View Full Version : looking forward to a day out pballing

04-04-2005, 08:57 PM
ahhhh i cant wait til i play soon. i havent played in probably 7 months. the snow is just disappearing. :clap: itll be great. a day out with my rt ule custom with apoc2k and revi, and 1400 balls.mmmmmmm sounds great. justa thread because im happy and looking forward to playing. havent playted in sooo long. :mad:

04-04-2005, 09:15 PM
i"m with ya. haven't played since sept of last year. Getting real ancy to get out and try my new mag.(first one too) :D :clap:

04-04-2005, 09:35 PM
wow. . .I hear about people who don't get to play that often and I feel kind of bad! usually we go out once a week! last week it was twice! (although we arn't going this week because of it) I just can't beleive that people don't get to play that often, but I'm sure there are other circumstances?

04-04-2005, 09:42 PM
yup, got a wife and kid, ;)

And of course, the closest crappy field is 45 min away, and the closest good field is about 1.5 hours away. I play a lot of back yard(woods) ball, but not between sept and march (deer hunting, and cold weather :p ) Hopefully I can play more often this year, and maybe a tourney or 2.

04-04-2005, 09:45 PM
yup, got a wife and kid, ;)

And of course, the closest crappy field is 45 min away, and the closest good field is about 1.5 hours away. I play a lot of back yard(woods) ball, but not between sept and march (deer hunting, and cold weather :p ) Hopefully I can play more often this year, and maybe a tourney or 2.
Yea. . .I forgot to mention I'm single, I play outlaw, and well that keeps the cost down! a wife and kid? just remember when the youngin gets old enough put a marker in there hands! (with a mask beforehand of course!)

04-04-2005, 09:57 PM
yeha i know exactly what you mean, i hadn't played since january until yesterday, and between then, i had bought a new emag. upgrading froma spyder to an emag, and waiting that long. it was a PAIN, but i am feeling great about paintballing. Luckily im going out again next weekend(probably), but then i got another few weeks to wait before i can go again(prom, rafting)

04-04-2005, 10:04 PM
Yea. . .I forgot to mention I'm single, I play outlaw, and well that keeps the cost down! a wife and kid? just remember when the youngin gets old enough put a marker in there hands! (with a mask beforehand of course!)

LOL, funny you should mention that. This was taken about 1 year ago(she was almost 3 at the time) Yes, I know, no mask, but also no tank or hopper, and if I remember correctly, no guts in the spyder. :p


04-05-2005, 10:45 AM
brutal, so you havent been playin. i havent noticed a change in temp out here in CA. :D j/k.
