View Full Version : Dye DMC Pics

04-05-2005, 02:59 PM
Just thought I'd share

04-05-2005, 03:01 PM
looks hot, but for 1700 bucks, i dont know

04-05-2005, 03:02 PM
yeah its alot of money ;) Its the first time I have seen actual pics that are bright, Just thought I would share with ao :)

04-05-2005, 03:03 PM

Target Practice
04-05-2005, 03:06 PM


04-05-2005, 03:17 PM
pretty rad.

04-05-2005, 03:26 PM
The piece above the reg looks funky. And the design resembles the Ion just alittle.

04-05-2005, 03:31 PM
WOW....another dm5 :sleeping:
They are getting as bad as Kingman...."THE ALL NEW________" then when you see it , just a differant body.....ugly one at that.


04-05-2005, 03:32 PM
pure sex, pue and simple, i will never pay 1700, but it is a babe

04-05-2005, 03:38 PM
not a big fan, i prefer the dm5 myself, but, im shure someone will buy them

04-05-2005, 03:38 PM
Dye , featuring the Dm___..... Series :D
I wonder how they will preform?

04-05-2005, 03:41 PM
i never though the dm series was "ugly" theyr some of the hottest/slickest guns out

i would say an angel is ugly or a few other guns before a dmw/e

im def not spending 1600 for one but if i was stupid rich i would :P

ide this is for those players that need ..or think they need the newest fastest latest greatest

04-05-2005, 03:49 PM
Just need a sharpie and put 'eyes and teeth' on the front of that thing.

04-05-2005, 03:53 PM
ide this is for those players that need ..or think they need the newest fastest latest greatest

not fastest or greatest, but, hey, 1/3 isnt TOOO bad :p

04-05-2005, 04:20 PM
after i get settled in from my move i am going to look at one of these. if it looks half as good as the pics its mine. hate them all you want.......

Ion owner
04-05-2005, 04:34 PM
i konw i wont be in a rush to pay :spit_take $1700 :spit_take for anything that is that ugly.

04-05-2005, 04:37 PM

Don't they look alike. I think we could call them twins.

04-05-2005, 04:37 PM
Its pretty, but I can spend $1700 on more useful things.

04-05-2005, 04:38 PM
One of the nicest looking markers on the market, and knowing dye, I bet it rips

04-05-2005, 04:45 PM
It'd look much better if the eye covers and the VA matched the body's highlights.

I like it :D

04-05-2005, 04:56 PM
i'll buy one if i somehow win the powerball this week

04-05-2005, 05:02 PM
AHHH...another toy for rich little muppets...

04-05-2005, 05:16 PM

Don't they look alike. I think we could call them twins.

funny... one twin is twice as much as the other.

04-05-2005, 05:33 PM
$1700 price tag is simply absurd. There is no way you could possible justify spending that sort of money on a paintball marker. That thing can't possibly be THAT much lighter or really any better than the current line of Matrix'.

I really don't know what market they are attempting to cater to with this.....the spoiled little rich brat demographic?

04-05-2005, 05:38 PM
I think the big question is...What does it weigh? That is the only reason that people would buy it.

04-05-2005, 05:38 PM
I like some of the colors alot....but not for the price.

04-05-2005, 05:41 PM
if i actually bought one of those, i would hang it up on the wall

04-05-2005, 05:44 PM
its kinda cool lookin(my jury is still out on that one....) but my god theres no way thats a 1700$ gun(they may sell it for that but thats not what its worth)

04-05-2005, 06:09 PM
I think it looks great. I'm sure the $1700 pricetag is justifiable. Ferrari's are $200k+ because they cost a lot to make. That body is titanium. Titanium=very expensive. I'd rather have a G7 though. That's another sweet $1700 super gun. Hey, don't knock it just because you don't have the cash. If I could afford it I'd buy one. Well, I'd buy the G7 first, but I'd check that out too.

04-05-2005, 06:19 PM

I could solve it all; Have your local field sign a waver stating that you are worthy of entering whatever tournament you are trying to play in, and state that you have practiced as a team for at least 10 practices before the tourney. Honestly, if the owner/ refs of the field you play at cant say you stand out and are worthy of tournaments, then you are worthless. And a good 10 practices as a team wouldn't hurt. If you dont have 10 this season, wait till next season. Trust me, if you dont have a good # of practices as a team, your team skills will show it. Communications and working together are a big part.

