View Full Version : with gas prices goin up ,what has it done to your paintballn..

04-07-2005, 10:21 PM
gas around here is from 235 to 239 ,what is it were you are and how has it effected your playn paintball ..

04-07-2005, 10:33 PM
Well, as of now none. But I have not gone any were far away to play as of now.

04-07-2005, 10:57 PM
just more $ to spend.
ex when reffing is..30 min away :(

$ ide rather spend elsewhere but..whatcha gonna do

04-07-2005, 11:09 PM
a nice small feild near my crib. but for the good/far ones just plan a group outing and put on the old bumper sticker "gas, grass, or ***; no1 rides 4 free"

04-07-2005, 11:16 PM
Heh. I wish gas was that cheap here! Gas in Victoria just went up to 102.9 cents/litre (Canadian) yesterday -- that's $3.18 USD per US gallon.

My van is about to die a horrible death anyway (head gasket leak) so I am going to have to find another way to get to the field, which is out in the sticks a half-hour drive away...

04-07-2005, 11:53 PM
its shot my playing to hell right now but theres not much i can do im just now recovering from christmas!!

04-07-2005, 11:59 PM
Why do we pay a more per gallon for water in bottles than we do for gas without question?
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hmm... some things may never make sense. Oh well I have actually just gotten back into paintball recently and I don't think gas prices will stop me from taking all available chances to shoot and be shot by as many people as possible. :)

04-08-2005, 12:18 AM
Just passed a gas station on the way home at 2.61 here in so cal. :(

I remember when I used to complain at 2$ even

04-08-2005, 12:25 AM
i live in san diego CA and our gas prices blow yours out o the water...try $2.71 for the cheap 87 octain!!! :mad: :mad: I pay $34 to fill up my honda accord. living in southern california does have its downs. then again...paintball all year round :dance: :dance:

04-08-2005, 12:31 AM
We've got a $2.91 for premium(not that I fill up with such Placebo gas) in Santa Ynez(just north of Santa Barbara). It becoming insane. The fact is, Apparently We have discovered all the major fields of oil, and these fields are already in use! Scientists, If you didnt have incentive before, here's your chance! I mean, we should have seen this coming, but for the most part, we americans dont like to think that far in the future (except for our 401ks). IM not saying its our fault, but we DO use ALOT of gas, not only in congested cities, like socal, chicago etc, but think of how much gas it takes to keep our military up and running.

As far as my paintball suffering, Ill have none of this. We make do, and put together little speedball fields on 1/2 acre lots in backyads n stuff. I kinda live in a suburb/rural community, so we can get away with that. If I didnt have that, Id just put together trips and cover my costs with my passengers paying for gas. Cheap for them, cheaper for me! :headbang:

04-08-2005, 02:29 AM
My grand cherokee is a 5.9 liter and requires 91 :( Gas is Los Gatos is just under $3/gal i heard on the news that the most expensive gas station is in Big Sur, CA (3.79/gal for 87! :eek: ). I also heard the cheapes gas can be found in Jersey. Lately I've been playing every other weekend because of the cost of gas. I only get 13.5 MPG and the field I play at is an hour away!

04-08-2005, 06:10 AM
You guy´s cry about gas prices man I wish I could pay $2 a gallon overhere we pay like €1,35 per liter so even if i have a small car I will be wasting alot of money. €1,35 in dollar will be $1,73 per liter so u guy´s are just lucky.

04-08-2005, 06:15 AM
You guy´s cry about gas prices man I wish I could pay $2 a gallon overhere we pay like €1,35 per liter so even if i have a small car I will be wasting alot of money. €1,35 in dollar will be $1,73 per liter so u guy´s are just lucky.
how many liters are in a gallon :confused:

04-08-2005, 06:25 AM
Absolutely nothing.

I play paintball no matter what... unless... like I have no ride :(

But that will be resolved in a week... when I get my license... hopefully...

