View Full Version : Empire vs. Odyssey loaders??

04-06-2005, 02:11 PM
I was looking inton buying a new loaders and noticed that the Empire and Odyssey loaders look exactly the same. Are they any differences, which is a better company, better loader?

04-06-2005, 02:14 PM
Reloader B = Sound Activated
Halo B = Reflective eye

04-06-2005, 02:24 PM
The Empire loader offers speed settings. The reloader will also run with 4AA batteries as well as 6AA's or the 9V mod.....
I bought one today and with the 4AA's on the slowest setting its faster than I am.

04-06-2005, 02:25 PM
If you buy from Action village, you can save like 35$ on a Halo B than a Reloader B. I don't think the sound activated stuff is such a big deal, everyone makes them a bigger deal then they are.

04-06-2005, 02:31 PM
Reloader B also has a rip drive installed as factory

04-06-2005, 02:37 PM
some ppl have had probs w/ reloader Bs turning paint into mush. I have heard several stories of breaking paint.

IMO, the Halo w/ a Victory or angry board is better than the reloader B.

I have not used one though, my loader has an Angry board and I personally think it is the most consistent loader/board out right now.

04-06-2005, 02:38 PM
you know the equalizer board is coming out for the halo b. They said on the website that it exceeded 50+ balls a second feeding rate.

04-06-2005, 03:17 PM
you know the equalizer board is coming out for the halo b. They said on the website that it exceeded 50+ balls a second feeding rate.
Yeah I also heard it could do my algebra II homework for me. Excellent.

04-06-2005, 03:18 PM

04-06-2005, 03:53 PM
you know the equalizer board is coming out for the halo b. They said on the website that it exceeded 50+ balls a second feeding rate.

Think about this people 50BPS = thats paint moving at how many FPS? Someone must know. But the point is thats turning paint into much when it hits the sudden stop at the button of your breech - or just rocketing it past teh detents. I have seen both issues on Halos set fast as it is.

04-06-2005, 04:06 PM
the halo is a nice loader and is decent, but the second you break a ball in the hopper, pod, breach, you are screwed. The eyes get covered and stop working and that is why you chop paint. If you are serious reloader (empire), if you want yet a still good loader, then get the halo b. both are good. but empire will work even if you break paint

04-06-2005, 05:09 PM
Here is a link of a thread made awhile ago. It has some pretty good info if you can sift thru all the bickering. It was made shortly after the reloader B was released and a lot of diehard Halo guys attacked the thread starter for his personal preferences.

link (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=131060&highlight=skillz+reloader)

04-06-2005, 05:10 PM
Really it depends on the gun that you shoot. If you shoot a gun that is loud then a reloader B would be a good hopper for you, but if you have a quite gun you want to stay away from the sound activated loaders.

I shoot a freestyle and have a halo with a V35 board in it, never had a single issue with it. i have read about other freestyle owners having issues with the reloader B not feeding because the gun is too quite.

04-06-2005, 08:18 PM
reloader B not feeding because the gun is too quite.

It's not "sound" activated, per-say... It's shock or "vibration" activated. Paint shifting from one side of the hopper to the other is enough to activate it. It will actually completely empty itself off a marker due to the paint constantly churning. I can't think of any markers out there right now that don't have at least that much shock, the Freestyle included. Heck, snapshooting with half a hopper will activate the thing ~3 times even if you don't fire the marker at all. Plus the fact that it only really needs to run once every 5-6 shots to force feed, and only every 10-12 shots to feed (every "run" is about 3/4 turn, depending on speed setting). I think the "sound" activation is much more reliable and than eyes, reflective or break beam.

That being said, even with the 4-AA pack, the Reloader B/Halo B is heavy. And the whole "you need to work out" thing is bunk. Just because I lug 170lb. tanks around at work dosen't mean I want to do it on the paintball field. If I can lighten my marker enough to make snapshooting half a second quicker, then that's 6-10 balls I've avoided getting hit by.

Head knight of Ni
04-06-2005, 10:50 PM
No Reloaders are sound activated. The sound of the paint shifting sets off the sensor since it's in the neck(I believe). If you start your reloader in quiet areas it'll pick up sound much easier.

04-07-2005, 10:49 AM
Sound and vibration are the same thing. What we think of as sound is just the vibration of air or water or what ever is transmitting the vibrations to your inner ear.

The Reloader picks up vibration/sound from the easiest source which tends to be the vibrations traveling through gun/loader. A loud enough noise seperate from your set-up would set it off too.