View Full Version : random paintball questions...

04-23-2005, 07:33 PM
how much s in a skid of paint?

what is the proper way to spell e mag? is there a space? no space? hyphen?

what was the first semiautomatic paintball gun?

is 1,000 too much to spend on a gun? (kind of an opinion though...)

ever seen paintballs hit eachother in the air?

what is the biggerst size made bore?

what is the smallest bore?

how is tournament paintball scored?

Is there annyone on this foru that has never owned an autromag of some kind?

i have been pileing them up for a while now... mabem more later
thank! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

04-23-2005, 07:42 PM
First semi auto paintball gun was the 68 Automag!

Another: Are DYE C5 pants machine washable?

04-23-2005, 07:50 PM
well on AGD's site it has Emag and E-mag soo iono thought i could answer that one but i guess not.

04-23-2005, 07:52 PM
First semi auto paintball gun was the 68 Automag!

Another: Are DYE C5 pants machine washable?

Umm, no it wasn't. And I wash my C4 pants, although the tag says not to.

I believe I read somewhere that glen palmer was the maker of the first semi auto paintball marker.

For me 1000 is to much (all at once) for a marker

I've seen paint hit eachother in the air, but it was from dropoff, so they were both out of the same gun.

That's all I got.

04-23-2005, 07:56 PM
I ahve the pb2xtrmes magazine, that has the history of paintball..I could probably dig up the first semi auto in there..

And there is a video somewhere of a guy and his freestyle ,throwing some paint into the air and then shooting it.,.,..

04-23-2005, 07:56 PM
how much s in a skid of paint?

what is the proper way to spell e mag? is there a space? no space? hyphen?

what was the first semiautomatic paintball gun?

is 1,000 too much to spend on a gun? (kind of an opinion though...)

ever seen paintballs hit eachother in the air?

what is the biggerst size made bore?

what is the smallest bore?

how is tournament paintball scored?

Is there annyone on this foru that has never owned an autromag of some kind?

no clue


technically it was palmer's autococking pump conversion called Camille (SP) but i believe that the first production semi was the PMI-3

personally i , as a recreational player who has no use for one, would have to say yes. but i guess it all depends on the needs of the player and the quality of the marker.

only on video

dont know

dont know

depends on the tournament, there are several sets of rules.


paint magnet
04-23-2005, 07:57 PM
Answering questions in random order here -

Yes, I have seen paintballs hit each other in the air. It's happened to me once or twice at the field over the course of a few years and a lot at the hill challenge game at SCAO II (lot of Xmags/Emags there).

As for the Dye pants being machine washable, I would hope that if they can withstand whatever you would go through during the course of a paintball game, they can hold up to your washing machine. I've had a pair of Dye pants for about 2 1/2 years now and I just hose the mud off throw them in the washer after every time I play. I babied them at first since they were expensive, but soon realized that it didn't make much difference.

Biggest/smallest bore size - are you wanting a brand or a number? It would vary depending on temperature and humidity, among other things.

04-23-2005, 08:46 PM
How many people have seen a paintball break mid-air?

04-23-2005, 08:51 PM
I once shot a paintball into someones barrel. It was pretty sweet, paint just started oozing out of his gun.

04-23-2005, 09:04 PM
Ive never owned an automag, never even held one. Ive seen one tho lol. I never have enough money to buy one.

04-23-2005, 09:19 PM
How many people have seen a paintball break mid-air?

i have! iw was really wierd, we put a machine spring in my friends gun and turned it all the way up... it was crazy

04-23-2005, 09:27 PM
This thread is crazy.

stop whining buy a mag
04-23-2005, 09:33 PM
how much s in a skid of paint?

what is the proper way to spell e mag? is there a space? no space? hyphen?

what was the first semiautomatic paintball gun?

is 1,000 too much to spend on a gun? (kind of an opinion though...)

ever seen paintballs hit eachother in the air?

what is the biggerst size made bore?

what is the smallest bore?

how is tournament paintball scored?

Is there annyone on this foru that has never owned an autromag of some kind?

i have been pileing them up for a while now... mabem more later
thank! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

A skid of paint is usually 108 cases. There are two different sizes of skids that are generally used in packaging. I've ordered 54 cases before and that was half a skid.
I believe it is E-mag but it can be spelled Emag also. E mag doesn't look right to me.
Ultralight answered this.
I personally think so. When I buy high end guns I usually wait a few months for the price to drop below $1,000.
Yeah, it's pretty cool.
Tippmann probably takes the largest bore size hands down. You could roll an orange down their stock barrels! :rofl: *Slight exaggeration*
Probably the .679 Freak insert. Not much use for anything smaller. If there is a smaller bore size, it was probably something custom.
LOTS of ways. Usually by number of players eliminated/still alive, flag pull, and flag hang.
There's probably some newer member on here who is just looking for advice that has never touched a Mag.

My question for you: Why doesn't AO have a built in Spellcheck? :dance:

04-23-2005, 11:26 PM
i have seen a ball hit another ball in midair. it was really cool. i was snap shooting at someone, and when i snapped out and shot, i saw my ball hit his ball in midair and just make a small cloud of mist which quickly went away. it was really cool and it would have made for a great picture.
i too have shot down someone barrel before. it was my brothers. we were playing and he thought he had a barrel break, but when he went to clean it, he noticed that it wasn't his color paint. and just before then, i swear i had hit him, but he didn't see or feel a hit. so i have reason to believe i shot down his barrel.

