View Full Version : spyder e99 selonoids

Audi Man
04-06-2005, 04:14 PM
I have jus recently soldered my switch on my spyder e99 to fire on the pull and release
but found the selonoid will not fire fast enough
It acts like the capacitor will not charge fast enough. Does aney one know wheather you can get other selonoids that require less power or of a capacitor that charges faster.
Thanks for any input.

05-15-2005, 12:20 AM
Get a T-board. That's all I can think of. With the stock board the noid doesn't seem to charge as fast. I have an imagine sitting here w/ the stock board. When I start shooting (fully charged battery) I can actually get the low battery LED to come on, and my friend who shoots an E-99 has the same issue. So my answer is get a T-board.