04-08-2005, 06:31 AM
3.80 liter = 1 gallon So that would be $1.73 x 3.8= $6,60 pero gallon and that is now that the euro has more value. I don´t even wanna talk about when the dollar goes up again because than it would be like $8 to $9 dollar a gallon. And my field is like an hour away.

04-08-2005, 07:05 AM
Gas prices will effect my paintball last first it will effect
1) Eating out
2) Groceries
3) Electric bill

Its not going to get to paintball... its of higher priority.

04-08-2005, 07:39 AM
Playing with my phantom SC!!!! I am playing 1 or 2 games with my mag rest of the time its SC with a 3.5. ;) Gas hit $2.49 for regular unleaded $2.69 for premium. What I think is shifty is that it will drop 5 cents or more on Monday.... WTF :cuss:

04-08-2005, 07:52 AM
3.80 liter = 1 gallon So that would be $1.73 x 3.8= $6,60 pero gallon and that is now that the euro has more value. I don´t even wanna talk about when the dollar goes up again because than it would be like $8 to $9 dollar a gallon. And my field is like an hour away.

When I was in Japan (almost ten years ago now) we paid around 240 yen per litre. That was almost exactly equal to $2.40 USD at the time, so that's $9.07 USD per gallon. I admittedly find it hard to get worked up about North American gas prices now, because even though the current prices are ridiculously high for us, in the big picture we get off relatively easy. In the UK, for instance, they were paying around 81p per litre in Feb, which works out to $5.44 per gallon. I just wish that we had the transit that those countries do, so that driving wasn't such a freakin' necessity.

04-08-2005, 07:53 AM
$8 gallon here in the 51st state....

it's a killer, I drive a 1.4l car with a 40l tank..
costs about $70 to fill up...

you just have to suck it down :(

sucks to be British 99.999% of the time!

Recon by Fire
04-08-2005, 08:12 AM
Here in the land of Big Oil and refiniries gas is a bit cheaper than most I guess. It is $2.12 a gallon just down at the corner shop. Even still it cost me nearly $50 to fill up my Explorer and I ahve to fill up almost every day :(

04-08-2005, 08:19 AM
$8 gallon here in the 51st state....

it's a killer, I drive a 1.4l car with a 40l tank..
costs about $70 to fill up...

you just have to suck it down :(

sucks to be British 99.999% of the time!

A reminder about the states - drinks come in litres, fuel comes in gallons :D

04-08-2005, 08:27 AM
Well, looks like were all getting Hybrid Cars or mopeds or something. Gas here is 2.34 a gallon. Its horrible. I fill the car (92' camery) for $50 bucks like once ever week its killing me.... I might have to get a second job to fill it. :mad: :cuss:

04-08-2005, 08:45 AM
It makes me happy that Paintball doesn't require gas. Boating on the otherhand is going to cost an arm and a leg this season.

04-08-2005, 08:54 AM
its what the american public wanted. They expressed their concerns in the 2004 election. Banning gay marriage and abortions were at the top of their list of priorities. Stop whining. If you dont like gas prices then walk or ride a bike or mass transportation. As for paintball, I will cut back on other things just to keep playing.....just like lohman said.

Stop eating out, I can stop drinking beer. If you smoke, stop or cut back. Take shorter showers, turn down the fridge and freezer a little. etc..

04-08-2005, 08:58 AM
its what the american public wanted. They expressed their concerns in the 2004 election. Banning gay marriage and abortions were at the top of their list of priorities. Stop whining. If you dont like gas prices then walk or ride a bike or mass transportation.

Yeh, because gas prices were a major part of which platform?

04-08-2005, 09:02 AM
Yeh, because gas prices were a major part of which platform?

war is part of which platform? wheres the oil/petroleum. Its being sold.

04-08-2005, 09:05 AM
I'm sorry, I misunderstand - so it is the war in Iraq that is raising gas prices and not the general industrialization of the Asian subcontinent?

