View Full Version : My cocker, what do you think?*Pics*

11-23-2001, 01:13 AM
Here is my marker and my new mask. Still more stuff to be added but this is what I have so far.

11-23-2001, 01:16 AM
Looks pretty interesting, though the picture is a little fuzzy....

11-23-2001, 01:23 AM
Nice Cocker!!


11-23-2001, 01:27 AM
never thought i would see the day :)

11-23-2001, 01:29 AM
sorry about the fuzzyness and the orange stickys lol, they came with some stuff i bough, they were free im not gonna complain. And Thanks DP and AGD.

11-23-2001, 01:36 AM
Yea its nice except the ANS Gen X reg.. barf ;)


11-23-2001, 02:36 AM
you're probably gonna need a beavertail on there...

11-23-2001, 10:36 AM
Get some black Rit dye and boil the stickies in with it. That orange is gross.

11-23-2001, 10:38 AM
....nobody wants to see your cock(er) :D

11-23-2001, 11:14 AM
looks... flamboyant, stick with one set of colors, maily i htink it's the grips that are throwing the color scheme off. I'll sell ya some black DYE stickies if ya want. and tell me if u ever want to sell ur ANuS reg.

11-23-2001, 12:28 PM
I'll sell ya some black DYE stickies if ya want. and tell me if u ever want to sell ur ANuS reg.

Yea its nice except the ANS Gen X reg.. barf

why dont you guys like his gen x reg? whats so bad about it?

11-23-2001, 02:08 PM
I guess my appreciation for non-mag markers is waning. I know its a nice gun, but all I see is a pile of overpriced crap.


11-23-2001, 02:42 PM
I happen to like my cocker. it outperforms my mag anyday and there isnt much else you could do to my mag to make it better....

11-23-2001, 05:14 PM
fred, I regret posting this under my new name, but we do not need posters like you here at ao. Not all of us shoot automags. Granted you can like your automag more than any other gun out there, and you are entilted to your opinion. But please, there is no need to flame other people or other peoples guns. I highly recomend that you delete or edit your post before one of the mods comes and does it for you. By the way infinitybps, nice gun.

Bunker King.

11-24-2001, 01:32 AM
bunkerking -
I won't take your post personally, I am calling it the way I see it. I don't personally like autocockers and that is my opinion. The fact that there are AO members that don't use automags doesn't shock me. I have been on this board for quite some time and know most people here use or have used other types of guns.

As far as a flame, this is not the case at all. I have spoken with InfinityBPS through AIM many times before and I should hope he is not taking this as an attack on him - more of a good natured ribbing in the mag vs cocker vein.


11-24-2001, 02:21 AM
I'll trade ya a black benchy fer yer green benchy:D

that will complete my GenX

team delirious
11-24-2001, 12:39 PM
hey man nice cocker heres a pic of my cocker and mag:):)
http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/teamdelirious/my mag&cocker.jpg

11-24-2001, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Drew
I'll trade ya a black benchy fer yer green benchy:D

that will complete my GenX

That isn't a benchy, its a ANS Quick Fire(retails at $120). Sorry but I think I'll stick with it, I just got it timed sweet.
Anyways, I was wondering what you guys think of this stuff im thinking of doing to my cocker.

Dragonback, Custom Gills, Through body windows, lower tube gills, Sight rail windows, Front block milling.
Blue to light green flames and dark green background Powdercoat.
Blue Bomb 3 Way
Blue Rock Reg or Sonic LPR
Blue STO Ram
Blue TASO LP chamber.
Blue 32* Gel Grips
Green KAPP Cocking Rod
Green KAPP Beavertail
Blue Pump Rod
Kapp Razorback Backblock
MacDev Red Valve.

Of course this will take me probably a couple of years to finish, but when I do it will be sweet. What do you guys think? what suggestions do you have?

11-25-2001, 12:00 AM
personally, i do not like the gills and holes in the gun. it is just a place for dirt to get in a mess your gun up. i would be so afraid of getting dirt inside my gun, that i wouldn't be as aggressive as i usually am.

11-25-2001, 03:51 AM
The through body windows will be through the body not near internals. So no worries about jamming. And mostly it will be to get rid of that excess weight, I'm prolly gonna get rid of nearly a pound with the milling im planning on getting.

11-25-2001, 08:05 AM
Man it's a nice cocker.I am doing a simular project with my mag.I want the coolest mechanical mag. and here what is has/going to have.
automag warp body (chrome),
Benchy bodyrail (black),
z-grip (black),
clear colored dye stickies,
kapp foregrip extender (chrome)
Kapp foregrip (black),
triggernomics custom trigger (silver),
clear warpfeed,
Clear 12v revy,
retro valve,
and a black 10 or 12 inch freak set!
It's going to look cool and most of this is already done, took me about emm a couple months and by the new year I hope to have all of this.(note I am far from rich just a hard working 16yr old with only car insurance payments)
After this though I am going to save up for another gun! I am not sure which either an Bushie (since Tom says current pballs are crap and require low pressure guns to shot em)or cocker. Infinatybps I doubt it will take years to finish your project most likely a summer. good luck man I look forward to see that cocker updated!

11-25-2001, 02:04 PM
because in a summer I get $250 for allowance and I am not allowd to get a job for reasons I would rather not share. So I will probably get all the parts I want in one summer. Then I will probably just play until about October then I will save money then by January I will see if I have enough money to get milling and my paint job. If not I will use that money to play and stop playing in about may and save until august then the it. So ya about 2 years, because I realy don't have much money.

11-25-2001, 03:25 PM
btw, don't get rid of the orange stickies. i actually like them, they look like wooden grips.


11-25-2001, 04:16 PM
wut r u doing here, this is an AUTOMAG FORUM, no cockers aloud

11-26-2001, 11:40 AM
Stock pneu's :( hehe cockers are fun to play around with, but I can't shoot them worth crap.

11-26-2001, 05:39 PM
wut r u doing here, this is an AUTOMAG FORUM, no cockers aloud

On the contrary, this forum is open for all to post whatever. As you are new, you will soon discover not only how open everyone here is, but how helpful they can be on many different markers.

By the way, welcome in Damien!

Nice cocker Infinity.