View Full Version : Questions....

04-20-2005, 12:17 PM
Hey, Ive posted stuff like this here to much. Well, heres the whole story. I recently got on a 5 man team. Until this time I had never played tourney. So last practice I played, I sucked. He had me play back which I never play. So long story short he thinks I could do three man but not five. Well, this has kinda discouraged me, somewhat. Right now Im kind of leaning towards doing more scenario/rec/woods/walk-on style play. Now heres where the problem arises. I have a Timmy I am not very happy with right now. So I wanna sell or trade it. The problem is thouhg, I dont know for what. Thats where you guys come in. Im asking all those what they would do in this type of situation. Once again, I know everyone gets sick of these threads, but I know AO is the best place to ask since the players here are experienced and helpful. Oh, BTW, I do plan to maybe get back into three man tournament stuff in like a year from now, so Im thinking about getting an E-mag. Otherwise Im looking at Blazers, or a nice mech mag. Peace and thanks!

04-20-2005, 12:22 PM
Sounds like you got a lot of problems...

First, practice at home-Pratice switching hands, snapping.

Marker- Using a mech mag in a tourney isn't a good idea, unless you can really shoot it. I would go with a trix or something along those lines but not a mech against ramping guns.

These are my opinions keep in mind.

04-20-2005, 12:24 PM
No, its not so much I can play well, as I wasnt playing well. Its a long story. Im a pretty good player due to the fact that I made the team in the first place, without even trying. Yea, Im not a newb or anything, I know that I would get rolled with a mech mag which is why Im not sure what to do. An E-mag seems nice though. Hmm...

04-20-2005, 12:26 PM
You gotta pick something your comfortable your with. Go to the proshop and shoot some markers. It's hard for people to say what marker you should pick because we're always gonna be kind of partial to. Especially on a board where a lot of people shoot automags (hence automags.org).

04-20-2005, 12:30 PM
Yeh, I aware of that, fortunately theres some AO members at my field, one that shoots an E-mag. Ill ask him to try it. Meh, I guess this thread is kinda pointless. Whatever...

04-20-2005, 12:45 PM
By "he" I assume you mean the on field Captain. Well he can't have very much expirence himself as the skills to play at 3 man are quite a lot different to 5 man, in that with 3 man you have to be both aggressive and defensive, so if you sucked at back in 5 man...suppression fire generally, you will be very bad at 3 man. the odds are in favour of the team you had a practice with were short on players to field so just suck it up and front the Capatin out and tell him you are playing mid/front/back wherever you wish at the next tournament..and also add when is the next tourny? You have to remember that the front/mid players tend to get all the glory in all formats so it sounds as if he has a team of glory hunters so maybe you want to decide if you want to be part of a such a team...no I in Team or so the saying goes.

04-20-2005, 12:51 PM
Yea, good point. Very good point. I honestly dont want to be on that team that bad. I never even really tried out, I just wanted to get the team discount that day (my friend is on it). Right now Im kind of leaning towards and E-mag. For three man, I have a team to practice against that just got first in the three man for the NEPL. Also, the guy who sponsors that team, his team never got under fourth in their tourneys, and hes volunteered to coach me. Thanks for hte advice guys, it will be carefully consdiered. But remember what I said too. The three man stuff wouldnt be for about a year. Thats why Im looking for a gun that would be good for woods/rec/and speedball.

04-20-2005, 02:17 PM
I say go for the emag
You can play in diffrent modes and that is kewl
With RRfireblade working on new software you can ramp and all that turny stuff.
There are a number diffrent upgrades for the emag that make it look nice and shoot good as well..

My 2 cents :shooting:

04-20-2005, 02:53 PM
Hmmm....that sounds nice. Well, Ill think on it. You guys have been a lot of help!