This gets rid of all the stupid "ballers" that come around with their parents money, flashing it and saying,"Yeah, im ready to smoke someone" and then have them get wasted and put up this big fit and give REAL tourney ballers a bad reputation. Either that, or have their own division of playing, THE AGG KIDDY BALLERS
Im telling you, it would be a hit, just pin them all in one large x or hyperball field and have at it. It would be the next Rome Colliseum of the 20th Century

Honestly, not a big fan of DYE guns, and not a big fan of DYE pricetags. it is honestly like that one signature goes,"Only dye can make an awesome gun that looks like crap and charge 1000 for it" only this time, its 1700

price tags like that are going to ruin good pb companies by making them compete, and good pb competition by making it a sport of the rich

04-05-2005, 06:24 PM
I could see the price tag if it was an ultra limited edition gun. The Westwood cocker cost around $1700 when BBT was making them. But knowing DYE, you'll see one of these absurd cookie cutter customs on the walls of your local uber proshops. :mad:

04-05-2005, 10:21 PM
GRR i kinda wish they'd stop making all these new things after a buy a gun. GRRRRR. But i don't like the looks of that thing. Shouldn't that part above the reg be the same color as those other parts?

04-05-2005, 11:22 PM
looks like a crappy ion...

Big Weapons
04-06-2005, 01:15 AM
I'd hit it.

If it was ~$1000.

04-06-2005, 01:36 AM
man what a bunch of haters. This gun will rip just like the dm5 already does. It will be lighter, and is supposed to be in a limited amount.

quit your complaiin about the price tag. there were many different markers that sold, and sold well at this price. cobra mamba angels come to mind, dye ironmen lcd's etc etc...

honestly, get over it, and quit complaining.

04-06-2005, 04:17 AM
You hate because you can't afford one.

You hate on the kids with supportive parents because you don't get that kind of support.

Don't be jealous... you'd own that marker too if someone gave you the option of it.

04-06-2005, 07:40 AM
No, I can afford one, and could pre-order one right now if I thought it was worth the price tag. Obviously I dont. Does anyone think that this minor improvement on the DM4/5 will elevate their game enough to justify the price tag?

04-06-2005, 08:15 AM
"I could solve it all; Have your local field sign a waver stating that you are worthy of entering whatever tournament you are trying to play in, and state that you have practiced as a team for at least 10 practices before the tourney. Honestly, if the owner/ refs of the field you play at cant say you stand out and are worthy of tournaments, then you are worthless. And a good 10 practices as a team wouldn't hurt. If you dont have 10 this season, wait till next season. Trust me, if you dont have a good # of practices as a team, your team skills will show it. Communications and working together are a big part.

had to do this.....do you realize how many teams have 10 practices together before a tournment? id wager a bet of almost none. if you had some stupid rule such as this you wouldnt get that many teams to show up for a tournament.

i played a tournament with one guy who had never played a tourney, one guy who had played one before with me, one guy who had played 2 before(1 with me) and we didnt get any chance to practice together, and 2 of the guys had never even played together once. we took 3rd.

now in saying this, i am in no way defending those who are given the newest equipment by their parents. i just look at it this way, when i get to play them, and roll them on the field, they will complain and possibly leave the sport, selling their stuff at an outrageously low price, which i can then get ;)

will i buy a dmc? no. if i had enough money to be able to get a dmc would i buy one? maybe. the dmc to a dm4/5 is basically like what an xmag is to an emag. it has a few extra features, but nothing too different, but costs alot more. it is going to be a limited run marker for those who want something that not alot will have.

04-06-2005, 08:28 AM
Heck for 1700 you can get 3 emags and a halo or two and if you lucky even a tank.

I wonder if the "extras" make this DM better?

I still love my RT but up against this I dont have enough Bling to shoot back at the kid whos mom bought it for his 14th b-day


Its nice but I wouldnt spend that much for a marker ever..........

04-06-2005, 08:46 AM
looks like a crappy ion...

you guys are hilarious. if AGD didnt put it out, then its ugly and a P.O.S. huh?

04-06-2005, 08:58 AM
why is an xmag worth more than an emag? oh yeah it shoots faster...no wait-it does not.....it has better parts...um no there also, just a warp breech that no one uses......but it has a crappy eye in it.....well they both use level 10.....oh yeah its looks different and is more rare.......and costs $600 more.......case closed.

it does not matter what yo uthink about this, it will be the next hottest gun out. only the high end, upper echelon of paintball players care about looks enough to drop $300-400 more on a marker because of looks or small upgrades, and will pay to have it. i would.... :tard:

Target Practice
04-06-2005, 10:28 AM
Whelp, time to go take my morning crap. Maybe I'll take a picture of it and send it in to Dye. I'm sure they'd jump at the chance to use it as inspiration for the DM6.

