View Full Version : Idea about stopping cheates at a turney

04-09-2005, 10:25 AM
Hey I have been talking with some of my friends about cheater boards and such and how players can make there marker fire faster then allowed by rules.
What we have come up with is a way to run a checksum on the programming that a marker has.
Real easy to do we just made a programmer that can plug into the serial port of the board and if we have the good code then we can run a checksum against the players marker.
What this would do is see if there is any "Extra" code.
Pretty easy way to see if a player has cheater code on his marker. This will take away any special firing combos that enable ramping or any of a number of cheats.

What do yall think should I finish this project? Heck I think that this would end the worry about any player cheating.

We have a cobbled programmer right now and a test board with a chip we dumped some code on then we ran the checksum against 2 different chips with different code and the check some showed the difference. Don't think it would be very hard to do this to any marker with a board.

Let me know :dance:

04-09-2005, 10:39 AM
you know the bigger tournies, such as psp and nxl allow "cheating" right?

04-09-2005, 10:53 AM
yeah they allow but not everyone does
Just a idea

04-09-2005, 11:28 AM
you know the bigger tournies, such as psp and nxl allow "cheating" right?
ahh the paradox

04-09-2005, 11:39 AM
The only problem I see with this is you use a 'serial port' or whatever, all boards probably dont have the same type of plugins. BTW I have just about no programing experience so take that with a grain of salt. :)

04-09-2005, 11:56 AM
If it's allowed, it's not cheating.

I think they already have a program like this - also, how would you interface it with the board?

04-09-2005, 12:13 PM
If it's allowed, it's not cheating.

I think they already have a program like this - also, how would you interface it with the board?

yep i believe this is how the nppl block box robot worked

04-09-2005, 12:53 PM
Good idea, but ramping is allowed now...............

04-09-2005, 07:40 PM
Ramping boards make mje laugh alot. Just because i dont have one and i can still shoot the rampers. It is actually entertaining to see that they are that bad that thier ramping boards dont help.

04-09-2005, 07:57 PM
Ramping boards make mje laugh alot. Just because i dont have one and i can still shoot the rampers. It is actually entertaining to see that they are that bad that thier ramping boards dont help.

Everyone is looking at Ramping the wrong way. :nono:

When it is illegal it shouldn't be used, when it is legal, use it if you want. :wow:

But you are all forgetting the real reason they made ramping. It is so we poor pump players stand a chance when we try out a new toy. :rolleyes:

So, everyone who is not a pump player should stop using ramping because it wasn't made for them. It was made for us poor people who can only shoot 1 or 2 bps. That way we have a chance to sling 15 bps like everyone else with 2 bps fingers. :tard:

If you do make the program also check for velocity ramping code, that is a big safety issue. Combine that with illegal speeds and you will eventually have a big problem.

Or if you could get the code from every major manufacturer and just run their code against the base code that would be cool as well. If they have more than the manufacturer's board they are out.

My 2 cents, of course I know nothing about computers sooo... Take it with a grain of salt.

04-09-2005, 08:48 PM
Want to look for a board to show the right code - no problem, I'm sure I can find a way to do that.

People who make cheater boards could make it show some testing device whatever that testing device wanted to see. You tested the theory by using an unannounced method on a conventional system, that did not try to hide itself, and found it. Was it a surprise? Lets do it this way. Give out your testing device, how it works, the codes it looks for, whatever (because you know people will get it) then give the chip designers five weeks to see if they can cheat around it, You know what, I bet they can

04-10-2005, 12:57 AM
First problem is that not all guns use the same code. Every version of every gun out there would have to be registered and checked against. Second, you could simply put 2 chips on there and a mux or two, along with a switch or button, and you would be pretty much good to go for getting around the cheating. Or you could just have a second chip connected in parallel with the trigger microswitch that would send new trigger signals to the main chip controlling dwell or whatnot. Switch in position one, strait through, in position two, send "modified" signal.

04-10-2005, 10:10 AM
The way we would check this is we would need a checksum (We used SFV)for the marker that was to be tested.
This is what a SFV does
SFV Checker uses CRC-32 technology to check each file and notifies you of any potentially bad, corrupt, incorrect size or missing files to save you hours of downloading only to find you have 1 file missing or the last file has a CRC checksum error.

This makes it to where we can look to see if anything has been changed without looking at each line of code that is on the board.

There is an even different way to see if the code has been changed, you can use Eagle check to see if the code has been changed as well

The interface we used, it was all hacked together we had a programmer and we made our own interface out of spare parts to plug into a board. I will see if I can get some pics of our setup it is a bunch of wires running all over the place and a bread board with some led's ect. On a past project I made a board for a marker using stuff from tinker Tronics cut the board to the correct size and had 3 open connectors on it.

I was just messing around with this stuff but if they already had a black box that checked stuff.

Just thinking about things.

Just wait until yall see what we are working on now should be ready in the next month or so..

Thanks for the feedback


04-11-2005, 02:54 PM
how about this:
if a gun is thought to be cheating, a ref should immediatly take the gun out of the players hands. he will then hold teh gun, pull the player, and wait until the game is over. if he tests it and it fails, the opposing team gets to fill their hoppers and shoot at the cheating player.
it would end it quicker than anything ;)

04-11-2005, 05:50 PM
if people are serious.. they would get around that thing a day.... u would never find a cheater board that way unless u found some1 that was dumb and ignorant

Just like a virus or hacking something

04-13-2005, 09:28 AM
It was easier to make ramping boards legal (excepted) than try and catch them.
We did this to our selves years ago. Face it we enjoy other peoples pain to much not to use it.
We had pump guns single shot very accurate and you needed skill to play. hell it didnt even cost that much.
That didnt throw enough paint at people so we ran out and made semis.
Funny how we complain how exspensive this sport is and the price of paint is to high.
than semis didnt throw enough paint because who has the time to sit there & practice shooting fast. Put a ramping chip in and call it a day.
Hell tippmans now have a was board in them.
Until the level of pain gets to high for most people to except we will keep going.
or make better safety gear.
Getting over shot is becoming the norm even in the scenerio & woodsball games.

04-13-2005, 09:40 AM
It would be EASY to circumvent a checksum (or full code) check. Simply use a “daughter” board tied into the trigger input.

As has been discussed at length, it is just short of impossible to stop cheats. If you can't even check for a “bouncing” trigger how are you going to check code.

IF F1 couldn't do it, how can paintball. But this has been beat to death already. ;)

04-13-2005, 10:54 AM
IF F1 couldn't do it, how can paintball. But this has been beat to death already. ;)

You think? :p

The solution is SIMPLE, but it's not easy. Enforce the other rules stringently.

If you get called for over shooting, people would abandon ramping.

Give enough penalties and make the penaties big enough and the reward for cheating won't outweigh the risk.

04-13-2005, 11:46 AM
The solution is SIMPLE... Enforce the other rules stringently.


04-13-2005, 08:58 PM
exactly how many breaks does it take to be considered overshooting? What about those that didnt break?

Will people that are hit walk through lanes to get the overshooting penalty on the other team? Will the team shooting the lane have to stop to let the other player out and have an active player get through the lane along with the eliminated player? That changes the game entirely :tard: