View Full Version : Airsoft = "tuff guy" L.A.R.Ping

04-16-2005, 03:07 AM
less fantasy more reality?

no diss.
i dont LARP or Airsoft myself.

04-16-2005, 11:20 AM
Yeah it is, my friend is the sniper on his "squad" and he sits around reading webpages to learn lingo and chatting with "real life scout snipers and SEALS" on airsoft boards. so when he plays he likes to be called by the names of famous snipers of the past and they get all subordinate to commanders, like a BDSM thing. I think it has tendencies of LARP and bondage.

04-16-2005, 12:31 PM
You guys are idiots.

04-16-2005, 01:06 PM
You guys are idiots.
This guy knows his stuff.

04-16-2005, 01:39 PM
me and my friends do airsoft. we um... shoot each other...

if you think pbn is bad, try going to one of the airsoft forums. they are incompetant, disrespectful supremicist bastards

04-16-2005, 02:37 PM
Airsoft is best for shooting cans in the backyard. So much fun

04-16-2005, 02:39 PM
I still airsoft occasionally, but not "traditional" airsoft at all. Me and my friends were to poor to buy the nice AEG assault rifles so we got GBB pistols and machine pistols like 1911's and MAC-11's and just fought in our college apartments. We called it 'Grand Theft Auto' style airsoft play since we didnt dress up as Navy SEALs or something. It was like an upgrade from are usual goofing around the apartment and playing FPS games like 'Goldeneye' or 'Perfect Dark".

To me it really is cheaper and a little funner playing that way with friends than playing paintball. Theres no noobs, no jerks, no attitudes and temper tantrums, and I wasnt shooting something that looked like a water gun. It rules :shooting:

However, traditional airsoft play is to weird to me and so are the guys doing it, thats why I dont like it. Dressing up like your 'favorite' special forces group and trying to mimic their tactics is kind up retarded to me. They just remind me of the one really nerdy guy from 'Office Space' who had Navy SEAL posters everywere... If you ask, almost all of these people have NO military experience what so-ever, or if they did they were grade-A 'remfs'. Even fewer, if any will have had any actual 'combat experience'... So what your around are a bunch of guys who get off 'playing' soldiers and war because they never were one or were never in one. They remind me of other nerd groups like D&D'ers or 'renactors', but with a more pronounced need to feel 'macho'.

I like guns though, and it's cool if someone just likes their guns to look realistic. Because a DM4 is ugly enough to turn anyone to airsoft guns or scenario markers, but guys who seriously have a whole soldier/war fetish are pretty lame to me. Just looking at them though, its hard to tell who is THAT in to it until they start talking, then it becomes obvious.

But to each their own I guess. Theirs more than enough room for both hobbies and paintballers can be pretty dorky too.

04-16-2005, 02:49 PM
chatting with "real life scout snipers and SEALS" on airsoft boards
There's a lot of people running around calling themselves "SEAL\S", but most couldn't tell you their class number.

04-16-2005, 04:53 PM
I dont understand this role-playing thing....I thought airsoft was like the new generation bb guns, I remember playing with bb guns in the woods as kid, shooting cans, trees, birds each other, etc. So do these dudes dress up like swat? Is it like those star trek conventions but with airsoft guns? :confused: Whatever floats ur boat I guess.

04-16-2005, 06:14 PM
Whatever you do... don't do this.


04-16-2005, 07:04 PM
^^^ :rofl:

SERIOUS Airsoft seems kinda silly, but then again, people prolly say that about paintball too. :(

04-16-2005, 07:18 PM
you tell me..



:D :clap:

04-16-2005, 08:56 PM
I really want a springer now. Just to set up soem cans in the backyard and have some fun.

04-16-2005, 10:23 PM
"There's a lot of people running around calling themselves "SEAL\S", but most couldn't tell you their class number."--- Destructo6

Theres actually an organiztion called 'VeriSEAL', made up of ex-seals, who actually defraud people who go around saying they're 'ex navy seals', usually they used that lie on applications to even help get them jobs. Then these guys happily try to destroy the lier's life by exposing him as a fraud and trying to get him fired. Real SEAL's take that stuff VERY seriously. :)

"I dont understand this role-playing thing....I thought airsoft was like the new generation bb guns, I remember playing with bb guns in the woods as kid, shooting cans, trees, birds each other, etc. So do these dudes dress up like swat?"--- desslock

Airsoft has been around in Japan, were it originated, since the 60's or 70's I believe. In Japan its illegal for civilians to own firearms there so it developed as a way for citizens to 'collect' replicas of real firearms and target practice with them. Because true airsoft guns, and the magazines that feed them, are the same size/dimensions as their 'real steel' counterparts, many accesories meant for use with the real weapon will work with their arisoft counterpart. So if you have an airsoft M4 carbine, you can buy the actual combat vest with all the magazine pouches, pistol holster, etc, that the actual military uses for soldiers armed with a real M4. Because you can go that far, most take the 'realism' all the way and deck out in full combat gear. Because of the whole nature of Airsoft, it's game formats don't have a speedball counterpart so airsoft teams dont go around in colored jersies.

