View Full Version : Team AO at the 2002 LA Open?

11-22-2001, 12:14 PM
I wanted to know if any AO'ers in the Southern California area are interested in forming a 5-man team (or even a 10 man team depending on response) for the 2002 LA Open..i know this is way in advance but i'm just gauging response..i'm down in San Diego but i'm willing to drive as far as SC Village to practice...

11-22-2001, 01:10 PM
I live in LA as you can see and I wanted to play in that tourney. It would be my first. I am 20 years old. Perfect timing on getting this posted. If you want a team by then.
Oh Yeah:Count me in!
e-mail me for info or post it here.
Team AO will prevail!

I had planned on going there to the trade show but heck If I get a chance to play in it SWEET.

11-22-2001, 02:20 PM
Count me in, assuming i'm not playing with any other team which it doesn't look like i will be with anyone else. I live in Orange County, play every sunday at Tombstone or SC (I'd prefer to practice at tombstone, its cheaper...). So whenever you guys wanna get something together, let me know, and we can start getting together practices and such.

As for some stats:

I'm 16, 5'6, play front corners (its nice cause i'm short lol, i can flank up a side without being noticed much). Been playing for 6 years, 2 1/2 tourni play years (since i moved to CA). Currently shoot a centerflag gen x chaos series cocker, i'd prefer to use that but if we're all going to be using mags, I can put one of mine together in no time :)

If we're going to be playing for real and paying the high entry fee, and tourni paint prices, and the whole gig, I'd prefer to be with people with experience. Especially since we'd be representing AO.. I dont mind playing with newbies, but at something like LA Open we'd get worked like no other...

11-22-2001, 02:33 PM
Well..i can honestly say i don't have any tourney experience and if that puts me into the role of backup it's all good to me..i'd rather have people shoot mags..but it's personal opinion i guess...and as for myself...i'm 24, 6'3" and i play back..(because i'm too darn tall to play anything else)..i've been playing paintball on and off for about 7 years (back in the day when the mag ruled the cocker)..i live down in San Diego but i can travel to Tombstone or SC..it's all good to me..and i don't think we'll get worked all that bad...BC spanked the Ironmen with Spyders...i'm sure we can win a few games with mags....

11-22-2001, 02:49 PM
I am 20 years old 6'2" 225. Ex wrestling team captain. I can push hard. I have played paintball since I was in middle school. approx.5 years. Never played a tourny. I don't know where tombstone is???? i have weekends off from work. I would take days off If I need too. I play the tape alot usually back. Latley I have been experimenting with forward positions. I play with a retro valve, power fed mag. Here it is.How much do you think the tourney will cost?

11-22-2001, 03:37 PM
That's a possibility. It pretty much depends on when the tourny is.

11-22-2001, 04:00 PM
It is in march 2002. unsure about the date.

11-22-2001, 07:00 PM
i'll definitely be there, not sure if i am playing yet or not

11-22-2001, 08:07 PM
I'm 18, 5'6", 118 lbs.. (yea yea i'm a skinny kid.. hey, there's less there to hit, neh?) i can run pretty fast too (track and field, cross country), so i play front tape as well.
I'm going to UCSD right now.. no car, but hey.. i can bum a ride off of dirty bunny, right? ;D
No mag though =(.. still trying to find an e-mag deal.. I am using a 2k pewter dark lcd right now..

Ninja B0Y
11-22-2001, 08:33 PM
you people do realize this is the NPPL we'e talking about here right?

Am B? OC, Warped Kids, Trauma, Exile?

11-22-2001, 09:43 PM
5man doesn't have the uber-spankage factor that 10man does. entry last year was $500, byop , that could change......

11-23-2001, 01:08 AM
exactly why i chose five man instead of ten man...yeah..we may get whooped on..but you never know...some of us may have our NPPL coming out party..it may seem a little Cinderella..but at least we'll be furthering the cause of AGD through the loss of our own pride...plus we'll get Team AO in the NPPL Standings...we could have a roving team for each tourney all playing under the banner of Team AO...

11-23-2001, 01:40 AM
I think it would be good just for fun... play hard, but don't worry about winning.

If we could organize a good team... wouldn't that be something? :)

11-23-2001, 01:55 AM
sounds good

11-23-2001, 01:57 AM
exactly what i hoped we would be there to do...have fun..not get bunkered and show people what the AO is all about...we may not win the tourney..but we'll all be good sportsmen and maybe raise some eyebrows...

11-23-2001, 02:01 AM
well talking doesn't move mountains folks.

11-23-2001, 02:34 AM
most likely... (pray for my UC application :)) I'll be going to UCSD next year, and while this isn't in time for the tourney, I hope I'll be able to play with you guys if/when I make the move to socal... :) hopefully by LA 03 we could rock 'em!

11-23-2001, 03:19 AM
Hey, that sounds great!!!! I live in LA, and I think my team just disbabded!!!!! Count me in!!!!

11-23-2001, 03:58 AM
So far we have

(6)deded(maybe)based on what you said
(7)Miscue(maybe)based on what you said
(8)Graycie(maybe)based on what you said
the numbers are for counting purposes only.:)

well that is at least five plus extra. You got what you needed.What now?

11-23-2001, 11:38 AM
Looks like we'll have a team!!!! Please, do keep me posted, and let's get the ball rolling on this!!! The sooner we start practicing, the better our chances!!!!

11-23-2001, 06:05 PM
Does anyone have a preference as far as Tombstone or SC Arenas? And do both have Hyperball style fields we can practice on? (I know SC does but i've never been to Tombstone and don't know if they'd let us play on the fields by ourselves to practice..)

11-23-2001, 06:16 PM
oh..does anyone know how to get ahold of Tom, because i was going to ask him if we could use the AGD logo to put on jerseys..kinda like how the pro's have them on theirs..I've dealt with Animal Paintball in the past and i was thinking about asking them if they could work with me on jerseys..i know this is way in advance but it usually takes some time to get everybody together and money and to get the jerseys back...something with the AGD logo somewhere on the jersey..with maybe Team AO on it and our names and numbers...not trying to get ahead of myself...but if nobody minds i'd like to kind of try to be the glue that holds this together..i'm not asking to be captain or anything..i'll just make the phone calls and try and get everything all worked out so this can go smooth as silk and all we have to do is play.

if anyone has any questions, ideas or just wants to contribute...you can email me at [email protected]

p.s. I know Graycie lives on the other side of the country but i just PM'd her to ask if she would like to join the team officially for the tourney as long as she doesn't have any other prior playing commitments. thanks.

11-23-2001, 06:59 PM
Sounds like the glue will work out just fine. I have only run a wrestling team. I am not an experienced tourney player so please step forward Octomis Prime(general term for any good captain) and lead us!

P.S. I can get paintballs for buy one get one free from a store on ventura blvd. It is 75 a case. Their called #1 Paintballs. Never heard of them but for practice paint that comes out to 37.50 per case. just in case you all are looking for a decent deal on some paint.

I bet miscue has the number for tom's bat phone. Maybe he could get a hold of Tom for us.

11-23-2001, 07:05 PM
As far as practice goes, SC or Jungle Island are best bets!!! It's easier to skirmish at SC, and Jungle is great to run drills and what not!!! I have yet to be impressed by Tombstone!!! However, those are details!!! As far as jerseys go, I know we can get a good deal through Paintball Junkies directly, I know the owner and half of the guys there!!! They offer a players package, with 2 Jerseys, pants, gloves and I think a pack, but I'm not sure, I can find out!!!! As far as getting hold of Tom, I have gotten a hold of him by leaving him a question on this board before!!!

11-23-2001, 07:10 PM
I know that paint well, It's not the greatest, the store you speak of is I believe XS sports!!! They also get seconds in for about $30 a case, And usualy it's better that the #1 stuff!!! They also have stores all over the place!!!

11-23-2001, 07:16 PM
XS Paintball---exactly
I will probably be getting my paint there.
My budget is a tad limited and it might be a slight struggle during the holidays for me with cash but after thats I will be able to come up with cash easier. Anyway, do any of you guys live in chatsworth or near the area. if so I would be glad to car pool anyone who doesn't drive to practice.

11-23-2001, 07:23 PM
i would be in for the 2003 one next year because i am 15 now and i have no ride or money(if someone wants to fund me and give me a ride to practices and stuff im in, ha). I always go to XS and PPC in lake forest for my paint and stuff. I have no tourny experience but i have been playing for 3-4 years.

11-23-2001, 08:45 PM
HHHmmm....looks like we're off and running..i guess i just have to get everyone's opinion on where we're going to play..i'm willing to make the trek anywhere..so..it's up to everyone else..i may do a poll to see what ya'all think...hey ToyMyster, if you get a chance to talk to the PJ guys see what they could do..i think we'd be better off with a lettered jersey (or 2), pants, and gloves..i don't need a pack, but if anyone else does i'm sure we can figure it out..PM me and we'll talk a little more in private...

11-23-2001, 08:54 PM
I would if i lived in that area, and owned a mag :(. hey, 500$ is only 50$ between 10 ppl. and if its byop, thats even better.

BYOP = bring your own paint i thought. Or Buy your own paint? im assuming bring.

11-23-2001, 09:44 PM
we you do post let me know the location because that is my concern. other than that I am cool with it. it would be nice to find a field that would not charge us to practice but i am sure i am dreaming on that one.

11-23-2001, 10:33 PM
i'm sure it's going to cost us..but you never know what could happen...hey..i'm not saying we're going to all become pros...but it's only up from here...

11-24-2001, 07:42 AM
paint is crazy cheap at nppl's

11-24-2001, 08:41 AM
Man, I never thought I'd say this but I wish I lived In cali just so I could go to this event with you guys!

11-24-2001, 08:57 AM

You got mail...

11-24-2001, 11:52 AM
Dirtybunny, maybe you should be the team manager and take care of all that technical stuff. Then after we practice we can establish a feild captain.

11-24-2001, 12:42 PM
Team Manager sounds good to me, as long as nobody else wanted the job...

11-24-2001, 01:39 PM
Personally I prefer to practice at Tombstone, but we can do SC if you want. I've never been to jungle, isn't it in San Diego? If we play jungle, I think i'd have to carpool with someone from orange county, i dunno how to get there, the area, and i dunno if my car would make it....

Tombstone we can get our own field, i know everyone there, they're all friendly and everything. we can run drills and do whatever we want.

I'll be at tombstone this Sunday if you guys want to go to meet up so we can get associated and everything, its the 'big game' where they combine all the fields, so it could just be a little play day to get associated and meet and maybe see peoples playing style slightly.

As for jerseys, i'm friends with the people at PJ (i work at pimpIT.com and we're having them make our jerseys), and i'm friends with Mondo at animal. If you guys really want jerseys, i'd say they would be the people to talk to, altho if i remember animal goes through PJ i'm not sure tho.

As for paint, personally i'm liking Point Blank. XS Sports has it, Beach city has it, and its pretty good paint and cheap ($27.95 if I remember through beachcity/skanline). I could probably get some discounts on it since I'm friends with everyone that works there, especially if you guys put in money and we bought like 5 or 10 cases.

As for contacts, email me at [email protected] and we can get this all situated. It looks like I'm pretty much the only one with tourney experience..... My only concern is that i know a lot of tourney teams dont like to move up in their division, even tho they should. I dont wanna be paying $100 for entry, $50 for a jersey, $100 on paint at the tourney, etc etc. just to get wooped.

As for talking to tom, if he doesn't read this post, what do u guys want to ask him? i can email him and see what he says, i'd think he would have read this post by now and possibly responded.

11-24-2001, 02:00 PM
Well..since i've elected myself Team Manager, i've been contact by Muzikman, who's setting up the Team AO for Skyball 02, about combining forces when it comes to extra stuff..i.e. jerseys and the like..Tombstone is cool for me, i just need directions as i am coming up from San Diego, and the ability to work a couple of fields ourselves would be nice. I would like to get at least 10 people to do this so we can backups in case some people can't make it at the last moment, and have some people to practice with even if they don't want to play the tourney...

11-24-2001, 03:03 PM
i really dont have the money to play this year(tourny) but i can stop by a few practices and see how bad i suck and help prepare u guys.

11-25-2001, 02:02 AM
Looks like it's all coming together!!! If we are to play the NPPL, we will need lot's of practice!!! Last tourney I played was full of ringers!!! Let's keep in contact and come up with a schedule!! Also, we might want to do a couple of small tourneys to get everybody some experience before the big event!!!

11-25-2001, 02:25 AM
A lot of practice means more paintball. That makes me happy. I just have to get a good hook up for paint. Well as soon as this wheather gets a little better I say that we should get to practicing.By the way where is tombstone and does anyone have the address or directions?

11-25-2001, 02:51 AM
i was wondering the same thing about Tombstone...where the heck is it?

Ninja B0Y
11-25-2001, 03:16 AM
You know, not to sound like a downer or anything, but these are NPPL playes we're talking about here. The ones who stich you up and add a smile along with it? These aren't casual rec-ballers that are playing, these guys take their game seriously- cursing, throwing fits, cheating. It happens and it will happen so I hope you know what you're getting into. Good luck man.

11-25-2001, 04:35 AM
go to www.tombstonepaintball.com

11-25-2001, 11:18 AM
Aren't there different divisions in the LA open? like rookie novices and so on

11-25-2001, 08:09 PM
amatuer A
amatuer B

11-25-2001, 11:23 PM
We'll be 5-man Amateur B....

11-27-2001, 01:06 AM
That sounds good. So when should we start?

11-28-2001, 03:10 PM
What is going on??? I need a progress report.

11-28-2001, 03:57 PM
When is the tourney? I would like to go, I'm also in San Diego. :D I work at Velocity Paintball and can arange practices on our Hyperball and speedball field if you guys would not mind traveling a little further. If not I don't mind a drive. LMK. On a side note I already invited Dirtybunny, but my field is having by invitation only day the 27th of dec. The field will be open only to those that were invited(no charge), air will be free and paint will be at cost. I'm inviting anyone who wants to join the team of AO'rs. If you would like to go E-mail me.

Thx B

11-28-2001, 07:37 PM
Guys, I hate to sound bad, but if we are to Am B, we will probably get KILLED!!! However, Better to have tried and died, than not to do at all!!!! Banzaiiii

11-28-2001, 07:41 PM
By the way, If we want to practice at the Jungle, I can call them in advance, and they will set up their SupAir field Free of charge!!! It's $10 to practice, and CA is free, BYOP, of course!!!!

11-29-2001, 12:24 AM
I'm totally screwed right now...i sold my frame and the intelli's just went out of stock and won't be back in stock till the 17th of next month....anyone have a mag frame i can borrow until then..i may have to search out a stock one in the classifieds while i wait...

11-29-2001, 01:55 AM
I have a stock one if you want it. give me an address i can priority it to you.

11-29-2001, 11:22 AM
Only ten man dates though, 5man is still TBA

LA open is March 8 - 10

11-29-2001, 02:08 PM
I have a benchie you can have untill your intelli arrives, Don't worry about it!!!

11-29-2001, 02:16 PM
Usually, the 5 man is during the week before the 10 man!! Can we schedule a practice for next weekend??? That's Dec. 10th and 11th!! The sooner we hit the fields, the better off we are!!! And with the tourney in March, we have not much time!!!

11-29-2001, 03:41 PM
were is the practice. tombstone.

11-29-2001, 07:12 PM
I'm off next weekend, the whole weekend..my gun is still waiting for some parts (i've been having a fire sale, and i'm still waiting on a check for selling some stocks) but i can still drive up and we can start networking..unless someone has a backup mag i can borrow i may just end up shooting something else just so we can practice...

p.s. Thanks to RobAGD for setting me up with the Nickel Intelli i've been dreaming of (even though they're now sold out!!)

12-01-2001, 12:09 AM
Is it official. The practice next sunday?where?

12-01-2001, 01:00 AM
Tombstone sounds good to me..i may be a little late, driving up from San Diego..and like i said before..does anyone have a backup mag i can use 'cause it looks like all the pieces of mine won't be here in time for me to put it together and use it..

12-01-2001, 04:18 PM
sorry I only have one gun now that I old the rest. I do however have a stock grip frame if you need it I can bring it.

12-01-2001, 06:41 PM
All i have right now is the valve..come monday i'll be ordering an ReTro Valve, a stock body rail, a grey h/l minimag body and the superbolt..so it may or may not be here in time..it might be pushing it...i may end up having to play with my backup piranha just so that i can play..i know it sucks...

12-01-2001, 11:10 PM
I'm also wondering if any of the members of the AO would be willing to also play the Vegas NPPL in the beginning of May or does anyone think that that may be a better tourney to shoot for since we'll have more time...

12-02-2001, 11:01 AM
Aight i'm in for tombstone next weekend (sunday). I probably have a team we can scrimage against also. I also have backup mags, i just have to set one up for whoever needs one (I have 5 mags or so....I'll be practing with one of my cockers tho). I also have gripframes, forget who needed one, but I have just about all of them there, just let me know what you feel like using and I can bring one and set it up on your gun. Keep in touch ppl

BTW if anyone is going to SC today(sun dec. 2), i'm leaving right now to go scrimage vs. Tropical Illusion on the tourney fields.....

12-02-2001, 04:33 PM
Sounds like Sunday is it!!! What time does Tombstone open??? Let's plan on being there fairly early to get acquainted and chat and set up and....!!!
Keep me posted!!!

12-02-2001, 06:10 PM
toymyster i will probably be there early too because I am coming from the san fernando valley and i don't want to get lost. I will have a green jt jersey on with BONX written across my back. With green Jt pants. I drive a black hyundai elantra. I know. I swear I bought it for the warranty. anyway my name is Mark. post if your going.

12-02-2001, 07:21 PM
Chaos..i'm the one needing a mag to shoot...PM Me and we can talk about details..but if i've got a mag to shoot i'll be there..BTW..my name is Dan...

12-02-2001, 09:23 PM
folks, lets show up a little early so we can talk.

12-02-2001, 09:48 PM
Sounds good, I'll try to get there by 7:30!! I wear black PJ jersey, and black PJ pants, I'll be driving a white GMC Jimmy 4x4, my name is Bob!! I'll see you guys there!!

12-02-2001, 11:29 PM
Well..my name is Dan..i drive a Blue Focus ZX3, I wear a blue JT Jersey and i'll be the only one there without a marker..

12-02-2001, 11:30 PM
chaos has your back. mag the man please.

12-02-2001, 11:38 PM
wow I thought corona was farther than that. I am correct in saying that tomb stone paintball park is in Corona? If so do these directions sound correct.
Merge onto SR-118 [Simi Valley-San Fernando Valley Fwy] (East) 11.4 0:15
6: Turn off onto Ramp 1.0 0:02
7: Merge onto I-210 [Foothill Fwy] (East) 41.4 0:49
8: Turn off onto Ramp 0.5 0:01
9: Merge onto SR-71 [Chino Valley Fwy] (South) 12.6 0:14
10: Turn off onto Ramp 0.3 0:01
11: Merge onto SR-83 [Euclid Ave] (East) 0.5 0:01
12: Bear RIGHT (East) onto Pomona Rincon Rd 2.6 0:08
End: Arrive Pomona Rincon Rd, Corona, CA, 91720 < 0.1 < 1min
Total Route 72.7 mi 1 hr 37 mins

do I have the address correct?
so how long of a drive is that for you san diegans?

I bet it will be two hours for me.that means I leave my house at five. and I wake up at least at 4:30 minimum. holy crap......cool I will be early. Watch I probably won't even be able to sleep the night before either. does that happen to any of you guys before you play?

12-02-2001, 11:58 PM
I'm looking at having to leave about the same time Bonx...Yahoo tells me it should take me an 1 hour 23 minutes and the trip is 76.7 miles one way...

