View Full Version : LX Tuning w/ ULT

04-14-2005, 12:08 PM
I just got my new RT ULE last week and have been trying my best to tune it. So far I have done pretty well, actually got it firing, which for some reason it wasnt when I recieved it from AGD. From just surfing around on the forums, it seems as though I should tune my LX bolt before I play around w/ the ULT. My ? is... what should I set the ULT for so that I can properly tune the LX, ie how many shims?

04-14-2005, 03:49 PM
I've been told you should use the stock on/off to tune your Lvl10, then pop in the ULT.

04-14-2005, 04:56 PM
Never recieved stock on/off from AGD... just came w/ ULT installed and some extra o-rings in ULT package

04-14-2005, 05:03 PM
Well it isn't too big of a deal. I tuned mine with the ULT on it, took me about 2-3 tank fills. I currently use 7 shims in my ULT, would have more but I can't fit them. Start with 2 and go from there until you like the pull or can't fit anymore.

04-14-2005, 06:08 PM
it's easy to tune with ULT in don't worry. Put 2 shims in your ULT, it's easy to tune it like that I find.

You should tune your LX.. and then your ULT afterwards seeing as how they are seperate systems. If you have any leaks or problems it's not at all related to your ULT. Once your gun is leak proof and fires.. play with your ULT.

04-14-2005, 06:13 PM
Ok... tried two shims. Trigger would engage but bolt would not release at all for some reason. Went back to the way the ULT came, w/ 6 shims in, and it fires again. Bolt has shortest spring and two shims and will fire, but gun seems to be short stroking a lot (i think it is short stroking, the bolt seems to not come all the way forward or something which causes it to "misfire" every 7-10 shots in rapid fire only). I put in the middle spring and the bolt kept locking forward and i had to push it back manually to engage on the sear. I'm confused. :cry:

04-14-2005, 06:15 PM
that misfiring is probably you shortstroking it..

going from 2 shims to 6 shims should NOT effect if the gun fires or not. You must tinker more..

04-14-2005, 08:38 PM
if ur bolt is getting stuck forward.. put a bigger carrier in ur LX bolt

04-15-2005, 12:12 AM
bigger carrier leaks down the barrel... I'm at a 2.0 right now. Can someone please explain what short stroking is? If i am doing this myself maybe i'm not doing something right... sorry kinda a newb to mags, but so far I'm loving the engineering and ease of fiddling around. (I'm an engineer and i think it's the best design i've ever seen... so complex yet not at the same time, so easily maintained. I also read somewhere about cutting the red spring from the LX kit and using that... my gun seems to be a little rough on paint, if i'm not mistaken I need a larger spring to compensate, but the middle red one as is causes the bolt to stick. Wassup w/ that?

04-15-2005, 06:41 AM
Make sure you pull the trigger back far enough. Just pull it all the way until you get a feel for where in your motion the mag fires.

04-15-2005, 11:00 AM
Also, for some reason yesterday when I was tuning and the gun wasnt firing I decided to up the velocity at the back of the reg. I got it turned all the way up w/ no blow off or anything. Is that normal?

04-15-2005, 05:05 PM
Ok... got the gun tuned up pretty well. One problem though... can't seem to figure it out. The gun fires fine for a few shots, then the bolt won't lock back properly. Seems like once this happens once, it keeps happening. The gun will fire agian only when I push the bolt back into position, and when I do this a slight hissing noise can be heard until the bolt locks in place. I have 2 shims in w/ a 1.5 size carrier. The 2.0 carrier leaks, so the 1.5 is the largest one that doesnt leak. I tried 1 shim, same thing. 3 shims, same thing. 4 shims, gun leaked like crazy and bolt wouldnt lock back at all. 2 shims seems to work for a while, then the bolt starts sticking again same as be4. HELP!!!

04-15-2005, 05:14 PM
That happened in my Tac-One for a while. I shot about 2 full tanks and kept feedin her oil and the problem stopped. Lube up that bolt and dry fire with the barrel off. Keep resetting it if you have to, it will stop eventually, just need to break in the Level10.

Good Luck :headbang: ,

04-15-2005, 05:19 PM
Thats good to hear... I thought it was something really bad that I did. Now that u mention it, it does seem to work again when I drop some oil in the ASA and recharge... Mags sure do like their oil lol. Thanks for the advice... I'm hitting the field tommorow and don't wanna spend another full day in the parking lot workin on the 'ole mag. Thanks for the help! :cheers: