View Full Version : Wow

04-24-2005, 08:04 PM
Ok, im seriously fed up with this mag! :mad: I took it to my field to play with today. Gassed it up bolt cocks but when i pull the trigger guess what happens. NOTHING, I think ive finally hit a dead end. Any help? :cuss:

04-24-2005, 08:26 PM
did you cheak your tank output?

04-24-2005, 08:44 PM
my gun does the exact same thing

how do you check the tank output?

btw... a 47/3000 doesnt have enough air to shoot 300 shots on an rt pro

Duck Hunt
04-25-2005, 12:45 AM
First you need to read the manual, then you need to do what it says, OR you can do this...

1. Check your tank, check to see if its full, if it is, check to see if its screwed in till it stops.

2. Do you have the Level 10 bolt? If so:

1. Check your carrier/oring, if its TOO TIGHT, it won't allow the gun to fire. Take a carrier with the oring in it at fit it onto the bolt stem, it needs to be snug but NOT TIGHT.

2. Check the bolt spring. Usually go with the RED bolt spring, if you have the gray spring it can cause your bolt to not move, turning up the velocity with the GRAY spring will make it fire, BUT, your velocity may be too high.

3. TURN UP YOUR VELOCITY. You must be able to chrono when you're doing this. Turning up the velocity on a mag alot is a normal thing when tuning your gun.

4. Check for bolt stick. If you have a ULE body you might be getting bolt stick, when the aluminum is bending due to the grip frame screw and the valve screw being tighten one tighter than the other.

Hope this helps.


04-25-2005, 02:10 AM
do you have a different asa or duckbill or drop i have found that most regs . dont work well with the stock agd asa ..

it will air up but wont push the pin in enough .. to have the right psi ...

04-25-2005, 08:52 AM
When was the last time you oiled your marker?

Do you have a ULT? If so how old is it? When was the last time you oiled it?

Have you taken the marker apart recently? If so are you sure that you didn't over tighten either the front frame screw or the field strip screw?

04-25-2005, 09:42 AM
my gun does the exact same thing

how do you check the tank output?

btw... a 47/3000 doesnt have enough air to shoot 300 shots on an rt pro

My tank is an 88/4500.

04-25-2005, 09:44 AM
First you need to read the manual, then you need to do what it says, OR you can do this...

1. Check your tank, check to see if its full, if it is, check to see if its screwed in till it stops.

2. Do you have the Level 10 bolt? If so:

1. Check your carrier/oring, if its TOO TIGHT, it won't allow the gun to fire. Take a carrier with the oring in it at fit it onto the bolt stem, it needs to be snug but NOT TIGHT.

2. Check the bolt spring. Usually go with the RED bolt spring, if you have the gray spring it can cause your bolt to not move, turning up the velocity with the GRAY spring will make it fire, BUT, your velocity may be too high.

3. TURN UP YOUR VELOCITY. You must be able to chrono when you're doing this. Turning up the velocity on a mag alot is a normal thing when tuning your gun.

4. Check for bolt stick. If you have a ULE body you might be getting bolt stick, when the aluminum is bending due to the grip frame screw and the valve screw being tighten one tighter than the other.

Hope this helps.


I have an original RT PRO no ULE body or level 10 its completely stock. I also checked and the velocity is screwed in all the way.

04-25-2005, 09:46 AM
do you have a different asa or duckbill or drop i have found that most regs . dont work well with the stock agd asa ..

it will air up but wont push the pin in enough .. to have the right psi ...

The way it airs is a metal hose or whatever it is. It goes straight from my Z-drop all the way to the bolt. Directly dont know if that is a problem or anything.

04-25-2005, 09:47 AM
When was the last time you oiled your marker?

Do you have a ULT? If so how old is it? When was the last time you oiled it?

Have you taken the marker apart recently? If so are you sure that you didn't over tighten either the front frame screw or the field strip screw?

I just oiled no more than a week ago. No i do not have a ULT. I also have no ida how old it is. I bought it used this was going to be the first time i took it out to play.

04-25-2005, 11:24 AM
You may want to check your sear pin length. Just incase if you don't know; for the mag to fire an on off pin has to be presed into the on/off assembly this being done by a sear rocker, and the lilltle pin behind the trigger is the sear pin witch in turn rocks the sear to fire the gun. If the sear pin is extremly out of adjustment than it will not fire, there is also the extreme rare posiblity that your on/off pin has broken in which case you will need a new one.

I would IM BlackVCG, he is an AO modarator, to get the sear pin specs and you should have the .750 sear pin in your gun so if you have a way to mesure that with a micrometer or a calaper you can know for sure.

It is probably one of thoes issues so check that out and get back.


tha flynnrod
04-25-2005, 06:46 PM
my gun does the exact same thing

btw... a 47/3000 doesnt have enough air to shoot 300 shots on an rt pro

where did you come up with that calculation?..mine lasts well over 300 shots

GA Devil
04-25-2005, 07:26 PM
have you tried putting a tank oring in the asa before screwing in the tank? ive seen many asa's that let you screw in the tank too far drastically reducing the amount of air allowed in. actually pushes the pin too far in causeing it to close again.

also your on/off pin may be bent, wore down or broke not allowing it to operate properly. measure the pin length with a set of calipers.