View Full Version : 04 armageddon help

04-08-2005, 09:46 PM
i bought a second hand air america armageddon 04 air system the other day (the new kind with the new milling). i set it to 1000psi and it worked fine for the first game, then it started to leak out the front. fired a few shots, an the leak went away but then the output was really low and creeping up. Now, thats all its doing. The output drops to like 100-200psi, then if i leave it, it gradually rises to off the scale....

if i try to adjust the output, nothing happens. i took off the bottle (with the arm valve of course) and took a closer look at the main reg body. took it apart completely (with the guide of the online manual of course).

Now the online manual is for the older version so i'm not sure how similar they are, but it seems that my outlet pressure adjustment strut is in 2 pieces, split at the section between the o-rings... but it doesn't look like it snapped or anything. the cut looks quite clean actually.

Also, the allen screw inside the piston that the adjustment tool goes into is actually stuck in place and goes beyond the small hole in the side of the piston. if i try to adjust the output, it seems the entire piston/adjustment strut assembly is just rotating in place...

can anybody help me identify if anything is broken?

the online manual btw, can be found here:

04-08-2005, 11:09 PM
I have an old armageddon on my mag, the reg seat went bad and started climbing, well, as the nice man was filling my tank for little-ole-me the macro burst on his hand. Was like a (real)gun shot :D

04-09-2005, 06:48 AM
Sounds like a reg seat is the problem.