View Full Version : e-bay scam problem im having help!!

04-20-2005, 11:56 PM
ok heres the story. im tring to sell an item on e-bay a day ago i put up my ps2 up for sale. now a half a day later i got an question though e-bay asking this

Hello there,pls do you accept cashier check as a mean's of payments?Because
>i'm interested in your item and i'm sending it out of the state to my son
>who is schooling abroad as his birthday gift.Please let me know the actuall
>price you willing to sell it without the shipping fee.I'm gonna be handling
>the shipping by sending you a fedex shipping label and a commercial invoice
>where it gonna be shipped to rightafter you must have recived your
>payments.Please get back to me with your contact information where the
>check can be mailed to according to your names,address and the zip code
>area where you reside so that the check can be issued for you to receive it
>as quick as possible.If there's is any question regarding to my method how
>i'm gonna be handling the check and the shipping,kindly get back to me so
>that we could discuss much better.You can end the auction if you can 'cos
>i'm ready to purchase it.Regards

now i was dumb and gave him my address and e-mail address. now i noticed after giving him that. i looked at his feedback and info. he ask the question on the 19th and he was only a member since the 19th the same day. then later i checked again and it said that he was no longer a registeres user.
here look here

i also took the item off ebay for him. then early today My father got an e-mail from him (its his e-bay account) and he opened it and there was no text. no attachments. but it said it was 15K in size??

soo now we are worried that its a hacker or somthing. he e-mailed him back asking him if her was really interested in the ps2. and he said that if he dosent write back he will report him. witch im going to.

now after all that crap i put the ps2 back up look here


but guess what i have an other question like the one above ^^^

for this guy thats been a member since the 20th and is no longer a registered user. look


this is what he said
Q: Hello Seller, It's really my pleasure of writing you....Going through Ebay i came across your item and i decided to write you concerning the item,Which i am very much interested in buying it from you,So i will like to make an immediate purchase for it but before i can make any solid arrangement for the payment i want you to know that payment will be made through(BIDPAY)branded western union money order,I guess you can understand what i mean,So if you are alright with the method of payment then get back to me Asap so that i can quickly proceed with the payment. Thank's for your understanding.

now im not answering him back i think im jest going to report him.

now why is he going to my ps2???

i dont know if its the same guy or what?? and i have other items up for sale to why not ask though them??

well im going nuts cuse i am a person that worries about things. i have Anxiety problems and i do this. i gave my address to the other guy for the check. and the e-mails address. now im nut if hes going to be sending crap in the mail like some kinda of chemical crap or somthing.

what should i do?

i jest want to sell my ps2 :D god what can i ask??

04-21-2005, 07:15 AM
Sounds like a scammer. ebay does say not to accept Western Union as a payment method. Very unusual as the question is in pretty good english so it is a variation of the scam. Though it could be legitimate but unlikely...I say legitimate since people do use Western Union properly, it is just unfortunate that Western Union is open to abuse. As for the 15k empty file...mmm could be dodgy but might not be as ebay regularly screws up email forwarding (if it even sends them at all) but just update your anti virus software and do a scan, as that is all that you can do. You might start getting junk mail both postal and via email but nothing more nasty than that afterall if it is a scammer he/she will not have got a result from you and will just move onto the next victim.

04-21-2005, 07:50 AM
Seriously, get a PAYPAL account and ONLY accept payment though it. I found that for some reason taking that and not MO clears out a lot of the scammers and general e-bay BS.

04-21-2005, 12:03 PM
Seriously, get a PAYPAL account and ONLY accept payment though it. I found that for some reason taking that and not MO clears out a lot of the scammers and general e-bay BS.

ya I have paypal. But sometime people pay with money orders. and I have did allot of really do business transactions though money orders. and if someone doesn’t have papal but wants to buy my item. he cant?? so that’s why I like having it with money orders.

but im thinking in doing jest the paypal thing

as about that 15K empty e-mail. it wasn’t from e-bay. cuse it usually says e-bay or something like the item ## in the subject. it looked like the scammer was e-mailing it.

04-21-2005, 02:28 PM
Both sound fraudulent. I'm not sure if the money order would be bogus in an attempt to get your PS2, or if its one of the schemes where they send you a counterfeit money order for several thousand more then your asking price, and they ask you to send them the difference.

Either way, I would avoid both.

Ebay is going to be ruined by scammers if they don't figure out a way to police it better.

04-21-2005, 02:46 PM
Both sound fraudulent. I'm not sure if the money order would be bogus in an attempt to get your PS2, or if its one of the schemes where they send you a counterfeit money order for several thousand more then your asking price, and they ask you to send them the difference.

Either way, I would avoid both.

Ebay is going to be ruined by scammers if they don't figure out a way to police it better.

yup i did

i didnt reply the other one.

i posted this last night and a fellow ao'er bought it :D

soo i dont have to worrie about it being up on e-bay :D

04-22-2005, 10:44 AM
i had people asking me to send my ps2 to afrikka...
idiots.. he said he'll pay like $400 with that pay site that send out the check.. and i would send right after i get the confirmation letter.... i just ignored it..

04-22-2005, 04:41 PM

I get those all the frikin time...contact ebay's department that deals with fraud...they'll ask you to forward the emails to them to help battle the cons.

This is the oldest one in the book!!