04-16-2005, 11:02 PM
Me and my friends did the air soft thing for a bit with the spring pistols. we set up random crap in the back yard and played 'speedball' :rolleyes: give me a break though, we were like 12 :tard:

04-16-2005, 11:07 PM
I've got a couple friends who are into airsoft, and paintball. I've played a few times. It's a lot of fun. It's a lot different than paintball. The people who I've played with were pretty serious. They all dress up in the camo gear. The airsoft crowd seems a lot more mature. The game relies on the players being honest. Paintball is great for running around and shooting each other like in video games. Airsoft is better for playing army. Most of the serious airsoft people I know got into it because paint is to expensive.

I used to have 3 springers but they got stolen. Now I've got a gas pistol. I think airsoft is great.

04-17-2005, 10:08 PM
I used to know Airsoft guys who "trained harder than SEALs" amazing since 2 of them were well over 350 lbs.

the main issue I have with the guns is that they LOOK JUST LIKE REAL GUNS so people who dont realize what it is could be alarmed. Example, in the small town where I work 3 kids were having a war around a house, one lady called the cops, they arrived in force

What is fun is when you go to the shooting range and watch kids who play airsoft shoot real guns for the first time. They brag about how wellt hey handle their gun which is "just like this one even when you shoot"

Another thing is.......they always rent the Desert Eagle.

04-17-2005, 10:24 PM
i actually just picked up a m733 (m4a1 commando, its shorter, what you saw in black hawk down) its actually pretty nice, decent amount of metal, and nicely layed out, gotta love japan :dance:

its mostly for backyard skirmishing ;)

ill see if i can video tape one of the skirmishes :D

ill be sure to include


04-17-2005, 11:42 PM
So yes.

Airsoft is larping.

They use simulated/raplica wapons

They use similar lingo

They have clans/chapters/squads ect.

They play in arenas

Most of them do not train like real spec op soldiers.

Tim 3
04-18-2005, 09:51 AM
You guys are idiots.
ur smart
lol :rofl:

04-18-2005, 10:22 AM
Another thing is.......they always rent the Desert Eagle.

Yeah, I really like that.
I know kids who 'brag' about those Eagles, regardless of wheather or not they've disharged an actual firearm.

Me: Oh you're into pistols? got a favorite?
Morans: Desert Eagle baby!
Me:.....Awesome little handguns?
Morans: TOTALLY.
Me: If they're so awesome...why dont our Military's elite use them?
Morans: .....

04-18-2005, 10:30 AM
Whats so bad about being something you arent for a day?

(not a LARPer)

04-18-2005, 10:58 AM
to all the people who said "you are idiots", seriously man, whats your problem, get over yourselves.

also i never said anythng bad or negative bad about larping or role playing. I've played in a couple of airsoft battles CQB at the old prison in fort ord. Its fun.

also, role playing /larpibg is def. something people genereally need.

04-18-2005, 11:03 AM

larping docu drama

04-18-2005, 11:04 AM
Whats so bad about being something you arent for a day?

(not a LARPer)

I'm not going to diss on LARP'rs but the ones that I know personall, they just take it too far.
These are the kind of guys (the people I know, of whom dont represent LARP'rs as a whole) Wont stop if you as them nicely. I'm talking about everday life, in public, your house, etc. It's like being at the Ren Fair everday of your life. Not bad guys, though.

I met some Star Wars LARP'rs who were great to be around, but only becuase we had a common interest--Star Wars.

04-18-2005, 11:13 AM

larping docu drama

Wow, that was something else....wow.

04-18-2005, 12:09 PM
I called you idiots because these threads always start flames. All the paintballers think Airsoft is for losers and start saying how gay it is.

I don't personally Airsoft, but I don't see anything wrong with it.

And Havok's reply was exactly why these threads are a bad idea.

04-18-2005, 12:43 PM
whatever man, there no flames yet, i doubt there will be, because this is a pretty concise convo about the "human condition" so far. and if anything the, "You you guys are idiots" comment is pretty much the spark of a potential flame war.

also, Havoks comment is his view of what he knows airsoft to be, or what he wants us to think he know about airsoft/lrping in general.

anyhow i digress. To me this is more of a laymens view of overt behavior.

04-18-2005, 07:30 PM
Hahahah! Woah. Now I see what you mean by LARPing. I wasn't sure what it was. It does look kind of fun to beat the heck out of each other with foam swords and stuff. Are they allowed to hit each other in the face? That could hurt.

04-18-2005, 07:43 PM
I called you idiots because these threads always start flames. All the paintballers think Airsoft is for losers and start saying how gay it is.

I don't personally Airsoft, but I don't see anything wrong with it.

And Havok's reply was exactly why these threads are a bad idea.

no, thats a little cynical of us, but i do know from experiance that the ones ive talk to on airsoft forums have been inconsiderate to newbies.