04-06-2005, 04:37 PM
Proto whaaaaat?

04-06-2005, 09:31 PM
I believe the titanium-steel composite its made of will be heavier than the aluminum dm5... I may be wrong though, I read this a while before dye released any actual info..

Big Weapons
04-07-2005, 01:11 AM
It's titanium-aluminum alloy. Or something.

04-07-2005, 01:13 AM
you guys are hilarious. if AGD didnt put it out, then its ugly and a P.O.S. huh?

actually I don't own anything AGD so I could care less if AGD put it out. I sold all my mags and shoot a freestyle now. Honestly it looks like they tried to copy the ion, with the different color panels.

I think it looks like crap and I stand by that, on the same note I really don't care for how the DM4/5's look in general.

04-07-2005, 01:50 AM
ok frirst off, if you own a free style, you cannot criticise any sort of milling.

Second off, 2 tone anno jobs have been done before. the ion wasnt the fist to ever do it.

third off, you are all a bunch of haters, admit it.

The proto and this dont look any thing alike, you apparently suck at looking

it will be lighter, it will be just as quick, and it will shoot extremely well. it will be made well, of the utmost quality, and it will be an overall awesome marker. It is made for the cream of the crop, tip of the top players.

Which, honestly, i dont think any of you are.

I just cant wait to see how many of you purchase one in a few months...

also, how come WDP didnt get a bunch of crap for the g7? its the same difference. Same marker design as previous angels, and the same price....

04-07-2005, 03:29 AM
also, how come WDP didnt get a bunch of crap for the g7?

Maybe because the G7 doesn't look like it got hit by a truck full of lumber from the ugly forest?

You hate because you can't afford one.

you guys are hilarious. if AGD didnt put it out, then its ugly and a P.O.S. huh?

I can afford one, I'm not an AGD fanboy and I still hate it - the design, milling, size - it's just so unappealing.

I'm sure it's a superb marker, but it's a minger in the looks stakes regardless of all the Dye fanboys with their fingers in their ears shouting 'la la la I can't hear you!' ;)

04-07-2005, 03:39 AM
hmm lets see.

its gonna have titatium composite, so its gonna be heavier then just aluminum.

honstly, this better have aim-bot or something

that or they better convience me that im not better off buying 6 ions...

04-07-2005, 10:29 AM
$1700 price tag is simply absurd. There is no way you could possible justify spending that sort of money on a paintball marker. That thing can't possibly be THAT much lighter or really any better than the current line of Matrix'.

I really don't know what market they are attempting to cater to with this.....the spoiled little rich brat demographic?

Remember the DM5? How about the Ego? Or the G7? Just like all of those, this gun is constantly being bashed prior to release, and for good reason. You can get the same thing for much cheaper. But guess what? Everyone is gonna get them anyway. :rolleyes:

04-07-2005, 11:38 AM
actually, dye is supposedly incorporating some things into it that have been unheard of.... met me just give you this... titanium can be milled thinner and lighter than aluminum, and stay as strong as aluminum..... think about that for a moment..

04-07-2005, 12:53 PM
Looks nice, Looks different than the other DMs out there. Limited run (maybe) If I have the $$$ and Like having rare items...Why not?
Do you bag on folks for buying any other high end consumer product simply because of a minor and pointless detail?(Plasma screens,Big screens,HD, BMW,Ferrari,Rolex,TAG, LV,Gucci) No? Lol...How is the DMC(and by that measure paintball) ANY different?
Let DYE sell and make what they want to ...Yes , in most folks opinions it isnt worth it....But I would say that ...thats not who DYE is aiming at.
Its not the first time Paintball has seen huge price tag on an item...wont be the last.

Dont worry what other folks buy,use,think ...just play the damn game and worry about your own stuff.

It would be so much better if we all went by this little rule...lol...like I actualy think it would happen;)


04-07-2005, 05:12 PM
AO is the biggest bunch of complainers on the planet. "wah wah, it's $1700, that's too much!"

There has been guns that expensive in paintball for quite some time now. People will pay for them. Stop complaining. If you like your Mag, keep shooting it. If you're going to ignorantly bash something before it's even out, just cut off your fingers before you get to the keyboard. The DM5 rips, and I'm sure this'll be even better.

