View Full Version : AGD Relic: Centennial Minimag #900 REBORN

04-17-2005, 02:01 PM

The start of the story of this gun can be seen here complete with pics of the valve engraving and a little history:
Link to 1st Centennial Minimag #900 Post !!! (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=135038)

This project has been sitting on the back burner for a little while for me but finally got motivated when I seen they found some of the old school grip frames from airgun.com...

So with a little time and little effort and a BIG helping hand from Tunaman here is my Old Skool Minimag reborn...

So here she is... new and shinny tip to tail... switched to my trademark black and silver look and of course with a complete valve rebuild & level 10 upgrade... I like it looks great and I am looking forward to lighting up a few new kids on rec days with a gun or at least the valve that is older than they are...

I know Tom has commented on this gun before:

Yes as a matter of fact it is a collectable. We pulled every centennial valve and made a few into special guns. We intended to do a special run with all the centennials but didn't get around to it. Eventually we changed the specs on the valve and they all became obsolete so we had to destroy them.

Hang on to it that one's a keeper!


I am curious if he even knows how many of the Centennials actually made it out of the shop and how many MAY still even be around?





And just a pic of the current family for completeness and to show the evolution...


Thanks in advance for any kind comments... and again my Thanks to Rob (Tunaman) for without his work on this project I probably never would of managed to find the time in my life to finish it up to the level it is... And of course ... Continued thanks be to Tom... for without him none of this would have been possible...

04-17-2005, 02:27 PM
man you are so lucky.

i especially like that x-mag ;)

04-17-2005, 02:41 PM
Vanced, You are a lucky man! That is one beautiful Mini-mag and the valve is priceless. Can you show a close up of the valve to show the serial number??? The best shot is the look of "The Family". The mags I have aren't quite as polished but I have a classic, X-Valved Mini and my X-MAG. Again, big props to you and your markers!!! Enjoy, make all the kids drool and show respect to the greatness of AGD!!! :clap: :headbang:

04-17-2005, 02:49 PM

Click the link above and you can see pics of the valve close up including the serial number... but know thoose pics are before Tuna replolished the valve to make her look almost new...

AGAIN: CLICK HERE FOR THE OLD POST WITH PICS (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=135038)

And here is a couple close ups of the X-Mag that were asked for...




Creative Mayhem
04-17-2005, 02:55 PM
Very nice! I like the 3 piece velocity adjuster/tourney lock. I have 2 of them myself(although I am missing the cap from one:()

04-17-2005, 03:01 PM
Nice markers , were did you get the ccm no rise from? And how mutch was it?

04-17-2005, 03:07 PM
wow, what a item u have there. Take great care of her(minimag). And her(other mag). and Her(THE x-mag)

Creative Mayhem
04-17-2005, 03:09 PM
Hey Vanced, what kind of trigger is that on your X? Modded stocker, or aftermarket?

04-17-2005, 04:33 PM
is that a flatline on your x-mag?

man, it's a beauty

04-17-2005, 06:28 PM
now THATS A MINIMAG! :clap:

warp it :ninja:

04-17-2005, 06:36 PM
Very cool.

Creative Mayhem
04-17-2005, 06:53 PM
is that a flatline on your x-mag?

man, it's a beauty

That's not a flatline, it's an Air America Apoc2K

04-17-2005, 06:54 PM
is that a flatline on your x-mag?

man, it's a beauty

The air system is an AA Apoc or Armagedon, I can't recall which looks like that but it's an Air America system, basically the same thing as a Flatline.

04-17-2005, 07:40 PM

Question And answer time...

Didn't want this to turn into a conversation about my X-Mag... but hey...

Monstermag: The CCM Feedneck is mod done by Jay (RRFireblade) Send him a PM here or info on him at Logic's website... You have to send in your vert breach to have it done... as for price, you'll have to ask him... I try to keep with the standard practice of keeping price quotes private and between you and the dealer... He does nice work, great to deal with and a stand up guy...

CreativeMayhem: The trigger is a TL-63 Blade Trigger it was done by Timmy of AGD Pride and I know he did just a handfull and offered a few here on AO...

CodeKevin: CM was right it is an Air America Apoc 2k ... In my humble opinion the best adjustable tank currently avaliable .. and yeah it is very similar to a Flatline with a differnt body for the reg with a built in dovetail mouting...

04-17-2005, 09:41 PM
whats the thing protrudeing from the valve in the picture? one of the close up shots, i can see the little thing that pokes out to keep the valve from shooting off the back of the gun if you try to take it apart when its gassed up; but what is the other thing. it doesn't look like an airline, cuz you can see where it would screw in in another picture.
what is it?

04-17-2005, 09:43 PM
nevermind, i figured it out. its the field strip screw. wow, i feel stupid now.

04-19-2005, 07:31 AM
Where did you get this gun ??

I know where these came from beacuse I still have mine unfired #mm00800. Mine is in cobalt blue. The green mm00700 went to John Black and has been offered on ebay a little while back. My guess is the gun was made for Dale Hilton from BOA... Ring any bells ???


Bla Bla Bla.... yea I know I should have read the link...

04-19-2005, 05:59 PM
I am curious to know why you decided to change out the original parts?

Don't get me wrong, its a beauty as it is, but it seems you lost some of what made it special by removing the annoed parts. The post above kinda goes toward what I mean. Certain people got the certain color markers in a limited run of almost non existant markers today.....

Cool Post!

04-19-2005, 06:15 PM

Now ive gotta take a road trip to see this thing :)

04-19-2005, 06:54 PM
post that in the gun of the month...

such a beautiful finish.

04-19-2005, 07:15 PM
Very great! I love the AGD ASA. It really adds that extra special touch!

04-19-2005, 07:38 PM

Your right...you get your kudos for very obscure Mag Trivia... This is or should I say was Dale's Centennial Mini ... And the info is all in the link to my original post... but the short version...

I was a regualar at the fields Dale ran... known as Blackhawk... and one of close friends was the guy who made most of the BOA barrels for Dale when he wasn't doing um personally...

Dale played this mag hard... and when he was getting out of the paintball scean he sold it to another close friend of mine who still plays with me regualry... he played it hard too for several more years... before it came into my possession from him ...

Yeah I know of your #800 and of the #700 that sold on E-bay a while back... but thoose are the only two others I know of... and the fate of #700 is unknown to me... and I don't know if there was ever more than the 3 of them ?

punkcat: Know I still have all the original parts in the same condition that they came to me in.... right down the rare power tip spring... & I wouldn't part with them... I know it came with the ice blue anno and I am not sure if the powdercoated body and matching brass BOA barrel were original to when it was first given to Dale or was one of his after the fact changes...

Bottom line... I wanted a Old school as Tom first pictured um style mag that looked as good as it did right out of the box... and have the if nothing else the personal satisfaction that it is the Centi#900 and its personal worth & meaning to me... even if it isn't in the same set of clothes I orginally met her in... because like most people who still shoot mags theese days it is for a personal reason...

And... I didn't want to further degrade the orginal parts already average at best condition after 15 years of hard play and I didn't want to ruin any of the orginal mastic left in thoose parts by re-annoing and re-powdercoating the body... and could in seconds take the level 10 out and pop her right back into the old body and original barrels...

Any more questions feel free to ask... and again thanks to any kind comments...

~Dustin (Vanced)

04-19-2005, 08:44 PM
Well did you shoot it yet? :D i believe that one shoots as good as it looks! :D :headbang: