View Full Version : so my tanks leaking

04-20-2005, 12:01 PM
My 2k3 crossfire is leaking, i just put it into water, and it looked like the air was comming out of the nuts oposite of the gauge and fill nipple. Anyone know a fix for this, or do i have to live with it until i get a new tank?

04-20-2005, 12:09 PM
on the opposite side you usually have one that is designed to break a little piece of metal if it over pressurizes and just a plain nut if I remember correctly. Either way it is easily fixable, but because you can die when dealing with tanks I advise everyone to go take it to a professional, because if I gave you the instructions how and you misunerstand and kill/maim yourself, I don't want to be held responsible. Take it to the local shop.. it'll probably cost you 10-15 dollars.

04-20-2005, 12:11 PM
My 2k3 crossfire is leaking, i just put it into water, and it looked like the air was comming out of the nuts oposite of the gauge and fill nipple. Anyone know a fix for this, or do i have to live with it until i get a new tank?

I assume you mean the burst discs - is it coming out from around the fittings or from the center (indicating the discs are burst). Is it coming out of the downstream (5K if 45 tank) or upstream (1K) disc. If it is coming out of the upstream disc it indicates a possible internal reg failure. Crossfire is very good about warranty, I suggest you talk to them. Replace the leaking burst disc and fill... if it ruptures again it indicates a fault. Its not that uncommon to pop a burst disc for no apparent reason as well.

04-20-2005, 04:35 PM
its comming out of both, but one of them is more than the other. Ones like a bubble a minute, the other is like 4 bubbles a second.