View Full Version : Bone Stock

04-13-2005, 01:18 PM
I have a COMPLETELY stock older mag (bought about '94), the only thing I will put on it for sure is a powerfeed, and I have a barrel or two laying around.

Things I'm thinking of doing when some money comes my way: Intelliframe, ULT, maybe an electric hopper (but I'd love not to have to remember batteries)

What else would you call a "must" modification and/or accessories. What I'm really looking for is old knowledge that has been filed away as "common knowledge", because I have been away from the scene so long. What popular mods will it accept? What should I avoid?

04-13-2005, 01:46 PM
Get the level 10, that is a must, and an electric hopper is a must.

04-14-2005, 12:39 AM
what he said, level 10 first.

after the level 10 save for an x valve. it's 225 with the trade in of your old valve. then you can consider the ult. if you put the ult into an AIR valve you are just asking for trouble (in most cases).

i personally like the ule bodys but i'm not a big fan of cocker barrels.

in the mean time you can look for a used 2x trigger. either an intelli or dye's knock-off.

also, are you running high pressure air or Co2?
if you run Co2 you should probably consider a nice Crossfire HPA system, hp of course. hpa is way more mag friendly. you can pick them up used for around 80-200

and now that the idea of spending the rough equivalent of a first born child on parts has scared you away...

welcome back.

04-14-2005, 11:04 PM
OK, well those are a bit steep in price. I was thinking of some trigger job or mabye some other smaller upgrades, but thanks for the input! :cool: