View Full Version : The Sledgehammer

04-18-2005, 01:39 PM
Anyone ever heard of or know anything about this marker. It looks like a cocker but the website is all in german and translator programs dont do that great of a job so i thought id ask if anyone else knows anything about it. The company looks like it has some good parts available . The cocker bolt looks great. Anyway, post here if ya have any info.



04-18-2005, 02:11 PM
that's a nice milled cocker if i do say so myself

04-18-2005, 02:19 PM
Do you have any idea how much it costs? I looked on the sitebut it says 349,90€ which is wierd cus theres a comma there and idk what that means. If it were a period itd be 450 or so USD which seems like a killer deal but idk. If anyone else knows how much it costs lmk cus i want it lol.

04-18-2005, 02:19 PM
i may be wrong but isnt that a fastback? looks kinda like one..but ive only seena few.

with some custom mods that prob arent needed nor improve performance drasticly

here i translated that link for ya

This ultralight Bolt was developed particularly for the Autococker. It is produced in our enterprise in a particularly developed procedure. The plastic does not possess the necessary flexibility around the Body to zerkratzen to remain nevertheless form stable and. The carbon pipe in the center lends the necessary hardness to the whole construction, in order to make the pins torsionally stiff. Only these material-mix makes possible this light, and nevertheless very loadable pins.

04-18-2005, 02:21 PM
and thers the other

The TX- Sledgehammer change kit is an advancement of Tx-Tuning. By small moved mass aeuserst the Kick is so well eliminated. Thus shorter trigger ways are possible, which make undreamt-of bpses possible additionally by smaller filter values. The Bodykit/ change and the attachments are manufactured on most modern "CNC- machines". The Delrinfuehrung, those with few handles is replaceable provides for as smooth ones ones as possible run of the Schlitten's. Additionally the aluminum bearing surface of the Bodys is geschohnt. Anschliesend is anodized the complete marker (if wished) in desire color. The Delrin One retrieves Bolt "" anodizing accurately on the Body is co-ordinated. Thus absolute register accuracy is also here given. Can you to the Bodykit/umbau additionally equal new parts block let optional.

04-18-2005, 02:23 PM
That really doesnt help.....

I got that far as well but since some words still dont translate right and the translation isnt clear only parts of it make sense. All i really need to know is how much it costs.

04-18-2005, 02:28 PM

04-18-2005, 02:31 PM
Like i said it doesnt work because there is a comma. If i put whats on the website into the conversion thing it comes out to like 45,ooo USD. Ive tried it in other currency things and it wont work because of the comma.

04-18-2005, 03:04 PM
i think that's supposed to be a decimal point.
49.90 EUR=64.9422 USD

04-18-2005, 03:27 PM
Having worked on German cars and seeing how complex they can make the internal combustion engine there is no way I'm going to go near a German Autococker.

04-18-2005, 03:31 PM
349.90 EUR = 455.565 USD

1 EUR = 1.30199 USD 1 USD = 0.768058 EUR

but from what im understanding from this webpage its just the sledgehammer upgrade... just the new pnuematics

The TX- Sledgehammer change kit is an advancement of Tx-Tuning.
By small moved mass?erst the Kick is so well eliminated. Thus are k?ere trigger ways m?ich, which erm?ichen zus?lich by smaller filter values undreamt-of bpses.
The Bodykit/ change and the attachments are manufactured on most modern "CNC- machines".
The Delrinf?ung, those with few handles is replaceable ensures f?m?ichst smooth one run of the Schlitten.s. Zus?lich is geschohnt the Aluminiumlauffl?e of the Bodys.
Anschliesend is anodized the complete marker (if gew?cht) in desire color.
The Delrin One retrieves Bolt "" anodizing accurately on the Body is co-ordinated. Thus absolute register accuracy is also here given.
Optionally you k?t to the Bodykit/umbau zus?lich equal new parts to block leave.

TX- Sledgehammer kit:

- TX- Sledgehammer Body
- TX- Sledgehammer RAM owner
- TX- Sledeghammer carriage
- TX- Sledgehammer Delrin F?ung, replaceable
- TX- Sledgehammer "Eclipse" hammer
- TX- Sledgehammer Pullpin
- TX- Sledgehammer Delrin Bolt, without O-rings
- Clampfeed "The Grip"
- screws, Schl?he
- Eloxat after desire color (Fades are not m?ich)
- assembly, adaptation and adjusting of the individual parts

At present not available!!!

TX- Sledgehammer change:

- TX- Sledgehammer change original of the Body (not with each Body m?ich!!!)
- TX- Sledgehammer change original hammer
- TX- Sledgehammer RAM owner
- TX- Sledeghammer carriage
- TX- Sledgehammer Delrin F?ung, replaceable
- TX- Sledgehammer Pullpin
- TX- Sledgehammer Delrin Bolt, without O-rings
- screws, Schl?he
- anodizing, after desire color of the complete marker (Fades are not m?ich)
- assembly, adaptation and adjusting of the individual parts


Kit: At present not yet available

Change: 349,90. (zzgl. postage dispatch)

Various attachments (TX- front block, TX- Frame, RAM, valve, jumping kit...) are optional
zus?lich available.

so from my understanding you get a new body, hammer, ram, carriage?, delrin something... pullpin, delrin bolt with orings, screws, and annodizing w/o fades... and they will tune and time your gun.... so you still need everything else like regs and eframe if you choose

04-18-2005, 03:37 PM
Many countries interchange the decimal and comma from how we use them. I.e.,3,451.99 in America will become 3.451,99 in other places.

