View Full Version : Since Paintball is stagnant, Motorcycles shall rule. (PICS!)

04-20-2005, 03:25 AM
Well, early last year, the whole chicago tourny scene died. In june, I learned how to ride a bike. In august I got my licence. By the end of august I got my 1980 GS550E. This is me and the bike JUST after I got it.


Wow, august 12. I still have long hair in that picture. That becomes signifigant later.

Well, as i recieved the bike, it had some problems. The previous owner (herefore known as the PO, or effing PO) had dreams of making it a chopper. And failed. He removed the turn signals, painted it with really crappy brown/black paint. The paint would disolve at a SNIFF of gasoline getting near it. It must have been house paint or something. The stock exhaust was replaced with a same year, "L" model, which had been gutted to be effectively straight pipes.

He also cut the back edge of the fender off removing the metal tail support in the process. So the taillight assembly shook and actaully ended up breaking several of the turn signals I tried putting on the bike. And... He removed the front fender. Oh yeah, it also was fitted with a 130 series tire that had been burned off on one edge due to the licence plate falling off.

The charging system had a shot rectifier. Only ONE diode was still functioning in it. (there are supposed to be six...) So we (Skreemer and I... that's the "we") replaced the recitifer with one that was signifigantly heavier duty than the suzuki part. The Stock parts are notorious for just being plain crap. The part we installed actually came off a 82 Honda CX500.

Long story short, I put turn signals on it. Replaced the "standard" bike bars with superbike bars. I tried drag bars as well but they streched me out a little to much, and would hit the tank at full lock. I'm not a tall guy so I'll use what fits.

First, the drag bars.


And even though the picture is from march 22 this year... it should give some idea of the superbike handlebar difference.


Before long, I had all the electrical problems sorted. And I had a new wireing harness built for the turn signals, and new brackets made to fit them. And a licence plate. And a new H4 headlight to replace the DOT sealed beam that was on it. I finally had a happily sorted motorcycle.

Hours after I had bought the bike, I found this wonderfull website. www.thegsresources.com which has an extremely active forum, and very active forum members. A lot like this community. They helped me get the electrical sorted out, and invited me on a roadtrip.

Joe nardy, from the gs resources helped me change my tires. The tires on the bike, were... while not shot. untrustworthy. So a set of Bridgestone BT45's went on, in the stock, proper sizes, and away we went.

I think in the next coupple days I got my hair cut. Haircuts are bad for me. They generally lead to major life changing problems. For instance, I lost a girlfriend, got sick and wrecked my car, lost friends, lost money, and other varied issues when I have gotten my hair cut.


Check it out, the bike has a front fender, turn signals, rear view mirrors. You can't see the working charging system. But you get the drift.

Yes, I do have short hair there. Yes I had just gotten a haircut. Yes that was a bad idea. Yes it ended badly.

There's a whole webpage covering what happened to me, and my gear. No pictures of the broken bike though. http://www.zodnetworks.com/~shorah/greg/ But I'll give you the highlights here.


And see that right arm?


I don't have scans of my left arm. It's much more amusing. A titanium plate and 6 screws hold the top end of my humorous togother. However that picture is pre shoulder surgery. In fact, I think that picture is only 48 hours after the accident.

so if you haven't gathered by now, yes, I wadded up my bike. The story is simple. I rode past my abilitys. However, the details are much more fun. Saturday my roomate, azemoth, crashed his bike. He got away with a bruized knee. Lucky boy. His fiance came in to pick him up saturday night, and sunday morning Skreemer and I took off with the 3 other remaining riders from the midwest gs resources ride. Joe was leading, he and first timer are very faster riders. Much faster than I. We were on a narrow road, very slightly more than enough for two cars to pass each other. So I was treating it as a two lane road, as to not get caught by any stupid cage drivers in the oncoming lane. Well, this isn't the proper way to treat a narrow road such as I was on. At about 45 mph I setup properly for a right hander, and at the exit of that cresting right hander there was a climing left hand corner. I setup far to far to the outside to make the corner. with only a few feet left in the corner, I ran out of tarmac and ended on the gravel beside the road. bike fell. I fell. Stupidity that I shall never repeat again.

