View Full Version : Help me out here.......

04-15-2005, 12:31 AM
o.k. put yourself in my shoes for a moment......i am having a paintball tourney in the course i built at my house.. its just some friends and a few people that my friends had brought. WE start playing and we are having a pretty good day of paintball. WE finish a game or two and decide to take a break for a while and have something to eat... one of my friends who shoots an angel fly wasnt paying attention and he shot one of my other friens brand new WRX doesnt dent of coarse b?c they are alot of fiberglass, but all of the sudden one of the guys that invited themselves speaks up and says.." man i would be mad, i would get out and hit him, or shoot him" of course no one was wearing a mask at the time(not good that not everyone had barrel socks on :argh: cause stuff can happen) my friend is smart and says " its not that big of a deal" and gives the guy a playful punch and goes on. he drives off and the guy that would shoot them starts shooting into the group of people ( without masks i should remind you) and one of them gets hit, needless to say he was angry so he shot back and the guy hisdes behind his brand new couger in order to not get hit. they shoot anyway and hit his car. he then throws down his gun and starts after them like he is going to kill tham and goes to get something out of his trunk. i yelled at him and payed him to leave after a few choice words..........what would you have done, and would you have payed him or maybe had a fight break out dunring a good day of paintball, ruining it.
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

barrel break
04-15-2005, 12:35 AM
that guy is an idiot. Anyway, I woulda just told him to get the hell off my property, and tried to get everyone else to back me up.

04-15-2005, 01:47 AM
i would have thrown down!!! im sorry but i like to fight its fun so that doesnt help but yeah its not his car he had no business doing anything about it.. it was an accident too i wouldnt have payed him i would have told him to leave or you would call the cops or bash his head in with your knee! which ever one you feel is more convincing! other than that you cant do anything about the morons just never allow him back!!

04-15-2005, 03:56 PM
:hail: #3 Today, 01:47 AM
aKa PROZAC Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Las Vegas, Nv
Posts: 1,004

i would have thrown down!!! im sorry but i like to fight its fun so that doesnt help but yeah its not his car he had no business doing anything about it.. it was an accident too i wouldnt have payed him i would have told him to leave or you would call the cops or bash his head in with your knee! which ever one you feel is more convincing! other than that you cant do anything about the morons just never allow him back!!

i like the way you think....

04-15-2005, 04:19 PM
if he would have just started randomly shooting into a random group of people with out mask on IMO i would have gone and started beating the crap out of him

04-15-2005, 04:23 PM
Might want to invest in some netting or something and stricter rules.

Also, do you live with your parents? Consider for a moment a lawsuit if someone got hurt.

04-15-2005, 04:40 PM
Might want to invest in some netting or something and stricter rules.

Also, do you live with your parents? Consider for a moment a lawsuit if someone got hurt.

quoted for truth

04-15-2005, 04:45 PM
How much did you pay him...hope it wasnt more then like 5 bucks....i wouldnt have payed him **** woulda told him to get off my property 3 times then if he still ran his mouth calmly walk up to him and punch him in his face.

04-15-2005, 05:11 PM
punch to the face!!!!!!!!!!!ya how much $ did you pay him????shouldnt of been more than 5 bucks but personally i wouldnt of payed shizzle! what an idiot!!!!!! shootiing a crowd! :mad: :nono:

04-15-2005, 06:14 PM
There are so many things wrong with that whole scenario. I can't even begin...

I also want to know why you paid dude to leave? He should be lucky that the whole group of people didn't seriously injure him for doing something that stupid. Maybe I am reading it wrong. You did pay the guy that shot at all of you to leave?

Why were ANY markers left laying around live and unprotected after masks were off?

Why was a live area near enough to vehicles to allow a paintball to hit one of them? Your own complaint was about firing a marker near/at unmasked people. If cars could be parked in range of the live area, did you expect people to pull up in their car wearing a mask?

Maybe you should consider safety, and even more the people who you invite to a "small game in the back yard". I know my back yard isn't suitable for a game. Too many safety factors, too many uncontrolables. From what I read here I think you should consider not doing it at all......

I know I am kinda coming down hard, but you really have to consider the position that you put yourself, your friends, and all paintballers for that matter. I know what ifs are pointless, but this stupid little scenario was moments away from being a top news story.

04-15-2005, 08:53 PM
I would of shot him in the eye.

04-16-2005, 12:11 AM
#10 Yesterday, 06:14 PM
Location: Our house, in the middle of our street
Posts: 1,700

There are so many things wrong with that whole scenario. I can't even begin...

I also want to know why you paid dude to leave? He should be lucky that the whole group of people didn't seriously injure him for doing something that stupid. Maybe I am reading it wrong. You did pay the guy that shot at all of you to leave?

Why were ANY markers left laying around live and unprotected after masks were off?