04-24-2005, 01:07 PM
biggest ive seen is a .697 odyessy from one of their kits

54 cases is a half skid? i hope if you order a whole skid they dont stack 108 cases on top of eachother, that would be bad

tournament scorings differ by how many players are on the field at the same time ie 3,5,10 man teams... play greg hastings to figure that out

paint magnet
04-24-2005, 03:01 PM
Technically, the smallest caliber paintballs would be the 6mm (.24 caliber) paintballs for airsoft guns, then the .40 caliber ones used in blowguns, the .50's used in the 3357, the .62's for the SMG-60, and the smallest ones sold as .68 caliber that I've used are made by Draxxus.

04-24-2005, 04:26 PM
Yes, tere are some members who do not have mags that were on this site i was one untill about 2-3 weeks ago.

04-24-2005, 08:40 PM
what is the smallest bore?

Long time ago Crossman made a .50 cal pistol that look like a revolver and I believe loaded liek one to. So the paintballs were .50 caliber.

04-24-2005, 10:43 PM
I have seen paintballs hit each other in the air...it was shortly after I started playing, me and some friends were in the woods, and one of them opened up on me with a 98C RT. I shot back with my kicka$$ spyder agressor, and hit one of his balls in the air...oh, and about 3/1000s of a second after that I got hit about 15 times...hey, when you're a newb in the woods and an RT tippy opens up on you for the first time, it's scary bizness :eek: !

paint magnet
04-25-2005, 05:42 PM
Technically, the smallest caliber paintballs would be the 6mm (.24 caliber) paintballs for airsoft guns, then the .40 caliber ones used in blowguns, the .50's used in the 3357, the .62's for the SMG-60, and the smallest ones sold as .68 caliber that I've used are made by Draxxus.

Long time ago Crossman made a .50 cal pistol that look like a revolver and I believe loaded liek one to. So the paintballs were .50 caliber.

one character

04-25-2005, 05:55 PM
#1-how much s in a skid of paint?
#2what is the proper way to spell e mag? is there a space? no space? hyphen?
#3what was the first semiautomatic paintball gun?
#4is 1,000 too much to spend on a gun? (kind of an opinion though...)
#5ever seen paintballs hit eachother in the air?
#6what is the biggerst size made bore?
#7what is the smallest bore?
#8how is tournament paintball scored?
#9Is there annyone on this foru that has never owned an autromag of some kind?

#1- price? dunno, ammount, ALOT
#2- E-mag
#3- the "cocker" palmer made? (not counting the f/a tippy here)
#4- yes, after yout hit freestyle price range, its all feel/pristege/personal preferance
#5- yes, quite often actually- have managed to shoot the better parts of opponents lanes out of the air while running on rare occasions.
#6- .695? -reffering to mass produced barrels here and in #7, not customs/rare ones
#7- .685?
#8- depends on they tourney X-ball, 1 point per game in a match, regular, varrying points for first flag pull, elimination of players, players left on your team, and flag hang dependant on the specific tourenys rules
#9- im shure there is

04-25-2005, 06:46 PM
OK Here it goes
how much s in a skid of paint?

what is the proper way to spell e mag? is there a space? no space? hyphen?

what was the first semiautomatic paintball gun?Camile by Glenn Palmer was the first C/A gravity fed semi auto

is 1,000 too much to spend on a gun? (kind of an opinion though...)Of course not. How ever much the x-mag costs is the most I woudl ever pay.

ever seen paintballs hit eachother in the air?Yes

what is the biggerst size made bore?

what is the smallest bore?

how is tournament paintball scored?Depending on game type(flag pulls, hits, etc)

Is there annyone on this foru that has never owned an autromag of some kind?ME

04-25-2005, 06:56 PM
How come ppl feel compelled to start a new "which gun should I get" thread even though there was one made the day before and ppl usually post the same answers the next day? That is my question. :D

04-25-2005, 07:17 PM
smallest bore.... wekk there were the tippman smg's which used a .62 bore i believe

largest is the z force barrel at i believe .71

04-25-2005, 08:41 PM
how much s in a skid of paint?

what is the proper way to spell e mag? is there a space? no space? hyphen?

what was the first semiautomatic paintball gun?

is 1,000 too much to spend on a gun? (kind of an opinion though...)

ever seen paintballs hit eachother in the air?

what is the biggerst size made bore?

what is the smallest bore?

how is tournament paintball scored?

Is there annyone on this foru that has never owned an autromag of some kind?

i have been pileing them up for a while now... mabem more later
thank! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

80~ cases

doesnt matter

vm-68/pmi 3???

no, you get what you pay for..if you got the $ and want the latest greatest..(even though ti is voerrpiced)

.699 ?


yes lots

edit i dint read most the post and answer what i thoguht they answers were..

btw any reason for these questions or just felt like making a thread?

paint magnet
04-26-2005, 06:35 PM
smallest bore.... wekk there were the tippman smg's which used a .62 bore i believe

largest is the z force barrel at i believe .71

I think they were .697, if you're referring to the LAPCO barrels made for the Galactic Z-body.

04-26-2005, 10:08 PM
what is the proper way to spell e mag? is there a space? no space? hyphen?
Emag, E-Mag, or E Mag works. As long as there's an E and a Mag.

what was the first semiautomatic paintball gun?
Glenn Palmer's Camille, although Bud Orr claims his autococker to be the first. Glenn made the Camille about a year before Bud, and even showed him how he did it, which sort of prooves that Glenn was first anyways.

is 1,000 too much to spend on a gun? (kind of an opinion though...)
If you're into tournament paintball, then $1000 is a small fraction of the costs to play and everything. May as well.

ever seen paintballs hit eachother in the air?
Yes, I broke a ball in my classic mag and saw two paintballs hit eachother because they curved a tad.

what is the biggerst size made bore?
The Freak has the largest bore with the .695 I believe.

how is tournament paintball scored?
Depends on the tournament

Is there annyone on this foru that has never owned an autromag of some kind?
Tons of them.