View Full Version : Valve Problems

04-09-2005, 04:37 PM
I have a slight problem and I don't know how it fix it. When turn on my air, it immediately starts blowing out of the velocity adjuster in the back. Anybody know what could be wrong. Thanks.

04-09-2005, 05:05 PM
hmm... what valve do you have and what air are you runn'n it on?(CO2 Nitro)

today my classice valve was doing the same thing (air coming out of the velocity adjuster)
so i could use some help too.

but if you tell me your set up i might be able to help you

04-09-2005, 05:39 PM
ok answer the following lol

Classic, RT, or Xvalve?

C02 or N2?

Have you tryed turning down the violisity?

Do you have an adjustable tank(if you chose n2 above)?

04-09-2005, 06:06 PM
Hey, it is a mini-mag valve and I always run Nitro. I tried to turn the velocity down and up and there was no difference. My tank isn't adjustable and it works on my other guns just fine. Also, when I pull the trigger and don't depress it all the way, air starts to come out of the inside of the gun around the bolt. I tried changing bolts but it didn't do any good. ???

04-09-2005, 10:00 PM
Have you checked all the orings? if they are all good, then check the reg seat.

04-13-2005, 09:21 AM
Yes, check the regulator seat o-ring. A bad o-ring here will cause venting out the back every time.

Leaking out the front when partly pulling the trigger is an indication of a powertube spacer that is too long (level 7) or too many shims (level 10).