View Full Version : Sunol Experiance

04-09-2005, 06:53 PM
When we arrived today at Sunol 3 seperate cars got stuck in the mud, definally put a negative feel on playing there because of all the mud.

Pro's of the field:
Refs actually do their job
Free admin with paint purchase if you are a walk on.
small total size field, but stil enough to have movement.
the mud for sliding

THE MUD got over everything, and ever bunker had a puddle behind it.
Paint a case if 60 bucks, and it sucks....my halo hated it, and i could not get a barrel match to save my life.

Even though people said it would smell like cow manure sp? it actually didn't, american canyon smells worse than this place did.

Game play was good, the advanced played with the rec ballers all day which was nice to have it mixed up like that.

I played a good game, but god I shot a lot of paint, where talking 4 pods and a halo every game almost (700 rounds) so much for saving paint :shooting: luckly I didn't have to pay a single dollar for the paint because my boss picked up the tab, so the 2+ cases I ripped through where nice.

My freestyle held up good for most of the day, chronoed up easy and didn't give me any issues until the afternoon. Battery ran low so the gun decided to stop working. Swapped it and I was good to go again. Out of a 70/3k fill I was still shooting a halo and 4-5 pods worth, which I know isn't great but its a lot better than the 2 pods and a halo other people have been saying about their FS. Only other issue I had was with dark shelled paint, one case we got for the group had this dark black purple shells with pink fill and the halo did not like reading it.

Over all I like the field, I still think TAG is better but if you bring your own paint it will cost you 30 dollars for admission and all day air, where as TAG is 20 for the same. The down side for tag is its an hour from me, and I can get to sunol in 20 minutes.

During my first game the ref pulled me for cheat and I was pissed, I was like "WTF" and the ref said I was using a ramping gun and I couldn't play. :cuss: So I got in an argument with the ref and said fine, handed him my gun and said "make it ramp, its a stock board" he played with and finally goes I guess it doesn't ramp and hands it back to me. So just to prove to him it didn't ramp I shot it again and then he goes "ok....just don't rail in the kids" :clap: that made me happy :)

Good day, good ball, good refs

04-09-2005, 07:31 PM
Everyone likes prooving ref's wrong ;).. Good to hear you had a good day.

04-09-2005, 08:12 PM
good refs/staff REALLY make a field

i can put up with bad fields etc but bad reffing i can not

as for paint...

NO MATTER what paint you use you will never please everyone.

somone will always be chopping it or not have a good match. or dislike it for w/e reason(nopt saying those claims are unfounded but..when people are complaining about evil/pmi :rolleyes: )

my nickels worth

04-09-2005, 08:38 PM
Over here the refs are like 'god-sent', they have eyes everywhere. One day, i was sweet-spotting a rec-baller, but he decided to make a run for it anyways, and i hit him while all the refs were surely looking away, but once the paint broke, one ref turned around and saw him and i was like 'whoa, that's fast'. Plus, since i started playing paintball, they've never mixed up a little paint splash with a real hit. It's so cool here..

Glad you had fun at your games!

04-09-2005, 08:39 PM
Actually I was shooting the PMI premium they had and it sucked.... my grouping was like 1.5' I think it might have just been a bad case because I took 10 balls out of the bag and they ranged 4 different sizes when I sized them up in my barrels. The cheap PMI stinger I shot was actually decent, but personally I like to shoot ZAP