View Full Version : Is the x-valve worth it

04-24-2005, 06:40 PM
I bought an automag and I havnt put any upgrades in it. I am using compressed air. Ive had it for about 3 years and Ive had trouble with it for about 3 years. Is it worth getting an x valve and would it fix my problems. The biggest problem is the balls sometimes just dont shoot they just roll out the barrel. Another problem is the trigger sometimes gets jammed. Please inlighten me on what I should do.

04-24-2005, 06:49 PM
now i am not sure ..but i am pretty sure that it will help with that ball situation but with that tirgger i dont know sorry

04-25-2005, 04:42 AM
the trigger and the balls not shooting problem sounds like a cross between bolt stick and on/off stick...

replace and lube the bejesus out of the o-rings in the on/off, then replace the o-ring in the bolt stem and re-tune the spacer (possibly one shorter) then try it...
that should solve most of your problems!

however, the X-valve is DEFINATELY worth it, the RT effect alone makes the gun sooooo much more fun!

hope that helps

Soopa Villain17
04-25-2005, 08:57 AM
the xvalve is awsome, i suggest that you sell your old mag and buy one of the rt pro mags , they already come the the x valve and level 10, u wont be spending much more on the complete gun than u would for just a x valve , my 2 cents