Why was a live area near enough to vehicles to allow a paintball to hit one of them? Your own complaint was about firing a marker near/at unmasked people. If cars could be parked in range of the live area, did you expect people to pull up in their car wearing a mask?

Maybe you should consider safety, and even more the people who you invite to a "small game in the back yard". I know my back yard isn't suitable for a game. Too many safety factors, too many uncontrolables. From what I read here I think you should consider not doing it at all......

I know I am kinda coming down hard, but you really have to consider the position that you put yourself, your friends, and all paintballers for that matter. I know what ifs are pointless, but this stupid little scenario was moments away from being a top news story.

we were all far away from the playing area and we were walking down to were we play when it all happened. and by the way my "small backyard game" as you call took place in an area of forty acres all together and we were playing near the middle and were only on about seven acres.

04-16-2005, 12:14 AM
about how much i paid him, it was only like five or six dollars to go wash his car and (sorry to all you couger guys) buy a new one.......i dont like his car. pos

04-16-2005, 12:20 AM
i understand what you mean about the safety, but how did paintball start,.... if it wasnt for your weekend games how would people even get into paintball in the first place. and about shooting into an unmasked group, we arent seven years old and a i thought that a person that is sixteen would have enough sense not to do it....guess i was wrong needless to say he wont be allowed over again...
by the way dont really appreciate the sarcastic input. thanks ;)

04-16-2005, 12:39 AM
i understand what you mean about the safety, but how did paintball start,.... if it wasnt for your weekend games how would people even get into paintball in the first place. and about shooting into an unmasked group, we arent seven years old and a i thought that a person that is sixteen would have enough sense not to do it....guess i was wrong needless to say he wont be allowed over again...
by the way dont really appreciate the sarcastic input. thanks ;)

I didn't sense any sarcasm in this thread and I'm very serious when I say you should probably make your gig safer.

04-16-2005, 12:44 AM
i didnt sense any sarcasm in your previous post and i do agree with you. just a question , how much does safety netting run$$$$?

04-16-2005, 08:27 AM
I really wasn't trying to be sarcastic. This situation is dead on serious and so am I.

I want to stress the fact that this whole situation is the kind of thing that gets out of hand and starts causing problems for the paintball community as a whole. Just a very minor difference in the way that all came out and there would have been police, reporters, heck just a little worse and you guys could have single handedly been responsible for a change in the law regarding paintball in your area.

Understand, there are loads of people out there with a hardon to shut paintball down. This is just the kind of ammunition they need to help their cause.

If you say you are responsible enough to have games on your 40 acres, then show it by enforcing minimum safety rules so things like this can't happen. Just like the poster above said. Your parents are the ones who really lose. And worse other paintballers stand to lose. I don't live in your area, but it would piss me off to see the sport take a hit for y'alls carelessness.

04-16-2005, 03:31 PM
for one, yes accidents do happen but it wouldnt have been us guys, it would have been the d-bags fualt that thought it was smart to shoot at unmasked people, and if anyone did get hurt he would have gotten thte hell beat out of him. i would like to have had more control over what happenned but i didnt.
by the way do you know how much safety netting is?

04-16-2005, 03:52 PM
"it would have been the &-&^%$ fault that thought it was smart to shoot at unmasked people"
You still missed the point. Fault would lie with the owner of the field/land whatnot as it's ultimately up to them to make/enforce policies...just be glad it's done and move on.

04-16-2005, 04:30 PM
i understand what you mean about the safety, but how did paintball start,.... if it wasnt for your weekend games how would people even get into paintball in the first place. and about shooting into an unmasked group, we arent seven years old and a i thought that a person that is sixteen would have enough sense not to do it....guess i was wrong needless to say he wont be allowed over again...
by the way dont really appreciate the sarcastic input. thanks ;)

You're not going to make it very far here with that attitude.

Here's the solution.
Stop holding tournies at your house.

04-16-2005, 05:05 PM
back in the day when we played at my house... the last group of people that did stuff like that... is scared to even come around my house anymore... they about got the **** beat out of them... they were cowering behind a computer and stereo i took out to my garage for music... i have never seen them anywhere near here in over 7 yrs

04-16-2005, 05:13 PM
I'd take his angel fly.

04-16-2005, 05:22 PM
i wouldnt have payed him crap thats for shure. thats a "you get the hell off my property or i have the police bodily remove you"

04-16-2005, 10:25 PM
If its on your property in the future go thru the safety regs before anyone plays!! Have you ever played at a real field? Almost all fields have to give a safety orientation prior to play. I would recommend that you do the same.

04-16-2005, 11:11 PM
it wasnt a tourey, it was a fun rec. ball day, nothing more. whats wrong with that?

04-16-2005, 11:15 PM
You're not going to make it very far here with that attitude.

Here's the solution.
Stop holding tournies at your house.

What attitude?