04-07-2005, 09:06 PM
whoa whoa whoa what?!?!? titanium composite? i t hought this was going to be made of the same stuff as the ion except with aluminum sleeves to contain the air pressure, instead of an outer shell, resulting in lighter weight.
but now its going to be heavier, more expensive, and not able to be reannoed? thats just plain retarded. and i bet they will say its faster (which it isnt unless it ramps).
this thing looks like crap to me

04-07-2005, 10:12 PM
you sir, are an idiot. Learn about things before you post them, and read threads before you talk.

not but 2 posts above you did i stipulate what might be happening, thinner stronger titanium parts, resulting in lighter weight.

Also, for you un inteligent people, you must realize, that it can be re annodized, as it was annodized once before....

Also, titanium is annodizable, its method is just a bit different

04-14-2005, 05:07 PM
you are right i am such an idiot for not knowing that titanium can be annodized

04-14-2005, 05:19 PM
Don't worry matt-o, magman007 blows a gasket everytime anybody says anything bad about matrices.

This one looks better than the past DMs, IMO, but it still needs work in the looks department. We'll see.

04-14-2005, 05:25 PM
you guys are hilarious. if AGD didnt put it out, then its ugly and a P.O.S. huh?Now youre getting it... :p

04-14-2005, 05:51 PM
Don't worry matt-o, magman007 blows a gasket everytime anybody says anything bad about matrices.

I noticed that too. Apparently he thinks it's a great excuse to act like a jerkoff.

Anyways... I like the way this new one looks. A lot. Not $1700, but I like it. Maybe I'll eventually get one used :)

I wonder how much it weighs...

04-14-2005, 11:55 PM
I'll buy one.

04-14-2005, 11:59 PM
titanium can be milled thinner and lighter than aluminum, and stay as strong as aluminum..... think about that for a moment..

So can stainless steel. Cheaper material, and not as cumbersome as Ti to work with.

04-15-2005, 11:57 PM
true, but ss cannot be annodized, any rate, titanium can accept annodization, it is just a different process. Also, dye probabally has some TI laying around, remember the tank reg they were going to make out of TI?

also, ti sells, its the truth, and the gun is pretty damn sexy

04-16-2005, 12:28 AM
Stainless steel would be a tight look... not a big fan of annod, made of metal then it should look like metal, made of wood it should look like wood lol. you want decoration? throw a sticker on it.

yeah thats my stupid opinion on that...

as to these things being worth buying, or even existing...? no.

But in that category i include just about every other hype-gun there is.

There is a company that makes the best guns within the realistic limitations of technology, a little company called AKA. They focus on efficiency not useless 30bps cycling rates. on compatability and durability, not looks. Realistic value, not reputation-pricetagging. Im not here to sell AKA as much as i am to bash every gun there is and in the process marketing and paintball production as a whole. But everybody is finally realizing companies like AKA are the bomb, so no gripes there.

so yeah, i hate peacock guns. This is a peacock gun, have fun looking like a peacock you peacocks.

04-16-2005, 10:07 AM
Guess I'll give my opinion for no good reason. ;)

Don't really like it.Don't like that grey strip around the front or the bulky feedneck or the smattering of colored aluminum parts.

And no, I'm not going to "You can just replace those things" on a gun in that price range.

I shoot a DM5 and love it. IMO, it's perfect right out of the box and is why I bought one.It's probably my favorite gun right now...and I have 'few' others for comparison.

The DMC looks alot like the DM5 'cept for that light grey strip wrapping around the front. What is it anyway? Strip of 'bounce' rubber or something? (Knowing Dye)

Other than that, it's fine but $500 extra is a little much to save maybe a few ounces IMO.Performance is not going to get any better,there just is anything to get better. Efficiency? Maybe...that's all you could possibly add to the DM5 but I get just fine efficiency on mine stock, it beats my Mags hands down and even those don't bother me.


What ever. It'll sell like hot cakes, haters will hate it and Dye lovers will love it and next week we'll all be trashing the 'next' new thing. ;)

Welcome to internet paintball.........NEXT!!

04-16-2005, 03:23 PM
actually, that grey strip, has been changed to match the rest of the marker, those photos were never released straight from dye.

heres the pic that dye released http://www.dyematrix.com/images/dmc_colors.jpg

jack, you sir, are missinformed. Dye may hype markers, but the marker can back it up.