04-08-2005, 09:13 AM
a continued presence in Iraq was part of both platforms in 2004. ok i am a PoliSci major and would love nothing more than to have a political debate however this forum is not the place for it. if the thread goes down the path it is starting it will end in massive flame wars. lets avoid that and talk about some paintball.

04-08-2005, 09:16 AM
I'm sorry, I misunderstand - so it is the war in Iraq that is raising gas prices and not the general industrialization of the Asian subcontinent?

who are they buying the gas from? and the war in iraq was not both platforms. The continued presence there is because we had already taken the country. would you disagree. And our president and his family are and have been oil tycoons for ages, their focus is in money and oil, and money from selling oil.

but yes as for paintball, gas prices does not effect it because I play somewhat near my home.

04-08-2005, 09:20 AM
who are they buying the gas from?

Gas (crude oil actually) is a world market, it really does not matter where it is coming from. Hence why we send a good share of our Alaskan to Japan. For the record - Citgo, BP, Sunoco, and few others import 0 gallons of oil from the middle east. Mind you its likely offset by Shell and Exxon (among others). Oil prices are about supply and demand on a world level, and until either we convince or force OPEC to increase supply or use less oil (either ourselves or other countries) the price for crude is going to remain high.

That being said I am informed that the price of crude is actually only a margin of oil prices and that refinement into fuel grade gasoline acconts for much of the cost.

04-08-2005, 09:33 AM
ok this is my last post on the now overly political tangent this thread has reached. And yes in 2004 continued pressence in Iraq was part of both platforms. i never said it was kerry's idea to go to war but in the 2004 election going to war was a moot point as we were already there so yes war was part of both platforms in this last election. So yes i do agree that presence there is based on already being there but it was part of the kerry edwards platform. you recognized this so i don't even know why you said i was wrong...

Yak and Loh you guys are getting way too personal and political about this and now none of the last posts had anything to do with paintball.

04-08-2005, 09:33 AM
$1.59 at the last place I filled up at :)


04-08-2005, 09:34 AM
While china's rapid rise in demand is one of the major factors in the rise in oil prices, I don't think anyone can argue (convincingly) that the unrest in the middle east isn't also rasing prices.

04-08-2005, 09:35 AM
Yak and Loh you guys are getting way too personal and political about this and now none of the last posts had anything to do with paintball.

Your actually right.. I kinda forgot what forum I was posting in :D What can I say? Oops

04-08-2005, 09:42 AM
:p at least we All agree that we would sell a kidney before we stop playing paintball. :shooting:

04-08-2005, 09:45 AM
Supply and demand. "They" charge as much as you will pay...

04-08-2005, 10:06 AM
With the 'experts' predicting that the price of crude oil per barrel hitting $100 USD by 2010 and that the peak of oil production worldwide reached in ~2010, it will make life a lot different from what we are used to today. So with the continual increase of oil demand worldwide, a decrease in oil availability/production worldwide, the picture doesn't look pretty. I truly believe that this is a turning point for the world. If we don't change the way we use and depend on oil (giant SUVs, not car pooling, lack of public transit, etc) and if there isn't an alternative viable energy source found soon then there will only be further chaos. Think the Iraq war was bad eh? Is it farfetched to think that there will be future wars with 'oil' being an agenda? With China even?

04-08-2005, 10:50 AM
Gas (crude oil actually) is a world market, it really does not matter where it is coming from. Hence why we send a good share of our Alaskan to Japan. For the record - Citgo, BP, Sunoco, and few others import 0 gallons of oil from the middle east. Mind you its likely offset by Shell and Exxon (among others). Oil prices are about supply and demand on a world level, and until either we convince or force OPEC to increase supply or use less oil (either ourselves or other countries) the price for crude is going to remain high.

That being said I am informed that the price of crude is actually only a margin of oil prices and that refinement into fuel grade gasoline acconts for much of the cost.

