View Full Version : Questions for upgrading mag

04-14-2005, 04:16 PM
Ok... I have a 68 classic mag...

What is a good N2 tank I can get for under $100?

What "walks" faster? Y-grip, or intelliframe

ULT..is it easy to install?

14" Freak Jr. or 14" All American Barrel?

Xvalve... does that come with level 10?

Qloader or Warp?

Any other suggestions....

04-14-2005, 05:21 PM
well the only n2 tank new under 100 is a 47/3k PMI Steel tank is prob the best out there for a preset but look around i just saw a 47/3k Flatline on the BST fourm

What ever feels better to walk but dont expect to walk with a classic

ULT wasnt designed for the Classic valve i've tryed it and i dont recomend it
on a classic

Freek Jr



04-14-2005, 05:48 PM
i have a classic valve with a ULT and personally, I could never go back to a stock valve, it's just so much easier to shoot. Can I walk the trigger? Yes, actually it's quite easy for me to walk the trigger but only when i'm concentrating on it. During an actuall game, it's just not practical with the classic and ULT combo. Also, it's actually given me less efficiency because, since the ULT requires more pressure to push the pin down, once I get around 1000-1500 psi in my tank, it just will not shoot fast anymore, and becomes about as effective as a pump. Other than that fact, I'm very glad I risked ~$40 and tried it, because for me it is soo much better than the old on/off.

My efficiency sucks with it and probably only get around 500 dry fire shots with it on a 68/3000 psi tank, so if you got a 45/3000psi it would probably not be that great. Personally I would say, save the money from the ULT and get a nicer tank, like a 68/4000psi or something, because once you get the ULT you will suck down air like theres no tomorrow. Also, the ULT, for me anyways, is horrible with CO2. It can only successfully shoot about 20-30 shots before becoming an iceicle and leaking out the barrel.

as for your other questions, the y vs i frame is mainly prefference, with a mag and double trigger there really won't be much performance difference other than your finger speed.

the xvalve does come with a Lvl10

and I would personally choose a warp, which i think i might do soon anyways. The q-loader, although a good idea, just dosen't seem worth the amount of money it costs. and just looks funky.