Aka, good company, but the viking wasnt for me.

ah and that tid bit about high cycle rates?. lets see how much they boasted the viking at what.. 44?

the dm5 is physically capable of oh... 24 to 25 if i remember correctly

looks? what do you call the dc viking, the featherlights, highlanders etc... i think aka and their subsidaries all care about looks

realistic value?. maybe you were late comming to aka markers, but a year ago... highlander vikings cost more then these things do.

so im sorry man, but you sir, really havnt an idea of what you are talking about. Aka makes good stuff, or they did... std makes good stuff now. please quit your trolling. thanks

-magman007 (also a mod at aka-o) i know my crap and i dont bash

oh edit: Durability... you sir really dont know what you are talking about. i have owned 3 different matrix incarnations, and they are incredibly durable. all you do is change an oring, or check a wire.. that is all that ever goes wrong with matrixes.

Vikings and excals require a 50 dollar tool kit if you want to take it appart and get it back to gether again running at the correct pressure. this is why i hated my viking. the user messed with the pressure before me, and it shot like crap. i couldnt fix it, because i didnt have the money to afford the tool kit.

04-16-2005, 05:25 PM
Why do people spend over $500 for KP2's?

Same reason they'd buy a DMC.

04-16-2005, 07:04 PM
Stainless steel would be a tight look... not a big fan of annod, made of metal then it should look like metal, made of wood it should look like wood lol. you want decoration? throw a sticker on it.
imake a body out of wood for my FS and ill use it :p

04-16-2005, 07:16 PM
Its pretty, but I can spend $1700 on more useful things.

like what?!?!?

lol j/k
i would rather have a tunamax with a halo and a warp dyed to match it with a crossfire stubby and blah blah balh and still have a couple hundreed to buy paint and pay for a field fee.

04-16-2005, 07:20 PM
half a years' car insurance...

04-16-2005, 07:31 PM
Just another Matrix, big deal. Nice colors though.

04-16-2005, 11:50 PM
actually, that grey strip, has been changed to match the rest of the marker, those photos were never released straight from dye.

heres the pic that dye released http://www.dyematrix.com/images/dmc_colors.jpg

jack, you sir, are missinformed. Dye may hype markers, but the marker can back it up.

Aka, good company, but the viking wasnt for me.

ah and that tid bit about high cycle rates?. lets see how much they boasted the viking at what.. 44?

the dm5 is physically capable of oh... 24 to 25 if i remember correctly

looks? what do you call the dc viking, the featherlights, highlanders etc... i think aka and their subsidaries all care about looks

realistic value?. maybe you were late comming to aka markers, but a year ago... highlander vikings cost more then these things do.

so im sorry man, but you sir, really havnt an idea of what you are talking about. Aka makes good stuff, or they did... std makes good stuff now. please quit your trolling. thanks

-magman007 (also a mod at aka-o) i know my crap and i dont bash

oh edit: Durability... you sir really dont know what you are talking about. i have owned 3 different matrix incarnations, and they are incredibly durable. all you do is change an oring, or check a wire.. that is all that ever goes wrong with matrixes.

Vikings and excals require a 50 dollar tool kit if you want to take it appart and get it back to gether again running at the correct pressure. this is why i hated my viking. the user messed with the pressure before me, and it shot like crap. i couldnt fix it, because i didnt have the money to afford the tool kit.

yeah, "used to" is a big word there. Guess im mentally stuck back in the glory days... *sigh*

I bash :) , im an idealist, young and foolish i guess. And although i probably deserved it for being so general and biased, apparently you bash as well.

Everybody knows AKA is in a pretty undesirable state, and yeah theyve made some peacock guns. But theyve mainly made "realistic value" guns that work better than any other. They could have thrown it in a supermilled body, said it had the best efficiency, and charged twice as much in the first place. Maby it just didnt occur to them, but that still puts them one step above any company in my book, and im confident they will realize people buy AKA for their (former) lack of BS, and go back to the ingenuitive, practical production they used to be regarded for by people in the LP community, except now on a much larger scale.

Just curious tho how any any marker backs up the hype. I can take a vision impy, or for kicks, a lp electro spyder since they have vision kits now, and produce the same field effectiveness as that dye. If im going to pay that much for milling, im going to get it milled custom, the way I want.

I was clearly comparing AKA to the general marketing ideals of paintball today, not the dye markers, but thanks for the tidbits, good to know.

Yeah the price of the toolkits is pretty lame, but it helps discourage messing with the gun in the first place. Probably good for your average paintball player, although i resent it lol, messing is the best part.

04-17-2005, 12:54 PM
That marker is beautiful! Wouldn't buy it, but I wish I could!

