View Full Version : I've been through so many markers.....(another ramble)

04-14-2005, 09:10 PM

I have owned almost every marker out there. In retrospect I wish I had kept some of the markers that have been through my hands over that time. Not that many of them are state of the art like they were when I owned them, but just good solid, reliable, accurate markers. Like that Bob Long Milly that I invested so much money in, or the Freeflow Boxxer I built for less than $250. The custom Mag I put so much time in, and then parted....

When I started playing there was a certain mystique to high end markers. As if they did something magical for your game. The awe factor of walking on a field and getting to drool over all those technological gems. Some were as expected, many were less than expected. Some suprizes, some disappointments. Experiancing first hand the edge that some new piece of technology gave you, if only for a fleeting moment. The feeling you get from having the one and only, first one of something at the local....

I miss the feeling I had in those early days. The quality of my first high end marker, and its improvement on my game was phenominal. It may have been mental to some degree, but the honest difference made moving from a Spyder into my GX3 cocker was incredible. Suddenly I was able to hit the smallest piece of exposed equipment. I wasn't dealing with broken balls in the bolt, velocity spikes, all the other troubles that come with low end markers. But in spite of the higher end marker I got the sport was still pure and exciting to me.

I went on to own so many more good markers. I really am not sure why I decided to change all the time. I suppose I was looking for that same feeling I got. The same increase in my game that I supposed I experianced when I upped the first time. I also supposed that I was protecting my investment by keeping a more current marker. The reality of which is that most markers are money pits and will considerably depreciate against what they cost new.

Now I feel jaded to a degree. I have owned just about every marker than I have intrest in. I have always enjoyed dabbling and trading in new types of markers. Being able to haggle and deal into a new model to take to the field. I just recently decided to turn my attention to upgrading my actual equipment. I have been using the same mask and gloves for the past 6 years. New lenses are getting hard to find for the old Scotts, and the camo shirt I have been wearing for all those years is getting a bit threadbare.

I have played so much, I have owned so many markers, I am so out of shape vs the kids who come to play....and there is no "equalizer" left as far as marker technology. I am seeing my game stay the same as their goes up. And no matter what awesome marker I own at the moment, I still haven't had the same pure fun in my game since before I had to switch to a motorized hopper........I can hardly get my ole paintball buddies to even break out their gear anymore. Most have gone on to play tournies, burn out and get out. Others still have the same GT2000 they started with and some of the paint from an event over 2 years ago.....and here I am, surfing the forum looking for the holy grail to resurrect my game and more importantly my attitute towards it. Looking for that endless adrenaline rush of the perfect game, and the perfect weapon to play it.

04-14-2005, 09:20 PM
wow that's really deep. I think you expressed a very deep love for the sport with your so-called 'ramble'. I can't say i know how you feel, since i'm just a 15-year old kid who found a job and is addicted to paintball, but i have to say, that's one heck of a story. But i guess nobody can find a game that is absoulutely perfect, or find the perfect gun, and i think that in the end that will be paintball's downfall, or for that matter, life.

04-14-2005, 10:41 PM
Start excersizing so you can run circles around them. Get a bunch of $250-$350 older markers, there are a lot of good ones out there and you can keep cycling by selling them off in BST. There's definately a lot of nice stuff that you haven't owned yet.

04-14-2005, 10:53 PM
get a pump and head off to the woods

can'tthink of1
04-14-2005, 11:31 PM
get a pump and head off to the supair feild


04-15-2005, 12:08 AM
I feel your pain. same boat. My tigerstripe camo's are 10 years old. I have recently started to diet & work out to get back into tournement shape. I can say I have had some insane fun with my SC phantom as of late. Brings out the :ninja: in me.... I pay for it for about 3 days after. 280lbs doing dive rolls hurts. ;) But its worth it. :cheers: maybe we got old somewhere along the line, but I'm going to fighting the good fight.

04-15-2005, 08:56 AM
Yeah getting old blows !!!!

I bought a number of high end markers but went back to my mag cause I just like the feel of that marker.