"if you dont start with a $500 gun dont bother idiot" was one of the main accepted things there

i know some of us are a little inconsiderate, but i can vouch for pbnation as being more curtious as that

but airsoft is awsome, i just invested 260 into one instead of an ion :D im not making generalizations, or did havok, but just small examples that might contribute to what the general idea might be.

off topic:

anyone wanna bring some shinai to the next AONJ? :clap:

as for paintballers, its either gun crazy veterans, or pot smoking idiots with an iq less then the words in this sentence :D

04-18-2005, 07:59 PM
I have LARPed before... It's a great way to get back in shape for an open melee tourney (Basket hilted claymore man here). Basically instead of getting good at fighting a single opponent who you may be afraid to really smack, you have a few dozen different ones who you don't know and generally feel perfectly fine about hitting upside the head.

Basically, it's good combat experience... if you need that sort of thing.

04-18-2005, 08:07 PM

larping at """shatnerball"""

lets see how well shatner does against an entire AO army of slightly-dissapointed-but-still-anxious orcs :clap: :clap: :clap:

04-19-2005, 01:26 AM
Turkey that is interesting.

I kinda understand the role playeing aspect of it, i grew up comic books and video games. I think the experince of mock combat would be a challange too.

For the most part it seems like it is a bit of healthy drama.

04-19-2005, 01:39 AM

larping docu drama

I have a friend that does that...well a person I went to school with....and there is something fun about hitting someone as hard as you can in the head with a broom handle.

04-19-2005, 08:13 AM
you guys are dorks

04-19-2005, 08:17 AM
Also, as a note, Darkon isn't really LARPing. Its more combat-based than anything else, as I understand it.

If you want to see how lame LARPing truly is, go look up the ogrebattle video.

04-19-2005, 11:45 AM
first of all, i airsoft, and i suppose you can consider me as doing it "seriously" if you measure "seriousness" by how much money you've put into it. however there are many levels to how you can play. Sure, some ppl may do the whole comanders and training drills and whatnot, but not everybody do that. heck, i've even seen paintballers do that. in fact, the only difference between airsoft and woodsball is the cost of ammo.

no, thats a little cynical of us, but i do know from experiance that the ones ive talk to on airsoft forums have been inconsiderate to newbies.

"if you dont start with a $500 gun dont bother idiot" was one of the main accepted things there

its unfortunate you got that experience, but not all airsoft forums are like that. there are some airsoft forums that actually quite friendly and are filled with intelligent discussions, even more so that AO IMO.

oh and fyi, you can actually get started playing with a full (and decent) setup for just $100-300. i know some ppl who play with just pistols and do very well at it.

What is fun is when you go to the shooting range and watch kids who play airsoft shoot real guns for the first time. They brag about how wellt hey handle their gun which is "just like this one even when you shoot"

Another thing is.......they always rent the Desert Eagle.

those are what we real airsofters call "springer kiddies". the go out and buy cheap $10 springer pistols then ruin it for the rest of us by doing stupid things. sound familiar? yeah, paintball has em too.. the kids who buy cheap markers at walmart and then go do drive bys....

real airsoft is played at actual airsoft fields. here in the UK, its actually illegal to fire them anywhere else.

04-19-2005, 01:18 PM

larping docu drama"

that was the dorkiest thing I've seen in a LONG time. It had the same effect on me that the movie 'Trekkies' had the first time I saw it. I wanted to laugh and puke at the same time when I saw these people.

I know it's just roleplaying, but it was more like their costumes had a 'medieval theme' rather than any actual basis in historical accuracy. A couple of people were wearing surplus cold war east-german helmets with stripes painted on them in lieu of anything remotely 'medieval looking' on hand. What a joke, the 'combat' looked like one big 'smash 'em bash 'em' were the participants did'nt have even the slightest understanding about how people actually fought with those weapons in battle. Looked like a bunch of dorks trying to relive their favorite parts of hollywood movies like 'Braveheart'.....

I think even the most hardcore airsofter is still step up from those guys.

04-19-2005, 07:08 PM

larping docu drama"

that was the dorkiest thing I've seen in a LONG time. It had the same effect on me that the movie 'Trekkies' had the first time I saw it. I wanted to laugh and puke at the same time when I saw these people.

I know it's just roleplaying, but it was more like their costumes had a 'medieval theme' rather than any actual basis in historical accuracy. A couple of people were wearing surplus cold war east-german helmets with stripes painted on them in lieu of anything remotely 'medieval looking' on hand. What a joke, the 'combat' looked like one big 'smash 'em bash 'em' were the participants did'nt have even the slightest understanding about how people actually fought with those weapons in battle. Looked like a bunch of dorks trying to relive their favorite parts of hollywood movies like 'Braveheart'.....

I think even the most hardcore airsofter is still step up from those guys.

That was really sad, hey lets all run around and beet each other wiht padded sticks made to look like axes, How do they determine when someone dies or what not, hey i killed u, NO i have a migical malee attack repellant charm TAKE THAT.