To those who like it: Good for you.
To those who don't: Good for you.

As for the milling: It's always subjective. You can't bash a marker's value because of milling, since it's such a personal thing.

As for the materials: Let's see how it holds up before bashing it.

As for the price: Some can afford it, some can't. People spend lots of money on all types of crap they don't need. It's not a bad thing, nor is it a good thing. It just is.

04-17-2005, 01:12 PM
I never liked pics of DM_, but when I see them in person, it's a nice gun. I've been thinking of getting a Proto..............
And now for something completely different: Quick point of interest: Diablo built/invented the first Matrix, not DYE.

04-17-2005, 02:01 PM
..... if AGD didnt put it out, then its ugly and a P.O.S. huh?

Nah I'd probably still call it poop, POOP!

of course I thoght the DM 4/5 and the protos look like poop too. I could personally give a damn how they perform.

Just think of next year when dye comes out with the next big thing what the value of this (and preceding models) is gonna be....POOP! Maybe I'm just uselessly clinging to the old school idk.

But who care how fast it shoots once the industry caps everything at 15 bps (it's gonna happen, just wait)

04-17-2005, 03:05 PM
Well, withe the Ion out, and tourney cap at 15, which will soon be an industry cap due to insurance, the days of the $1k+ guns are coming to an end. Soon, we won't even see guns of that price!

04-17-2005, 03:55 PM
I never liked pics of DM_, but when I see them in person, it's a nice gun. I've been thinking of getting a Proto..............
And now for something completely different: Quick point of interest: Diablo built/invented the first Matrix, not DYE.

actually, airtech made and manufactured the first ones, diablo just distributed them.

04-17-2005, 03:56 PM
Quick point of interest: Diablo built/invented the first Matrix, not DYE.

Actually is was Airtech Industries. Diablo was only the distributor.

04-17-2005, 04:49 PM
look up rr :)

04-17-2005, 05:29 PM
Hehe. Distributed, serviced and maintained. And they were around $600. I almost bought 2.

04-17-2005, 05:33 PM
Well, withe the Ion out, and tourney cap at 15, which will soon be an industry cap due to insurance, the days of the $1k+ guns are coming to an end. Soon, we won't even see guns of that price!
I don't know. What you said is right-on, the cap greatly levels the playing field.

I still see players using $1k markers in the future. Why? Because they can. If they have the cash, they'll use it. The companies know this, and will continue to produce "High-End" markers.

04-17-2005, 06:18 PM
But soon, it will actually be illegal to use any board not capped at 15! Insurance is both good and bad. :)

04-17-2005, 06:30 PM
Yeah. But I doubt the whole "It's a (insert marker here)" mentality will ever fade.

04-18-2005, 02:05 PM
first off, nppl is still allowing uncapped boards, and the nppl is really going places.

so it doesnt really matter

also the whole, i own this marker, is a special thing, and if you have the money to purchase it, and it makes you happy and performs well, then it should be a bragging right

and the bps cap? i really dont see it sticking around for much longer honestly, maybe a few years... the industry made a 13 bps cap a while ago, and it held up for about a summer...

04-18-2005, 02:10 PM
look up rr :)

Dang, less than a minute. Oh well, getcha next time . :)

How 'bout this then,

FYI, the Matrix was originally designed as a mechanical marker.

Oh well....

04-18-2005, 04:27 PM
first off, nppl is still allowing uncapped boards, and the nppl is really going places.

so it doesnt really matter

also the whole, i own this marker, is a special thing, and if you have the money to purchase it, and it makes you happy and performs well, then it should be a bragging right

and the bps cap? i really dont see it sticking around for much longer honestly, maybe a few years... the industry made a 13 bps cap a while ago, and it held up for about a summer...
You don't understand. :rolleyes: Because of insurance, 15 will be an industry cap within a year or two. Making anything more illegal, as in if you have it, you might get arrested, gun will be confiscated. At least, that's what some people I know in the insurance industry said would happen...........

04-18-2005, 04:30 PM
You don't understand. :rolleyes: Because of insurance, 15 will be an industry cap within a year or two. Making anything more illegal, as in if you have it, you might get arrested, gun will be confiscated. At least, that's what some people I know in the insurance industry said would happen...........

not gonna happen for a few reasons.