04-18-2005, 04:03 PM
Thanks for all the help guys. I emailed them, i hope i get a response in english....lol.

04-19-2005, 04:00 AM
Many countries interchange the decimal and comma from how we use them. I.e.,3,451.99 in America will become 3.451,99 in other places.

Beat me to it. I have kicked myself many times for using swedish notation in matlab at college. It doesn't like it at all :(

04-19-2005, 10:05 AM
...so for ~400 u get a new body? or they mill yours down???

04-19-2005, 04:29 PM
Translated best I could.

The TX- Sledgehammer change kit is an advancement of Tx-Tuning.
By small moved mass?erst the Kick is so well eliminated. Thus are k?ere trigger ways m?ich, which erm?ichen zus?lich by smaller filter values undreamt-of bpses.
The Bodykit/ change and the attachments are manufactured on most modern "CNC- machines".
The Delrinf?ung, those with few handles is replaceable ensures f?m?ichst smooth one run of the Schlitten.s. Zus?lich is geschohnt the Aluminiumlauffl?e of the Bodys.
Anschliesend is anodized the complete marker (if gew?cht) in desire color.
The Delrin One retrieves Bolt "" anodizing accurately on the Body is co-ordinated. Thus absolute register accuracy is also here given.
Optionally you k?t to the Bodykit/umbau zus?lich equal new parts to block leave.

TX- Sledgehammer kit:

- TX- Sledgehammer Body
- TX- Sledgehammer RAM owner
- TX- Sledeghammer carriage
- TX- Sledgehammer Delrin F?ung, replaceable
- TX- Sledgehammer "Eclipse" hammer
- TX- Sledgehammer Pullpin
- TX- Sledgehammer Delrin Bolt, without O-rings
- Clampfeed "The Grip"
- screws, Schl?he
- Eloxat after desire color (Fades are not m?ich)
- assembly, adaptation and adjusting of the individual parts

At present not available!!!

TX- Sledgehammer change:

- TX- Sledgehammer change original of the Body (not with each Body m?ich!!!)
- TX- Sledgehammer change original hammer
- TX- Sledgehammer RAM owner
- TX- Sledeghammer carriage
- TX- Sledgehammer Delrin F?ung, replaceable
- TX- Sledgehammer Pullpin
- TX- Sledgehammer Delrin Bolt, without O-rings
- screws, Schl?he
- anodizing, after desire color of the complete marker (Fades are not m?ich)
- assembly, adaptation and adjusting of the individual parts


Kit: At present not yet available

Change: 349,90. (zzgl. postage dispatch)

Various attachments (TX- front block, TX- Frame, RAM, valve, jumping kit...) are optional
zus?lich available.

F?genauere information k?t it us in the form for contact contacts "

04-19-2005, 05:16 PM
if they're gonna move the RAM around, why not put it rite behind the bolt and have it connected directly to the bolt? while they're at it, move the solenoid around too... mebe try and get everything off the front block. i guess it'll be a lot harder tryin to move the LPR tho...

nice cocker tho ;)

04-20-2005, 06:43 AM
You can quote me on this.. the longer the 3-way (pneumatic) hoses are, the more of a chance you have to catch them on something or get shot in them. I've had my hoses hit once by a paintball and it isn't fun. Air's hissing like crazy and all you can do is quickly take your tank off and get your hands up and get off the field. Since then I use one of them ugly shrouds on my cocker.. lol. If you could relocate the ram on the back it would have it's benefits, but it would be better if you drilled paths for that pneumatic hose to travel inside the body to conceal/protect them. Then again I'm not sure how much space you have on the modern milled down cockers.

04-20-2005, 06:56 AM
Most germans know english, or atleast a little bit.

And yes, they use the comma for our decimal :)

04-20-2005, 06:58 AM
In European countries they use a comma in the place of our decimals; the same is with our use of the comma. (this is about the only thing I ever learned in French)

04-20-2005, 07:19 AM
Hi let me try to translate that for you Guys......lol

The Kit is an Upgrade for every Cocker. It claims it is lightweight. Because the Ram and the Botl is shorter, that means there is less force you need to move it. As well the Trigger can be very short ( i guess less the 1mm).....

They using the news CNC machines on the Market to Mill that Body and the Upgrade kit.

It have an all Delrin Bolt, the Back block (in other words the piece which keeps the bolt moveing back and forward) is changable. They anodizing in what color you want. After that the Bolt will be retuned to fit it perfect.

Here what they offering:

The Sledgehammer Upgrade Kit:

Milled Body
Ram holder
changable Backblock
Eclpise Hammer
Delrin Bold without O-Rings
Clampfeedneck (the Gripp)
Bolts and Hoses
Solid Anaodizing Colors only (no Fades)
They put everything togther and fine tune the Cocker.

Not available at the moment. no Price

The otehr one is an Conversion kit:

You send your Body they will cut it, if possible, the put all the stuff abive in ecept the Body anodize it and fine tune it. Then send it back to you.

This price will be 349Euro (456.42 Dollar + Shipping no Tax)

Optional you can get a TX-Frontblock, TX-Frame, Ram, Valve, Springs, and so on.....

All the Kits are not available off right now.

Thats what i can translate with my english ...........Sorry for that but I am German...lol

I think its a nice looking Cocker. I think is like the Fastback the diffrent is that the Ram with a special Holder sits further to the Back, that means less kick...
They saying something that thsi conversion works best with E-Cockers.....

I think thats all hope that my translation is better then a Taranslater on the Net??


PS:we using the comma for the cents!! lol that would be 456,42 Dollar in German writing....