Ok, just so youll shutup. I am not saying that oil/petroleum from America being sold is hurting our economy. I am saying that the oil that america has distrubuted from the middle east (iraq) to asia and other countries has earned money for the ppl in charge. But they arent necessarily allocating all of that profit to the reconstruction of the country, rather using US tax money to fund such things. And companies such as Haliburtion have recieved over 80 percent of the outsourced contracts to refine/drill/and ship this oil to other countries.

Thats is how it ultimately hurts the american economy. Im sorry I didnt make that clear. So, our prices/demand for oil/petroleum w/in our own country is indirectly effected by the oil in the middle east. If you could break loose from Rush limbaugh long enough to comprehend whats going on, yould be able to see that. But wait, thinking for yourself is "liberal" ....conservatives just repeat what they are told as the undisputed truth.

I apologize this turned into a political argument, but the title of the thread instigates it.

No offense made toward anyones beliefs :cheers: Ill shutup now. Peace to lohman. Its okay to disagree on things, thats what makes democracy great. ;)

04-08-2005, 10:54 AM
No offense made toward anyones beliefs :cheers: Ill shutup now. Peace to lohman. Its okay to disagree on things, thats what makes democracy great. ;)

Good ending, and I can agree with that :D

Recon by Fire
04-08-2005, 04:08 PM
It would als greatly help fuel prices if we would build a refinery or two. We have not built a refinery in the US for almost 30 years! The crude oil itself is not as much of a problem as having the capabilities to refine it into useful products.

04-08-2005, 04:45 PM
I filled my tank yesterday, 2.30 per gallon. My car gets an awesome 13 mpg.

04-08-2005, 04:46 PM
I filled my tank yesterday, 2.30 per gallon. My car gets an awesome 13 mpg.
What do you drive?

04-08-2005, 04:47 PM
97 ford explorer

04-08-2005, 04:49 PM
97 ford explorer
I had one of those, about 9 to the gallon. It was said, but mine was loaded with all the goods.

04-08-2005, 04:51 PM
i live in san diego CA and our gas prices blow yours out o the water...try $2.71 for the cheap 87 octain!!! :mad: :mad: I pay $34 to fill up my honda accord. living in southern california does have its downs. then again...paintball all year round :dance: :dance:

yea man, you can drive a few minnutes north to Camp Pendleton and play for what 12 bucks now? Back when I played there it was 9. veryyy cheap prices though its almost worth the gas it would take me to drive 45 minutes down there and get hassled by the marines at the gate.

04-08-2005, 05:00 PM
I had one of those, about 9 to the gallon. It was said, but mine was loaded with all the goods.

It is horrible. I am hoping to be able to sell it and buy a mazda 3 maybe. I still like the explorer a lot, it is fully loaded.

04-08-2005, 08:12 PM
just filled up here, and payed 2.59 per gallon.

i'm keeping my fingers crossed for a nice priced hydrogen fuel cell or hydrogen internal combustion. and since hydrygen is the most abundent material in the universe, i don't think there'll be much problem with it running out and causing a huge suply and demand pinch.

04-08-2005, 08:17 PM
it costs my family $100 to fill up our suburban all the way.

04-08-2005, 08:23 PM
its what... $2.12 up here in alaska at the moment, cool thing was I filled my car 2 weeks ago at $1.95 per gallon.

has it affected my paintball playing? not the least bit yet since It is still winter at the moment. fields won't be playable for another few weeks.

04-08-2005, 08:39 PM
Here in the land of Big Oil and refiniries gas is a bit cheaper than most I guess. It is $2.12 a gallon just down at the corner shop. Even still it cost me nearly $50 to fill up my Explorer and I ahve to fill up almost every day :(
Well hell, here in Austin its still at $1.89/gallon or around there. That really sucks for every1 else seeing as i have the lowest gas prices out of everybody. makes me :D though!