1. People have Cars
2. People have Cars that CAN technically go over the speed limit
3. People just dont drive Cars as fast as they can go

thats all, just because you gun can shoot 15 doesnt mean it would be confiscated, atleast noone will ever get the backing or have the footing to make it happen

04-18-2005, 05:52 PM
You will not get arrested or have you gun confinscated, basically the insuance will not cover the field if an accident incurs while using an uncapped gun. Much the way the full auto policy works at most fields.

04-18-2005, 07:14 PM
oh, and what about super mechs? i know the hair can obtain over 15, we have all seen it done. It is relatively impossible to have your mech marker limited to 15, unless you emplore shoddy parts, which isnt such a great idea now is it?

your marker wil not be confiscated, and you wont be arrested. i think this is one of the most assinine things i have ever heard.

also, i will not goout and buy a 15 bps board for my dm5, because i think it is the dumbest thing ever for the bps capto be in existance. i understand it for xball, and ease of viewing, but other than that, there is no reason for it.

It is all about physical strengths. if you can legally shoot over 15(which i cannot but im sure i can peak over it at times) then all the power to you. the nppl has it right with the robot detecting bounce and ramping.

04-18-2005, 08:54 PM
frankly no gun should be much more than 1000 anymore. Your just paying for the name after that.

04-18-2005, 09:30 PM
and again...arguments over guns always come to this. PERSONAL PREFERENCE.

:cuss: the key to that phrase, is PERSONAL. which means you may not agree with someones liking of somehting you dont. GET OVER IT. another example of how close AO is to becoming PBN. bunch of whiners that cant respect other peoples opinions. :cuss:

now ill go write a poem.

you apparently suck at looking
:rofl: :clap:

04-18-2005, 09:42 PM
frankly no gun should be much more than 1000 anymore. Your just paying for the name after that.

I beg to differ. ;)

<a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v357/footemps/mcdback.jpg"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v357/footemps/mcdback.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

04-18-2005, 09:55 PM
<a href="http://img144.echo.cx/my.php?image=dmc0hz.jpg">
<img src="http://img144.echo.cx/img144/8884/dmc0hz.th.jpg" border="0">
<a href="http://img92.echo.cx/my.php?image=dmc29ur.jpg">
<img src="http://img92.echo.cx/img92/9959/dmc29ur.th.jpg" border="0">
<a href="http://img47.echo.cx/my.php?image=dmc38ot.jpg">
<img src="http://img47.echo.cx/img47/3120/dmc38ot.th.jpg" border="0">

04-18-2005, 10:16 PM
Looks like it still has the grey strip to me. ;)

04-18-2005, 10:23 PM

I could solve it all; Have your local field sign a waver stating that you are worthy of entering whatever tournament you are trying to play in, and state that you have practiced as a team for at least 10 practices before the tourney. Honestly, if the owner/ refs of the field you play at cant say you stand out and are worthy of tournaments, then you are worthless. And a good 10 practices as a team wouldn't hurt. If you dont have 10 this season, wait till next season. Trust me, if you dont have a good # of practices as a team, your team skills will show it. Communications and working together are a big part.

This gets rid of all the stupid "ballers" that come around with their parents money, flashing it and saying,"Yeah, im ready to smoke someone" and then have them get wasted and put up this big fit and give REAL tourney ballers a bad reputation. Either that, or have their own division of playing, THE AGG KIDDY BALLERS
Im telling you, it would be a hit, just pin them all in one large x or hyperball field and have at it. It would be the next Rome Colliseum of the 20th Century

Honestly, not a big fan of DYE guns, and not a big fan of DYE pricetags. it is honestly like that one signature goes,"Only dye can make an awesome gun that looks like crap and charge 1000 for it" only this time, its 1700

price tags like that are going to ruin good pb companies by making them compete, and good pb competition by making it a sport of the rich

And those "agg kiddy ballers" still shoot you.

04-18-2005, 10:46 PM
latest rumors is that it is a just a DM5 with a new body, supposed to be about half the weight but the trade-off is that it'll have a little more kick.

04-18-2005, 10:49 PM
I beg to differ. ;)

<a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v357/footemps/mcdback.jpg"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v357/footemps/mcdback.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

zomg i made that background!!!!

04-19-2005, 07:15 PM
Wow I would pay 1700 bucks for that... :clap: WOW
but anywho heres a update on the DMC/ Composite DM5

"Pieces of the new DMC have been replaced with a new composite material, making it one of the lightest guns on the market.
Accuracy at its finest, the standard ultralite 14" barrel
The DMC's integrated on/off air supply allows you to de-gas your marker at any time
Consistent air flow through the Hyper2 in-line air regulator
Internal anti-chop eye sensing system provides trouble free high rate of fire
The low 170 psi operating pressure provides smooth operating performance with less shot bounce
Continuous 3 dimensional contoured body design boasts the elegant look of the DM5
Completely adjustable trigger design allows you to customize your trigger position and refraction point. Trigger rolling bearing inserts give trigger stability and smooth swing return.
Lightweight compact body, length reduced by 1/2 inch
DM5 Sticky3 grip is standard and provides an anatomically correct fit for your hand
Ergonomic 45 frame provides the correct fit angle for trigger pull ease. Additional integrated dovetail and rear hook allows for easy carrying on and off the field
Removable one-piece Fuse bolt system provides easy internal access and maintenance
High intensity LED provides identification to program functions
Modular internal LPR provides shot consistency and quality
Low profile feed port with adjustable clamp neck allows you to use your hopper of choice
Will shoot as fast as your loader can feed"

And pb gear has them now...so any speculation on the reality of this gun is basically elimnated. It's real and yes it does cost $1,700-$2,000 depending on the "level" from what I've heard.......

04-19-2005, 08:33 PM
I beg to differ. ;)

<a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v357/footemps/mcdback.jpg"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v357/footemps/mcdback.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

whisky, tango, foxtrot!! :wow:

1) does that actually work?
2) does it work well?
3) where can you get one? ;)

04-20-2005, 06:39 PM
whisky, tango, foxtrot!! :wow:

1) does that actually work?
2) does it work well?
3) where can you get one? ;)

1- it could but he didnt want to risk ruining it.
2- see above
3- unless your funds are bottomless, you cant get it. and if im correct, i beleive it was confiscated, along with all his other creations.

i dont think his site is up anymore. last time i tried to get to it, i couldnt.

04-20-2005, 08:16 PM
1- it could but he didnt want to risk ruining it.
2- see above
3- unless your funds are bottomless, you cant get it. and if im correct, i beleive it was confiscated, along with all his other creations.

i dont think his site is up anymore. last time i tried to get to it, i couldnt.

He got all his stuff back, thankfully. And should be all clear on legalities over there now.

And it was estimated that just to cover labor costs, it would have to sell for around $50K . :eek:

04-20-2005, 10:32 PM
i never though the dm series was "ugly" theyr some of the hottest/slickest guns out

i would say an angel is ugly or a few other guns before a dmw/e

im def not spending 1600 for one but if i was stupid rich i would :P

ide this is for those players that need ..or think they need the newest fastest latest greatest

that was said perfectly...


04-20-2005, 10:42 PM
Which do you guys think would you guys think would perform better the new G7 or this new DMC? Personally this looks better...

04-21-2005, 07:47 AM
ok sorry to thread jack here

just did a search on the forums for triggernomics.. damn.. if only i had been here a year or two earlier....

does anybody have any more pics of triggernomic stuff? all the pics in the threads were broken.. i am particularly interested in that "non functional" mag i read about...

04-21-2005, 09:39 AM
Which do you guys think would you guys think would perform better the new G7 or this new DMC? Personally this looks better...

they are both all around solid performers, but personally i dont like angels. i dont like the body style, i dont like space frames, i dont like how they ballance, or how for foreward the hopper is. i dont think wdp really has much of a design to stand on any more. Plus i dont like the kick of an angel, i dont care how low pressure it is, its still going to kick, plus the g7 looks like crap, especially with the way the back end is designed.

Personally, i think i would go with a dm5/c because i think matrixes and their like models are the best performing markers on the fields today. i love my dm5, and i bought it for a reason. I knew it would have very minimal kick, perform as well as my dm4, and ad a few more features that i really liked in the marker

04-21-2005, 05:43 PM
well io agree with you about the looks of the G7 and some of WDPs newer models...but ive shot a 05 speed and it really has little if not minimal kick...

04-22-2005, 12:48 AM
its still there though, and dont go telling me there are differences between the opperating systems of an 05 speed and an 04 speed... because there arent, same with the fly 4. the internals are all the same, and i know the kick of an angel, it isnt for me. the trix is just smoothe like butta

04-22-2005, 10:42 AM
pure tits!~

04-23-2005, 11:39 PM
I wonder who will be the first one from ao to buy one :D

04-24-2005, 11:14 AM
the 05 and 04 speeds do have different internals....the 05 has the fly engine and the internals are more compact than the 04 speed./....

and personally i dont think this thing is gonna sell that much...

04-24-2005, 06:29 PM
i personaly think they are ugly