View Full Version : ???? bout tourney play

11-22-2001, 06:57 PM
hey all,

to all those people that are on teams , i am 15 years old and i might be joining a team soon and i am kind
of confused about tourny play. I want to know a little more
info on it ? i may be on the rookie team and i was wondering if there are alot of tourneys that a 15 yr old can play in? what is it going to be like in my first
tournement ? is it ok to be nervous? what do you do first?

it seems like its alot more complicated then just going and playing.

also, it seems like they dont like when there are kids playing against them?whats the deal ????

thnks for any help
got to go watch wedding singer now!!!!!!!!!!

11-22-2001, 07:27 PM
at most tournaments, age dosn't have to do wiht anything. If you really want to get into some tournament play, ask to practice with a local team for a while to get some of the team feeling.

Most older adults do'nt like playing against expirenced kids because they are slow, sluggish, and big while kids are fast, agile, and small.

11-22-2001, 07:27 PM
I dont think your age really matters, I've played in tourneys since I was 12, and I still play at 13:). Most rules are only semi modes, NO WIPING, velocity has to be under 300, barrel plug in the whole time except when you are playing, dont take tools on the field, and make sure your parents are there to sign the waiver. Thats all the basic ones I can tihnk of right now, just call whoever is hosting the tournament and ask them about the rules.

11-22-2001, 07:45 PM
so what should i expect on my first tournement?????

11-22-2001, 07:49 PM
I have yet to attend a tournament that would not allow younger kids to play. Most tournaments will be divided up into divisions such as amatuer novice/rookie and some even have a young gun division. The age cutoffs for young guns differ from series to series but check out some local touries and maybe even just play with some friends. As for adults looking down on kids I have been lucky enough to make many friends so far be them older than me or younger than me. My advice on that sybject would be treat everyone you meet with the same respect that you would like to get back from them, newbies to pro's, old timers to 12 year olds. That way if someone treats you bad it'll be because they are a jerk, plus you may get the opportunity to practice with some better teams along the way. The most important thing is to have as much fun as possible though, because that is what paintball is all about.

Johnny Mo

Ninja B0Y
11-22-2001, 08:36 PM
expect to lose.

...no, seriously.

11-22-2001, 08:47 PM
Yeah, when your standing on the line, waiting for the whistle to blow, you will get real tense. You will be so nervous you will want to almost pee your pants, but don't! Just try to stay as calm as you can. If you are going to be a back player, the second the game starts, start shooting down the shooting lanes(if you dont know what those are, just say so, and I'll tell you), and try to get a few of them out. If you are a front player, dont ever try to shoot off the break, just run as fast as you can to your first prop. AND KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN!! And you may want to slide in if you don't think you can get there, sliding keeps your speed for most of the way, and then stop you almost instantly. If you have to slow down when running it takes up time, and you will probably get hit. Trust me, it is ok to be scared, and nervous, you will get used to it.

And yes, expect to lose, because it is your first tournament, so you should be using this one as a time to learn what tournaments are all about. But yes, if you use the shooting lanes as I have told you, you might stand a pretty good chance. Just tuck in tight, and move fast.

11-22-2001, 09:52 PM
lots of good info so far, though, i dont agree with the 'expect to lose' part, sure, keep a level head about yourself, and know the odds are against you and theres an extremely good chance you will lose, but always believe you can win, in a rational manner of course, frame of mind is very important, if you go into a game thinking 'im gonna lose' it doesnt help your case much. so go in realizing the odds of winning are against you, but be prepared to lose, but always believe you can win.