View Full Version : Tiny Issues regarding an otherwise awesome RT

04-20-2005, 03:13 PM
So I recently picked up my first Mag, an RT Pro ULE, and after my brain was able to comprehend the whole concept of how tuning the Level 10 bolt works, the thing has been working flawlessly. There are however 2 things that are bugging me, one is a wear & tear issue, the other is tournament legality.

The bolt bumper/buffer for the Lvl 10 - XValve, has already been torn up real good. This gun has only seen about 3 active days (1 Scenario, 1 Practice & 1 Tournament). Is it normal for this part to recieve am ungodly amount of abuse? How often do you replace these things? Mine looks like it could die in another month or so and I've only had my RT for about a month and a half!

How legal is the RT Pro tournament wise? I mean I still have to work for my shots even with the ULT, and nobody gave me grief at our local tournament this past weekend, but it would still be nice to know how they are handeled at other fields. What does RT stand for exactly in regards to Mags?

04-20-2005, 03:16 PM
My bumper crapped out after about 2 months of use. I've heard gluing them down makes them last for a loooong time.

You should be fine with the tourney issue, unless you're puttin 1000+ psi into the thing, otherwise you should be OK.

04-20-2005, 03:56 PM
Great to hear about the tournament legality issue! It was awesome this past weekend and i did have a few people ask if it was electronic, the gun shot so fast.

I lov my old SFL Cocker, but this thing just outperforms it in alsmot every aspect!

What about using a Lvl 7 bolt bumper, or is that too thick?

04-20-2005, 04:44 PM
If you use the blue bumper it will kick like a mule. Just get a new RT bumper, clean off the valve real good with alcohol and glue it on. It WILL last a long time. :D

04-22-2005, 04:05 AM
Glue on the bumper works like magic it still wears but everything holds together so it still functions the way its suppose to!!

04-29-2005, 01:28 PM
Found it:

IC-2000 Tire Glue found at hobby shops for gluing the tires of an RC car to the rims. It's a "Rubber Toughened" CA glue.


04-29-2005, 05:58 PM
Thats the stuff. ;)