View Full Version : HELP AO. Anodizing Opinions needed!

04-18-2005, 07:34 PM
Hows it going AO? I need your help. I've been trying to sell my lasoya intimidator for many months now with no sucess. I've added a 05 frame and other things to boost up the retail value a little bit more. But in reality nothings changed. I have the chance to anodize the gun any color, but i'm not sure which color would help me sell it easier.
This is where AO comes in. I need your help to see which color would help me sell my gun the most. I've narrowed it down to 3 colors just incase I never sell it i'll still like the gun.

-olive dust
-blood red
-"infamous" yellow :D

I'm only getting the body and the clamshells anodized so any color that matches with black will be good to have.


Just a rough idea. Note***trigger guard will be black!!

Give me anything. I'm going to decide by tomarrow!!! Thanks guys!

04-18-2005, 07:39 PM
I think yellow will sell better, But I have always wanted my mag to be blood red.

04-18-2005, 07:42 PM
Yellow or red, the olive is reallly ugly.

EDIT: take that back. the olive isnt ugly, its just not as good looking as the other two.

My personal favorite is the red, but I dunno which'll sell best.

04-18-2005, 08:05 PM
Mountain dew sells really awesome, and looks nice.

04-18-2005, 08:08 PM
i say green, always love olive

04-18-2005, 08:47 PM
i like the olive color, but its a little woodsballish. I bet a tourney player is gonna buy it, so i'd go with the yellow or red. But also, the yellow is on a lot of lasoya's, and you can try telling the buyer it's 'infamous yello', but its not gonna make a huge impact on sales. I'd like a bright neon green on there, that'd look nice with the black, or a dark purple, which would be pretty cool too. Also, don't neglect to get that trigger frame anodized, it looks much better when it is.

04-18-2005, 08:49 PM
I love the blood red, it just matches the image i think goes with the timmy.