View Full Version : Ban The Action Figure

shank the wiggles
04-19-2005, 07:44 PM
I am just speaking up because someone has to. :cuss: :cuss:

hear me out

I have never ever shortaged ANYONE the money agreed upon because no one wants to deal with that, and it is theft beyond reason. He continues to sell and buy things and cant pay me $30? he just bought a new shocker.. I wonder how much that cost? I wouldnt doubt that he already sold it!

he owes me 50 dollars and I thought we worked something out but he consistently fails to do so.

I seen someone else on here thinks the action figure should be banned and I believe he should because he has not payed me.

I had this convo saved to my computer, and I don't suggest anyone do business with him.

the action figure - aogideon1331
shank the wiggles - im here all nite

im here all NITE: a o

aogideon1331: what

im here all NITE: whats up

aogideon1331: nm u

im here all NITE: nothin really
im here all NITE: just seein whats up with my money i guess

aogideon1331: stillno sale

im here all NITE: well i found a guy who wanted to buy your barrel
im here all NITE: but you weren't around for him to buy it

aogideon1331: and the tanks gauge is screwed up, when its empty the gauge says 800

im here all NITE: still works fine

aogideon1331: but ypu ceased to mention it
aogideon1331: makes me mad

im here all NITE: well waiting around for two weeks for 50 dollars makes me mad

aogideon1331: i told you it would be awhile
aogideon1331: im not even sure im payin the full 50
aogideon1331: you sold me a gay tank
aogideon1331: without mentioning the gauge

im here all NITE: that tank has been used like 3 or 4 times

aogideon1331: still
aogideon1331: i dont really care, but it would have been nice to know

im here all NITE: its basically brand new and the gauge is no big deal

aogideon1331: i know, bu it would have een nice to know

im here all NITE: all you have to do is let them know before they fill it so they can let it run for a few more seconds

aogideon1331: still ghey

im here all NITE: yeah well i have been online waiting for you for the past 3-4 days and you haven't been around to mention it so it must not have been a big deal apparently

aogideon1331: ive been busy

im here all NITE: all it takes is a pm or an im that takes 2 seconds of your day
im here all NITE: thats no excuse man

aogideon1331: i havent been online

im here all NITE: and I know it wasn't kool for to send it to you with out telling you but i didnt think it was a big deal because the tank works perfectly
im here all NITE: http://www.paintballadrenaline.com/v2/customer/home.php?cat=455
im here all NITE: ^says $13
im here all NITE: i say.. send me 35 and we can call it even and we can just move on.

aogideon1331: k will do as soon as I sell my barrel

im here all NITE: well heres the guy who wanted to buy it
im here all NITE: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=167645
im here all NITE: he said just give him your email and all that but it might be easier if you just give him my email


04-19-2005, 07:47 PM
So let me get this right, you sold him a tank "used three or four times" failed to mention a fault in it... and are upset at him for being a bad trader?

04-19-2005, 07:48 PM
banning a member would only make it harder to get your money back though.

just a thought, now i'm going to go back and read your post lol.

04-19-2005, 07:54 PM
isnt this a repost?
was the other deleted and ifso making another is asking for a ban...

btw we DONT CARE

talk to a mod by pm

shank the wiggles
04-19-2005, 07:54 PM
So let me get this right, you sold him a tank "used three or four times" failed to mention a fault in it... and are upset at him for being a bad trader?

the thing was brand new and there was no problem with it but the little gauge meter was off a little bit when it was empty. I had just gotten it back from centerflag and I put a brand new reg on it because the old reg had a ding in the threads. I have seriously used this thing a few times in my little suburban backyard and at the indoor field 3 or 4 times, and I bought it brand new.

He tried to tell me that he cut his hand on it or something but I highly doubt that.. have you ever heard such a thing?

04-19-2005, 07:55 PM
he lied to my friend through a trade. my friend ended up with a crappy broken cocker and no "promised" barrel.

04-19-2005, 07:57 PM
the thing was brand new and there was no problem with it but the little gauge meter was off a little bit when it was empty. I had just gotten it back from centerflag and I put a brand new reg on it because the old reg had a ding in the threads. I have seriously used this thing a few times in my little suburban backyard and at the indoor field 3 or 4 times, and I bought it brand new.

He tried to tell me that he cut his hand on it or something but I highly doubt that.. have you ever heard such a thing?

Did you know the gauge had a fault in it when making the deal?
Did you disclose it in teh condition?
Did you just say something like "used three or four times since reg replacement"?