As for you old gear I know what you mean I have been looking for a lens for my Scott Badass for a while so I bought a newer JT and use that,

The feeling you are looking for, the rush,,, its there but so much harder to find. I played my first game of outlaw paintball in 1986 with Splatmasters and now I go perhpas once a month.
It is still a good time and I get my rush from playing as good as I can and helping new players enjoy the game.

My son is now 14 and I have a better time playing paintball with him then I have had in years. I get just as pumped as he does when he got his new marker.

Just keep playing
help the new players
play paintball with honor and they might follow your example.

04-15-2005, 11:22 AM
Start excersizing so you can run circles around them. Get a bunch of $250-$350 older markers, there are a lot of good ones out there and you can keep cycling by selling them off in BST. There's definately a lot of nice stuff that you haven't owned yet.

Yes, you are right. I need to get some good excercise and get myself back in some shape(other than round). ....whew just thinking about it made me tired... :sleeping:

.... ;)

As it stands I really have owned almost every marker I have any intrest in. I have had cockers, mech, electro, mini, cut block. I have owned several different mags from classics to the Xvalve. Clones aplenty, along with Tippy's. Imp, Bushmaster, Shocker(shoebox), Trix, Angel, Punisher(Zeus-like), ...I can't even remember them all anymore.

About all I haven't owned that I have any intrest in is a new Shocker.... The word on them, and my experiance borrowing them is that it would fall into the list of disappointments....a Timmy, which once again I can borrow any number of any day at the field, and this new Evo? Ego? can't ever remember but not the Pirahna.... I feel like if I invest the time and effort into getting one of these, upgrade it for that personal touch and don't like them, I am back at square one and even further down in the $$$ pit.

Ever since I got my Trix, I keep looking but have yet to find anything that measures up to its performance. Of course there are prettier markers out there. Ones that are lighter and more efficent, but in actual shooting accuracy and performance, only one of my cockers and my mag have come close for me. The cocker I regret selling every day. The mag just needed tweaking every single time I played and that got old. I had thought to get a Proto, but then I would be like every other fanboy at the field. I am looking for something totally different....and haven't been able to find it.

Now I catch myself thinking about throwing $400 at my Angel Speed to have it flied.....noone really uses Angels around here, so it would be "original". Its so stupid fast its almost obscene. I ran through paint like it was free or something.

I wonder if Wellbuterin would help me come off this addiction to gun whoring.... :D

04-15-2005, 11:32 AM
What about AKA markers?

I'd love to get 3 of my old 'cockers back. I had a spanky with all AKA parts and gorgeous anno. Later I bought a Vertebrate. Yet later I bought a Shocktech SFL that I would KILL ANYONE just to get it back (well, not so much kill as ask nicely) Try and find something unique ( sorta like my Pro-Lite you didnt buy off me :nono: ) like a Westwood 'cocker or something vintage. Get other people interested in old school stuff. Though if they're anything like the people at my field they'll scoff at the idea of using anything that doesn't cost $1,000. Which is frustrating because it's often more fun to play with slower and/or cheapy markers. And the more I type, the more I want to buy an Autococker again...How many times do I have to read Ravi's reviews on these 'cockers before I actually shell out the cash for something I don't need but want very much.

04-15-2005, 11:39 AM
I'll agree with the others who have said "get a pump." After taking 6 months to put together a Sniper, I had a blast with it last weekend. Even though I've never owned a super marker (by today's standards) it is much more challenging than even my 68 Classic.

I also know what you mean about friends dropping out and not playing anymore. Unfortunately, the majority of players only last a year or so, and us hardcore have to continually find new people to play with. I quit once partly due to this in 1996, and layed out until 2003. I regreted it. Since I started back, almost everyone I played with in 2003 won't play anymore, so I just searched until I found a new group. It can be difficult to find people you like to play with every other year, but I think it's worth it. I'm also lucky since my father has the same love for the sport that I do, and that helps to always have someone that wants to go to the field with you.

Don't let age bother you either...I'm 34 and my dad's 57. Paintball can be a lifelong sport, you just may have to change focus and find new things to enjoy about it from time to time. Good luck.