12-03-2001, 12:50 AM
so i guess the address is correct. Anyway, I usually use a case of paint each day I go and play. Should I buy more for practice? Do you guys use less or more paint for practice. I just want to be prepared. thanks

12-03-2001, 12:56 AM
is it Field Paint Only or can you bring your own...because i might just buy half a case for whoever brings me a gun to use (depending on if it's FPO or not...field paint is ddddddaaaaaammmmnnnnnn expensive)...

12-03-2001, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by Bonx0007
Watch I probably won't even be able to sleep the night before either. does that happen to any of you guys before you play?

trying to break that habit, i call it "tourny mode". i either don't sleep at all because i'm trying to get all my crap together to play or don't go to sleep fearing i won't be able to wake up at the early time i want to.

12-03-2001, 11:32 AM
that is a good name for it.

12-03-2001, 01:55 PM
Did we find out if the feild requires us to buy the paint there?

12-03-2001, 01:58 PM
The directions sound about right, Depend on what we do in practice, I usualy use less paint than rec.! I usualy take one case also!! And NO, it's BYOP, I wouldn't go there is it was field paint only!!! See you there!!

12-03-2001, 02:35 PM
toymyster way to go with the title change. I hoped it might catch on. I even added Ca too mine. Cool. A little team spirit is always good.

12-03-2001, 08:26 PM
Dirtybunny empty your folder.I tried to pm you. chaos if you get a chance make sure you pm him about what you told me.

12-03-2001, 10:03 PM
Sounds like team AO is starting to come together... I sent in my UC application, so hopefully I'll get into UCSD and I can play with you guys next year.

Anyway, keep us all posted on how the practices are going and everything!

12-03-2001, 10:42 PM
bunny - I'll bring you a marker, do you prefer sharpie or sirmarksalot?

lol jk, PM me and we can setup what all you would like. If you wanna play around and tune it, i have a warp body, warp, and all that. The only thing I dont have is a spare N2 tank, if you have one bring it, if not I have a 20oz. you can use, or 16stub or 9 or 7 or 3.5 whichever u prefer........ unless a friend can hook me up with a screw in for you to use. You need a hopper too? take your pick, rev, eggo, ricochet, whatever.... PM ME AND WE CAN WORK OUT THE DETAILS!~

As for tombstone, they sell paint but its EXPENSIVE. I recommend bringing your own paint, of if you RSVP style me and let me know ahead of time, I use pointblank, which is great for practices (good quality and with tax its $35 a case). If you're willing to let me know ahead of time and can pay me back ($35), I can bring some, but only by the case.

As for practice, we'll be there 8:30 or 9, which is normally when the first games start, but since the tourni is going on people will be there 7:30. We can get our own field, assuming the tourni isn't taking all the good fields (if you didn't know the toys for tots tourni is this weekend, PM me and keep up to date, Bonx and Bunny know, dunno who else is involved with this....) For paint consumption, I normally use around a case or so. Some teams REQUIRE you to use a case or more for a tourni practice, but this is more of a meet and greet day since it'll be the first time we meet and such, plus i'm not concerned how much paint you guys use.

Everyone involved, please PM me or Bonx, since we seem to be the only ones communicating right now, but i PMed DirtyBunny with everything we've talked about pretty much..... I think thats about it.................TwEaK!

12-04-2001, 12:47 PM
OK, Everyone, Bonx just notified me there is a tourney over at Tombstone!!! Let's practice at Jungle Island, we can have the tourney field practicaly to ourelves, it's $10 for team practice, BYOP, Air is free, and it's closer to the SD crowd!!! Keep me posted!!! Later!!

12-04-2001, 04:06 PM
ummm...... i kinda already made plans with other people to hit up tombstone, since i thought that was the game plan. I dont think i can make it out to jungle this weekend..(anyone have directions, and know how far of a drive it will be from Orange County?) Just cause the tourni is going on doesn't mean we cant get our own field and such.

As for prices, tombstone air is $10 all day for 4500 (can you get 4500 at jungle?), not sure for 3k... and $20 all day but they almost never check for bands, especially if we're playing our own field.