View Full Version : 3 man tournament strategy...

04-13-2005, 10:06 PM
I'm curious to see what sort of strategys people use in 3 man competition. So, tell me stuff :dance:

04-14-2005, 01:08 AM
depends on the size of the field, we normaly either all lane on the break then send one down the center , or have to lane while having one try to make the 50.

after you hit your bunker though, you gotta have the gun rolling and looking for an opertunity, and move very quickly.

3 man is quik

04-14-2005, 06:16 AM
Yeah, basically in a 3 man, a standard thing is one guy moves up front, and there are 2 (nearly) back guys laning the entire time, in a " ^ " shape on the feild. A while ago I googled this, and found some very logical stuff to use. I was surprised.

04-14-2005, 10:24 AM
My team recently went to the ultimate madness 3-man tournament and boy, did a 5-man team have to adapt a lot to that playing style. We found it best to have all 3 guys burn on the break, two on the power bunker. Then after the heat from the initial break firing and laning died down (slightly) we would push our front guy to the power bunker(which happened to be on the side, and generally a good idea to get a better angle rather then the center where...you are just stuck) One thing which we saw every team try at least once, or more then once, was to put a guy in the 50 at the break for the flag pull. Yeah they got the flag, but they lost him in about less then 8 seconds of him getting there, leaving it to be a loss for the team. Take note that every field is different so if there is a stong 50 bunker that he can chill at, it may be a good move, But this will still mean he willl take a lot of fire. Overall we learned from this experience that firepower off the break is important right next to not letting your team mates get shot. :D Good luck with your 3-man endeavors!

trains are bad
04-14-2005, 10:41 AM
Standard 3man stategy:

Burn off the break and for a long time afterwards. Don't move just stay back and throw paint. Whichever team gets unlucky enough to get the first player out gets moved on, and then the last guy gets bunkered. Rinse and repeat. Yawn.

GA Devil
04-14-2005, 10:51 AM
best bet is to double stack 1 side and have your last guy floating towards 50. That way u lock down 1 side and have the other covered with angles. All depends on field layout but that system works well in 3 man in most cases.

04-14-2005, 11:25 AM
I generally play a single front player making a very aggressive break - the two others take back positions and lane. If its 3 on 3 and you have a good position on one front guy one of the back guys moves up. If its 2 on 3 against you the back players cross and hold

04-14-2005, 11:46 AM
3 man.... all you can really do is have 2 backs dumping paint, and i mean a constant stream, and a front playing highly agressive and getting that flag pull.. do that and you will be fine

04-14-2005, 01:21 PM
3 man.... all you can really do is have 2 backs dumping paint, and i mean a constant stream, and a front playing highly agressive and getting that flag pull.. do that and you will be fine
Keep the markers up and rolling, keep talking (yelling, or shoutin, whichever) to your teammates, coordinate

04-14-2005, 02:04 PM
one thing to keep in mind about 3 man's is that the prize package usually are not that big in 3 man events. So I agree with shooting paint but dont shoot too much or you will not win anything. Although you always win when all you play for is fun

04-14-2005, 02:23 PM
Shoot the other team and don't get shot :D

PS Someone had to say it

04-14-2005, 02:36 PM
You can throw the other team to, by not shooting excessively, and make them overly agressive. I played one tournament where I shared a case of paint with an entire three man team (I was on a different team) between the four of us we used less than that case - they took second overall.

04-14-2005, 06:06 PM
I'm playing in a 3 man on the 23rd with our pump team, and we've practicedm 2 front and one mid... Playing right in their faces the only way to go when playing front...

04-14-2005, 07:10 PM
If your playing a pump 3 man tourny, its a whole differnt game. It completely depends on the field. What my team normally does is find 3 stand up bunkers if you can in the back. Let the other team be the agressive ones. It all comes down to which team is the better snap shooters, dont plan on bunkering them tell its 2 on 1.

04-14-2005, 07:14 PM
depends alot on the field but, usally, OBT, lane alot, not run, because if you hit 1 guy, its 2v3, and if you lose then....no hope for you. Anyway, lane alot, break out with your back player or players in the corners, one laning from home, once the other team makes their bunkers, or you shoot them out, whatever the case may be, your front(s) take off then (as other team is still getting situated) that should get you good field position, and have hopefully dropped at least 1 body. From that point, shoot people, dont get shot.

never push hard up the center, you will get pinched out easily, avoid stacking 1 side of the field (have one push 1 side, 1 push other side, and leave one in a corner)

Close games fast, thats about it

04-14-2005, 07:52 PM
Just push as fast as possible, and lane a lot. Have 3 guns shooting OTB.

04-14-2005, 11:02 PM
I'm playing in a 3 man on the 23rd with our pump team, and we've practicedm 2 front and one mid... Playing right in their faces the only way to go when playing front...

Back when I played tourney, I loved 3 man best because I played with my two best friends. Once you move to 5 man, the communication is not as clean. We had played together so long and all had a straight ahead in your face style. We played the two tape men front, and center back some directing fire mostly. The object is to maximize use of your crossfire, with the tapes shooting mainly across the field rather than at their mirrors. The right tape is shooting at their right tape, and visa versa. The center man watches their movements and directs fire when and where necessary. Centerman can redirect fire and have both tape men try to shoot out the same tape man, especially if they move up to a small bunker. Don't focus on the center man at all, unless he is being a big nuisance. The object here is to clear a tape, and then end the game before the two remaining opponents can redistribute. Both of your tape men will have opportunity to shoot at the center when shooting at their opposite corners. If you can shoot out one of their tape man, you can end the game very quickly...

Once you finally get one of the tape men out, have the man on your strong side(the side that just lost the opponent) move up and more center slightly and then hold the remaining center and opposite tape opponents in place. The man on other tape (weak side) also shoots to hold the two remaining men in place. While this goes on, the center man makes a very very quick flanking move by swinging back and around behind the man on the strong side, and then down the empty tapeline all the way to their now empty back corner... If you can make this move fast enough, it will catch them off guard and it will all be over quickly! If not, the two men on the ends(strongside back corner and weakside tape) hold the opponents in place while the man in the new center position can move in and bunker them both...

Hope that makes sense... Try lining up 3 pennies vs. 3 dimes and try it out a couple times...

04-16-2005, 10:10 AM
just play realllly aggressive and X it up
also you can try to have like two back people concentrate on one guy for a while and the other one keep the other two in thier bunkers. the two guys should be able to get the one guy out in decent time and the bunker one of the two remaining guys and then you should have at least two guys left to bunker the last guy

also 3 man games go fast and they really should be over with in a few minutes