sunday video (http://sjsuserver.lunarpages.com/aonorcal-web-res.wmv)

04-09-2005, 05:17 PM
prox9 that video is BADASS! Nice work on it
you even caught Zak dancing angrily

04-09-2005, 05:28 PM
yes i second that!!! nice job!!! i would love to get my hands on the whole tape if i could... i love that you got me getting bunkered in the snake!!!! man it hurt more crawling all the way to the otherside than the close hits did!!! :P

04-09-2005, 05:41 PM
nice video. One of my bunkering moves is in it :clap:

Big Weapons
04-09-2005, 06:18 PM
That was a great vid. I like how you cut away from each side of the field to give us perspective of what's going on.

04-09-2005, 06:46 PM
Most of the footage isnt from the same game when I put them right next to each other. What I wanted to do was start each new section with a breakout and keep certain segments split up so there was a sense of progression, ie the snake crawl/bunker was split into two. I put the menacing zak in between it and I think the result was rather nice. Same with my first bunkering everyone moved up then I put something inbetween that and the actual bunker move. I tried putting breakouts at the beginning on the right beat in the music. Also since now most of you guys think Im thoroughly conceited, youll understand why I the placement of my bunker moves and why the movie began and ended the way it did. Though I think you could tell it was somewhat focused on me, I put in plenty of other people's moves, bunker runs, etc... as long as it was cool it was in there, the only useable footage that didnt actually get used was a breakout that I just couldnt fit in. Still I think it's reasonably good since I havent actually made a pb vid before. Oh and I think the actual vid in full res format is one GB so unless I get a dvd burner thats out of the question but if I had one and people wanted it Id send it out. Im thinking I should send Zak both the movie and the raw footage and see if there is anything he wants to do with it.

Posted by O_o
-Not getting any good pics from the photographer" Got you covered on video ;)

Remember that it was Brian filming(he still sucks) and to thank O_o for the host

04-09-2005, 07:04 PM
Damn matt u always gotta hate on my skillz :D w/e great job on the vid, cant wait to make another sick vid on the next AO meet. :headbang:

04-09-2005, 09:28 PM
i have a dvd-rw in my shuttle that is dying to make some cool NOR-SO-CAL DVD's!!! lmk if you want to setup a ftp server and i can dl it over night.

04-09-2005, 09:49 PM
OMG! What a great vid! I am in the damn thing a bunch of times as well! The only prob is it shows me cheating!!!!

Durning the last few mins I am wearing my blue JT and I am in the back right stand up laying paint and I get a hit on the hopper and in true Tourny style I don't flinch or even act like i got hit! I AM READY FOR THE BIG TIME BOYS!

Sorry, I really didn't know I got hit.

Even had a cut of me bunkering the guy in a grey sweatshirt.

Good VID! Nice music and I don't even like that kind of stuff.

04-09-2005, 09:51 PM
OMG! What a great vid! I am in the damn thing a bunch of times as well! The only prob is it shows me cheating!!!!

Durning the last few mins I am wearing my blue JT and I am in the back right stand up laying paint and I get a hit on the hopper and in true Tourny style I don't flinch or even act like i got hit! I AM READY FOR THE BIG TIME BOYS!

Sorry, I really didn't know I got hit.

Even had a cut of me bunkering the guy in a grey sweatshirt.

Good VID! Nice music and I don't even like that kind of stuff.

04-09-2005, 10:07 PM

ROFL :spit_take

04-09-2005, 11:00 PM

Steak, Stake, whatever.

04-09-2005, 11:51 PM
Ummm Steak! me likes steak...

04-10-2005, 12:15 AM
chuckle chuckle

Heres one of my goofy one handed shooting which is made possible by rogue! Notice all the mid air paint? Pretty coo
sigh, wish i coulda made it this year. maybe next year. by the way, its my mag!
:D. and wat is that sitting on the table?

04-10-2005, 12:18 AM
heheh, not anymore

actually right now its got a funky leak so Jon at the field told me to leave it with him and hed ask Army to take a look at it

04-10-2005, 12:27 AM
Boski, the footage of your hopper shot where you didnt flinch is from the same game as where you got shot it the hand, you just kept playing. thankfully we have cameramen to catch the scum in the act, jk. I know you didnt know ;)

On a sidenote, the new BA paintball < death by standing barefoot in a weak basic solution in which your body would dissolve and your death would be excruciatingly painful. In summary, NEVER EVER GO THERE!!! If you want to help them send them emails telling them how to improve and that they are losing good business because of the way they run their field.

04-10-2005, 01:05 AM
I am scum, but the vid turned out really well! Good job!

You should have left the footage in where I tried to bunker you and you shot me in the chin and I slipped and the you stiched my chest for me.....

No ****, Good job.

04-10-2005, 01:07 AM
wow... I finally got in a picture. :clap: Of all those shots the photographer took... I made it in a few.. and those were during the raffle. :cry:

In the vid.. I'm mainly in the back... grrrr... hardly got film of me after I've bumped up a few spots.

Ej- Your in the vid quite a bit with some sly moves.

Great vid by the way.

04-10-2005, 01:09 AM

I almost got scammed, people are so mean :cry:

04-10-2005, 02:31 AM
YAY ! I'm in the video bunkering jackbauer :) And being dead at the end ...

I almost got scammed, people are so mean :cry:
Those have been going on for a while, plus the Nigerian money order scam. I've recieved a couple of those offers and just ignore them. If you want to have some fun, give them the police station's address and phone#.

04-10-2005, 07:25 AM
dont feel bad boski, it looks like i took a hopper hit and kept going as well. Didnt know it was there i promise. Good video and man that back standup was pretty poopy :D

04-13-2005, 05:30 PM
I keep having memorys of Norcal vs Socal. It was probably one of the best times I've had paintballing considering my crappy paint. I can't wait to do this again! AO people are MUCH nicer than the pbn people :-).

04-13-2005, 09:40 PM
i know someone was filming people shooting steelrats gun at the end of sunday. can someone post the video?

there are no action shots of me :(

04-14-2005, 01:35 PM
Yea, I cant wait to see some of those vids. There was one where me and zak where having a close quarters shoot out that ide like to see

Tshirts are just $10 shipped now! Ive got to clear out room in my closet and my trunk. Ive got 8 large and 2 small so get um quick before I give them to goodwill ;)

04-14-2005, 01:51 PM
I'll take one. Let mw know payment info.


04-17-2005, 10:53 PM
just to let you guys know... i will be getting info together for another AO Day at this new field in Lincoln. prolly going to be late in May or June. i will keep you all posted....

Big Weapons
04-18-2005, 01:20 AM
I'll prolly go to that one instead of the one coming up at extreme. I'm always up for a new field. That and I have no money =P

04-18-2005, 09:13 AM
the money always plays a factor. i bet most of the guys that went to Paso Robles are pretty short on funds after that to play again. that is why i am trying to set something up in june. it is now for sure going to be in june because their is a senerio up here in may.

:wow: I jus got a idea as i was typing the last line... what if we made it a AO day....AO weekend at the Senerio!!!! here is the link for it and lets get some feedback on this!!!


Its called Storms of Fate

I just priced it out for entry and 2 cases of paint and its 150 bucks. not too bad.

04-26-2005, 12:03 AM
just curious, but who was playing 2 on 2 and 2 on 3 on the airball field at the very end of sunday? i kinda want to know who i was playing up against.

04-26-2005, 02:01 AM
is that when carbon was playing? because I was on a 3 vs. 2 against carbon and someone else at the end of sunday, i took one to the mask I remeber