View Full Version : A Question

04-23-2005, 10:55 PM
Don't know where to start I have a SS RT Pro with level 10 and air pressure is about 800 -850 preset tank.Has been cleaned and oiled each time I play.

Question is I would fire the marker and it would fire fine. But sometimes I get bolt stick and air down the barrel , well I'm not sure if it's bolt stick.When this happens I degas and it recocks. Ready to go again it does this for awhile then it works fine.Very frustrating.

Not sure if it's the level 10, on/off or input pressure.
Any help would be appreciated.

thxs Yogster :confused:

04-24-2005, 09:19 PM
I would like to thank everybody for the help.With this being the tech forum and all the help I got.

I know where to come if I need help. :cuss:

04-25-2005, 04:37 PM
Sounds like a level 10 problem. Try the next larger carrier and make sure you turn the velocity up from what it was on the level 7 bolt. Ideally you want the largest carrier you can get without air leaking down the barrel and the longest spring that can still chrony at the speed you need. Make sure you put some lube down the power tube before you play also.