View Full Version : Exile bodies

04-06-2005, 07:59 PM
Hey guys

I saw it long ago but now i cant find the link...can anyone provide a link to where i can see the Rogue Exile Body? thanx

-And just another question...is AGD still making the Flatline or no? i dont see it at the store but still hear about it all the time on the forums.

04-06-2005, 08:19 PM
awesome..thanx roguefactor....can anyone comment on the flatlines?

04-06-2005, 08:35 PM
flatlines the last i heard tunaman had a few ..

as for the exile that is a damn nice ule custom.. body ....

<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/22000/rpg.jpg"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/22000/rpg.jpg" width="355" height="236"> </img></a>

04-06-2005, 09:25 PM
thanx guys, i dunno when im gonna get a new gun, hopefully soon, but right now im leaning towards the tac-One, since im gonna be playing mostly woods ball with my friends i figure that would be a good way just to start, and then if i want a different body style ill just upgrade when i have the money. But i probably wont even need to upgrade other than like a clamping feedneck or something along those lines...

04-07-2005, 10:22 AM
sorry if its already been mentioned but what kind of trigger frame is :dance: that

04-07-2005, 12:16 PM
That's one of rogue's Chimera frames ;)

they are Really nice, good thick anno and excellent machining!

BUY ONE! :D :cool:

04-07-2005, 02:52 PM
Hey max king what type of foregrip you got on there? shockteck?

04-07-2005, 03:01 PM
i just got a mag with an exile body..

none too impressed. considering a karta body now.

04-07-2005, 03:55 PM
money ain't a thing :dance:

but you don't sell to canada. remember? :nono:

04-07-2005, 03:55 PM
I'm always seriously impressed with the quality of the anno that Rogue supplies.

always a REALLY good thick coat that doesn't scratch easily (unlike some others - especially the stock ULE bodies - sorry AGD!) and is always very consistent

04-19-2005, 10:29 AM
im too lazy to look so how much does that chimera from cost :dance:

04-19-2005, 11:41 AM
here is a good link to have ..
