View Full Version : ULE Trigger and RT on TacOne

04-16-2005, 06:02 AM
What is the recommended amount of shims for the ULE Trigger kit. I installed mine myself, and can't feel much difference with one - three. But another Tac with 3 feels drastically different. So I've put all I have in (four), and there is a subtle difference but I'm not quite sure yet, do I add more? I've been told one should only go up to three. Any advice.

Additionaly, is there a way to back out the 'trigger post' so it is closer to the trigger for a shorter pull. It looks as though it may be threaded to the sear assembly, but it doesn't want to move. What kind of adjustments can be made to have a 'hair trigger' and/or the 'sweet spot' like on the Tippman RTs on a Tac One. ?

Also, what pressure do people run with I set my tank at about 750psi. Does a higher pressure allow for a 'sweet spot' Should I go higher? How high is too high for the regulator/discs?

04-16-2005, 07:06 AM
I have 7 shims on my Tac-One and the valve just barely fits into my body. Add more if you can, try some of the Level10 shims that came with your Level10 kit, they are twice as thick as the ULT shims.

More output pressure will make a difference. If you have an adjustable tank crank it up to around 900-1000 and try the trigger out.

04-30-2005, 04:23 AM
I've got a friend that has a Tac with only 3 shims in it, and he cranked up his pressure to about 1000, but blew a disc. I'd want to stay around 700-800 output pressure to maintain air efficiency. I hate getting less than 800 balls per tank. Any other input?

04-30-2005, 09:24 AM
Add more shims