Sad thing is? the bike could have done it. "I" didn't push the bike hard enough. Yes, I ALWAYS wear my safety gear. Yes I had a helmet on. yes I had gloves on. yes I had proper riding boots on.

04-20-2005, 03:27 AM
SO, my bike alreayd looked bad. nasty paint. Improperly modified parts. And well... this is what I did to it...





yeah. Not cool. :-) The bike needed to be repainted. And needed lots of things fixed now. But would you believe, in that condition, that the bike would start, and run? This is the reaon that GS's are such loved bikes. They are tanks. They take every form of abuse you can put to them, and they come back asking for more.

I ended up picking up a 77 and a 79 gs550e parts bike. $96. I picked them up because I needed a new tank. And those things are next to imposiable to find. They also came with a new tailpeice to fix the nasty broken one that my bike had on it. Regretfully I had just won a tailpeice on ebay the week before my crash, so now I have a surplus of 77-79 gs550 tail cowls.

Skreemer and I put off doing a complete rebuild of the bike untill after december 6 so we could go on the toys for tots ride. We got my bike started. I made it from my house, to the aurora toll plaza on I-88 before I decided I couldn't handle the rest of the ride. I went home, and skreemer throughly enjoyed his ride with the rest of the motorcylists in the chicagoland aera.

A few days later, we shoved our bikes into the basement. It's amazing how effective the front brake on a bike is. It was actually remarkably easy to get Skreemer's and my bike into the basement.


The fancy looking bike there is skreemer's. It's a 1983 GS550E. Known in the rest of the world as the GSX550E. Yes, our bikes are the first two steps to the GSX-R's that you see on the roads today. There are still parts that directly swap from the 1977 bikes to the 2005 models! You don't need to change what ain't broken eh :-)


Very soon thereafter my bike was stripped into about a million parts.

04-20-2005, 03:33 AM
In december, we got some really warm days. We took advantage of these, and got my frame, tank, swingarm, and micelanious other peices stripped and ready for paint. Even got some of them primed.


And later that day we got it all primed.


And several days later we even got it painted


To put some perspective on the amount of work involved...


Now the fender I got for my bike was a plastic one off of a late model gs750. And it rubbed my tire in all kinds of bad ways. so I went ahead and purchased a fully metal fender for my bike. I dislike large chrome fenders. So that had to be fixed.


It only took about an hour of sanding to get the surface to the point where it would accept paint readily. It actually looks pretty good with just the rust colored primer on it. However it is going to get black paint, and a good colorsanding job before I'm through with it.


Okey, I'm going to put money on you already know how we got the bikes into the basement. I am going to explain how we got them out though. :-) It's not like you can ride a bike up a staircase where there's only 3" of clearance between the seat, and the celing. And on another note, my bike... is actualy 3/4 of an inch wider than the doorway we have... so that takes some wiggling to get it through.

Here's how you get a bike out of a basement.

04-20-2005, 03:46 AM
Take the door off the hinges...

Setup the sled to drag the bike out.

The view from the top of the stairs.

One bike, on one sled. Skreemers bike this time.

The view from the bottom when the VUE is ready to pull the bikes out.

And the bike on it's way up.

And another view.

As the bike leaves.

As you can probally tell, my household is pretty domainated by bikes now. There are eight bikes here.


And we do manage to fit them all into one garage.


For the reccord, there is one 77, one 79, one 1980, and one 1983 gs550e. in the house. One 1983 Yamaha XS400 Seca. One 1978 DT175. One Honda CB450SC. And finally one 1983 GS550ES.

I have more pictures of painting and sanding, and priming my bikes body parts, but they get boring, real quick. So I'll reserve final posting for later, when everything is pretty, and colorsanded.