I have a feeling it was misleading, I don't know The Action Figure... but I really don't like it when people w are deceiving (directly or through non-disclosure) when making deals online.

shank the wiggles
04-19-2005, 07:59 PM
isnt this a repost?
was the other deleted and ifso making another is asking for a ban...

btw we DONT CARE

talk to a mod by pm

You know what?..

You might not care but people doing there little deals on this forum here might want to know this before they do business with someone very untrustworthy

04-19-2005, 08:02 PM
You know what?..

You might not care but people doing there little deals on this forum here might want to know this before they do business with someone very untrustworthy

Failure to disclose a known flaw... would you consider that less than honest and trustworthy? I would

And doesn't this belong in the feedback forum?

04-19-2005, 08:02 PM
Forget the other thread, THIS one is the best thread evar!!!!

shank the wiggles
04-19-2005, 08:04 PM
he lied to my friend through a trade. my friend ended up with a crappy broken cocker and no "promised" barrel.

he must like to rip people off who live in michigan.

shank the wiggles
04-19-2005, 08:07 PM
I would like to speak with a mod but I wouldn't know where to find one. :confused:

04-19-2005, 08:10 PM
i think chrono said it best when he said we DONT CARE.


The Action Figure
04-19-2005, 08:18 PM
ok im addressing this once

for the cocker- I sent the gun in the condition I stated. I said it leaked and desperetly needed timing I have documents to prove this. I forgot to include the barrel and a replacement one was sent

and for the tank ummmm you sold me a faulty product and I payed the full amount im paying I gave you 180 which i more than fair. I promised to another 50 you promised me a working tank

end of discussion

shank the wiggles
04-19-2005, 08:25 PM
actually you gave me $165.00 for the tank and a halo B hopper.. I still have the paypal statement my friend.. and If you think harassing me on AIM does justice then I hope what goes around comes around.

here is the picture of the tank


The Action Figure
04-19-2005, 08:29 PM
notice the gauge is set at 1000 though it is empty

and Im not harassing you just trying to understand...

04-19-2005, 08:30 PM
anyone else feeling the sexual tension in here? grrr.

04-19-2005, 08:32 PM
where the heck did that come from?

04-19-2005, 08:41 PM
IS it just the guage that messed up?if so why doesnt shank send you a guage and you send the rest of the money?simple solution....unless theres more to this then i read.

04-19-2005, 08:42 PM
you have got to be kidding me. you sold him a tank with a known flaw and failed to disclose it and then pull this crap of him oweing you money ? and bringing it public and admitting you sold him a defective product. the only thing he owes you is a good solid hit upside your head with the tank, maybe that will knock the needle on the gage into the correct position. moron

and yes i have dealt with him before and it was a smooth transaction

shank the wiggles
04-19-2005, 08:43 PM
notice the gauge is set at 1000 though it is empty

and Im not harassing you just trying to understand...

kinda funny how you pointed that out because that is the picture I sent to you BEFORE we made the fair deal that was made.

The Action Figure
04-19-2005, 08:44 PM
does it look like I wanna wait for a gauge :( , I WOULD NOT HAVE BOUGHT THE TANK IF I KNEW IT WAS BROKEN!!!

The Action Figure
04-19-2005, 08:45 PM
and shank when I saw the pic I figured it had 1000 psi in it

04-19-2005, 08:48 PM
Please remove this thread. This is not PBN. Deal with it between the two of you & leave appropriate feedback.

04-19-2005, 08:49 PM
omfg!!1 i jsust faound tihs new from!! I HAVE KNOW IDEA WHeR IT CAME FROM!?!


04-19-2005, 08:49 PM
slighly different topic but TAF: Where is my ir3? we both agreed to ship on april 8th, I did and you have my mag by now, but where is my ir3?

anywho please don't ban him yet, I still need to get an ir3 out of him.

don't worry I won't clutter this thread any more cause i'm pming him now.

shank the wiggles
04-19-2005, 08:51 PM
does it look like I wanna wait for a gauge :( , I WOULD NOT HAVE BOUGHT THE TANK IF I KNEW IT WAS BROKEN!!!

funny that you didnt ask for a refund because I would have gladly given it to you.

funny that you failed to inform me of your disatisfaction when you got the thing! Then again he was probably out using it having a good old time shooting people.

The Action Figure
04-19-2005, 08:54 PM
im not wastin my time sending crap out

shank the wiggles
04-19-2005, 09:19 PM
im not wastin my time sending crap out

yeah you have better things to do.. like go play paintball with your halo and tank that you ripped off some guy on automags.org

04-19-2005, 09:32 PM
In before the lock!!!! :clap:

04-19-2005, 09:36 PM
You know this is a complete waste of space. I can't believe that you are smearing each other over what amounts to a >$15 part.