04-20-2005, 03:53 AM
I was also begining to be disastisfied with the 110mph top speed of my 550. So we took a trip to virginia to pick up some parts. Skreemer got his 550es out there, and I got the forks from a gs650g. Which have dual ventalited disks on them. So I'll have more stopping power. And I got this...


the barrels, pistons, and carburators from a 1982 GS650... I'm going from my former 49 horsepower to at least 72 horsepower. I'm excited. And before anyone jumps on me. I have extrordinary throttle restraint. :-) it's not horsepower that kills, it's speed. Honestly more horsepower might have saved me from my accident. But that's another story entirely.


This setup is why I say it will be more than 72 horsepower. However this is also my latest headache. By switching to the individual air filters I have made my bike run VERY, VERY lean. And I've been slowly closing in on a setup that will give me proper fueling across the rev range. so put it in perspective, I think think my bike will need at least 50% more fuel than stock. meaning I'm making at least 50% more horsepower. :-) I'm excited. And I don't even have the 650 pistons installed yet.

Between all the 550's, Skreemer is going to take his 550ES and put on the tripple tree's from one of my 550's, install normal handlebars instead of the clipons that it came with, and make it into a streetfighter. I think it's going to be an awesome looking bike when done. But this is what it looks like now.


In two weeks there is the slimeys crud run. I'll be there. Most likely with a properly tuned 550. In a month in a half there is the midwest gs brown county ride. i'll be attending that with a 650 in a gs550 frame. :-)

Just because I have to add it. I went to the motorcycle show a month or two ago. And I'm THE PERECT size for most sportbikes. The one that called to me the strongest was this one.


I know it's the 1000, I would prefer a 650, in black please, with the chin spoiler.

04-20-2005, 05:46 AM
awww sweet dude you were at the international motorcylce show too? lol i was hanging around all the quads ya sucks you had to dump the thing. hows your arm now a days?

04-20-2005, 12:09 PM
Great thread!

I've got an '81 GS650G and that thing will take SO much abuse it's insane.

It got hit by something big then run over as it lay in the street. Even after the aditional damage caused but the jackass city tow company (middle of the day while I was at work so it was towed out of the street without my knowlage) it still ran. You couldn't drive it due to totaled forks but it would turn right over and idle fine. Amasing bike really.

Try that with a new sports bike. ;)

04-20-2005, 12:38 PM
Nice story. How the injuries holding up? I'm saving up for a bike now. I might buy and old junker off my buddy for a couple hundred bucks to get started on. I used to ride dirt bikes when I was younger, and my Dad has two bikes. It's so much fun just cruising around. Save on gas too. I kind of like the idea of having an older bike to work on.

Here are some more pictures. Everyone loves pictures! The top is my Fathers Sportster. It's for sale! His FZ1 is below it. It' funny, he's like a kid with that thing. I'll call him every weekend and he'll be all excited about how fast he went, or the wheelies he did. The bottom bike is my first bike. A 74 MR 50. Now I like to get drunk and drive it around the front lawn.



It would be awesome to organize and AO ride sometime. :headbang:

Will Wood
04-20-2005, 01:16 PM
My freind just got this:
I can't wait till summer, so I can get a ride in on it. Never been on a bike before.

04-20-2005, 01:21 PM
That's a sweet chicken, but I don't think your supposed to ride on it. :p

Will Wood
04-20-2005, 01:23 PM
His name is Mr. Bobtail.
He doesn't have a tail though :(
His original name was Talon, but he doesn't have talons/claws either .. So.. it was changed for no reason. :bounce:

Big'n slo
04-20-2005, 01:42 PM
Chicken lover! :eek:

Sweet rides

Mines apart waiting on replacement parts.... again

04-20-2005, 04:49 PM
Great thread!

I've got an '81 GS650G and that thing will take SO much abuse it's insane.

It got hit by something big then run over as it lay in the street. Even after the aditional damage caused but the jackass city tow company (middle of the day while I was at work so it was towed out of the street without my knowlage) it still ran. You couldn't drive it due to totaled forks but it would turn right over and idle fine. Amasing bike really.

Try that with a new sports bike. ;)

You could probally still do it with a bandit or gs500. :-)