Shame on the one for not disclosing, but my what difference does it really make in the operation of the tank? 0

Shame on the other even more for not following through with their word and coughing up the promised money....sans the $15 for a new guage and 30 seconds of labor.

Worst shame of all for creating this huge soap opera mess by not being responsible and taking care of this in private like it should have been!

shank the wiggles
04-19-2005, 09:58 PM
who knows.. maybe a mod will read this and something good could come out of it.

04-19-2005, 10:00 PM
who knows.. maybe a mod will read this and something good could come out of it.

Like.. the revocation of your posting privledges?

04-19-2005, 10:30 PM
Where's my Shocker Action Figure? I PM'd you.

04-19-2005, 10:59 PM
I don't know, this might make a nice cartoon reality TV show.

The Young and the Pointless...

Two unsatisfied kids trying to duke it out, but what they don't know is that while they verbally abuse each other the whole world is laughing... From the makers of "My Big Fat Broken Gauge" and "Dude Where's My Money" comes a new kind of Reality TV Show...

Starring "Shank the Wiggles"
(cue an animated Teddy Bear)


"The Action Figure"
(cue an action figure / doll/ whatever the PC name for them is these days...)

Let the drama begin...

In all honesty, this is pretty dumb... Even before I posted it was dumb...

04-19-2005, 11:20 PM
this is what pm's are for..

therefore i cant ruin a useless thread...

hmmm :D


04-19-2005, 11:41 PM
Don't ban The Action Figgure for this...

Ban him just because he sucks.

04-19-2005, 11:58 PM
In TWICE before the lock!!! Sweet!!!!

04-20-2005, 12:13 AM
I don't know, this might make a nice cartoon reality TV show.

The Young and the Pointless...

Two unsatisfied kids trying to duke it out, but what they don't know is that while they verbally abuse each other the whole world is laughing... From the makers of "My Big Fat Broken Gauge" and "Dude Where's My Money" comes a new kind of Reality TV Show...

Starring "Shank the Wiggles"
(cue an animated Teddy Bear)


"The Action Figure"
(cue an action figure / doll/ whatever the PC name for them is these days...)

Let the drama begin...

In all honesty, this is pretty dumb... Even before I posted it was dumb...I love reality shows! When is this one going to be on?

Jkjk, I actually find "reality shows" to be quite dumb...

But this one still sounds good! :p

04-20-2005, 12:19 AM
anyone else feeling the sexual tension in here? grrr.


04-20-2005, 12:22 AM
Dude, either pay him the full amount for the tank or send it back. You can't have your cake and eat it to. The deal was X amount of money for the tank, and you can't arbitrarily decide you'll withold some money due to a flaw. If you don't like it, send it back and be done with it. Or set up a deal where he pays for a new guage, its a simple 5 minute fix, gimme a break.

Again, you cannot change the deal to suit your purposes. Either go thru with it, agree on some compromise, or send it back.

04-20-2005, 12:39 AM
sounds like a few ppl got a complaint againt TAF.

04-20-2005, 05:04 AM
who knows.. maybe a mod will read this and something good could come out of it.

The only good thing that could come out of this would be you...getting banned from AO.

Posting a huge thread just to complain about $50 AFTER you lied to a guy about a product you were selling is just plain stupid.

If you sent that to me, I wouldn't pay you either. You're in the wrong here.

04-20-2005, 09:33 AM
this is what pm's are for..

therefore i cant ruin a useless thread...

hmmm :D


hah. you watched family guy last night too..

I agree.. this thread really delivers.

If you had an initial problem and you needed a moderators help, PM/Email a moderator. I am suprised that this thread hasn't been closed, and BOTH of your posting privileges revoked. Go waste someone elses valuable board reading time.

04-20-2005, 09:37 AM

04-20-2005, 09:40 AM
:cuss: Come on mods !!! :cuss: Cuff & stuff these two !!! Make them use aim to get the deal finished up & banned untill they are both in agreement that its over! Please & thank you

04-20-2005, 09:51 AM
To serve and protect ;)

To The Action Figure and Shank The Wiggles use the pm system, as a side note harrassment of another user is grounds for a banning.

All the mods are listed at the bottom right of the forum listings and all have their pm systems enabled, failing that report the thread (ok it is your thread but it would get a mods attention)

To all the others you do have realise that all of the mods keep different hours due to work etc so often a thread will run for a while because of these time differences, and you all have the option of reporting a thread so smarty pants replies (can't post what I want to this time ;)) will get you no where.

Thread closed