View Full Version : What Can I Do 4 Better Shots

04-24-2005, 08:34 PM
I got my first automag classic. It has HPA and a Viewloader. I would like to make the marker as accurate as possible. I am not worried about shooting 100 balls in a second. I would, however, like to make 3 balls hit the same spot. I am going to get a level 10 for sure, but I would like to get a new barrel as well. I guess my question is in regards to what barrel people think works the best and with what type of paint. Also, if there are any other suggestions about making better shots I would love to hear them. Thanks

04-24-2005, 08:46 PM
the best way is paint to barrle match..get a barrle kit

04-24-2005, 08:59 PM
To start off with accuracy has to do with 3 main things; paint to barrel fit, consistent air flow, and a steady hand. As long as the barrel is decent and your paint fits that is a good start. I would say that just about any of the Dye barrels are going to be a safe buy and you can get them from ebay for a good price. Try to get one that matches the size of the paint that you shoot the most often. If you are wanting the best accuracy then you may want to consider a barrel kit, while being more expensive they allow you to fit your paint to your barrel. After this get the best paint that you can afford. Good quality paint will shoot straighter and farther while also breaking more consistently on target. As to which barrel people think is better you will get as answers to that as ther are are barrels. I like the evil pipe myself and I have heard that the Pepper Stick is really good. The true trick to getting to be a better shot is practice. Practice as much as you can and that will improve your game.

Hope this helps

04-24-2005, 09:21 PM
hmm, I would say go for a smart parts all american. they seem to allow smaller bore paint without much inaccuracy. I also don't view dye barrels as very accurate for the money spent (well, at least, when bore size comes into call) because you can shell out a few more clams and get a nice barrel kit and cover a wide variety of paint sizes.

04-24-2005, 09:26 PM
seanpeek, I just got a classic too. It came with a Dye Boomstick, I got Pure Energy 68ci/4500psi HPA, and the accuracy is quite good. You're starting off right with the HPA, but I think stonersr26 is right about practice. I think most people put more weight on equipment than they should. There's no substitute for developing skill.

BTW, you need to know what kind of barrel connection you have. If it's a Classic like mine, it has a twistlock barrel connection rather than a more common threaded one.

04-24-2005, 09:34 PM
i would suggest a ule body, because it has cocker threads and cocker threads i have found maintain air better, and the detents are built into the body instead of the barrel. then get a j&j ceramics barrel, dye boomstick, or if you want to spend alot of money a phreak kit. also i do not suggest keeping your classic valve, but im not saying spend 300 bucks on an x, go get an rt pro valve off ebay something its more concsistent than a classic, and check whether you have a 68 classic, or just a regular classic, they are different valves.

04-24-2005, 09:36 PM
Get level 10, it will help you keep the gun steady because it reduces kick (much lighter bolt)

Err never mind I just saw you already said you got level 10

Well personally I like lapco barrels, they are very popular and well known. My brother has one that he has had FOREVER on his autococker and he refuses to use any other type of barrel. I use a J&J Edge kit that I'm happy with.

04-24-2005, 09:36 PM
Empire Barrel kit 4 piece. Nuff said

04-25-2005, 02:55 PM
Thanks for all of the posts. It sounds like people have asked what type of mag I bought. It is a 68 classic. It came with the stock barrel and a TASO Pro Series upgraded barrel (8in I think). This past weekend I used the stock barrel for half the day and the TASO barrel for the other half. I think the TASO barrel is more accurate. I still am not totally happy with the shot groupings though. I was using hurricane paint and think that might have been an issue. If anyone can recomend better paint for this barrel, I will give that a shot next weekend. If not, the reviews I have read say this barrel works best with small to medium bore paint. Can anyone suggest paint that fits that description? Thanks again and I will continue to practice with this new marker. I agree that practice, above all, is most important.


04-25-2005, 02:57 PM
Simple and seems to be unknown...

PMI or J&J Ceramic barrel...
RPS Paint

04-25-2005, 03:23 PM
go get an rt pro valve off ebay something its more concsistent than a classic,


Recall that the RT valve has a special chrono procedure because of the inconsistancy it has during long shot strings involving heating the air going to the bolt. The classis valve is more consistent, in design, than the X/RT valve. Further one would think that stainless (when comparing to the X valve) could be machined to and hold tighter tolerances than aluminum.

05-08-2005, 06:01 PM
Simple and seems to be unknown...

PMI or J&J Ceramic barrel...
RPS Paint

j&j + rps (any quallity paint seems to work almost as good)
thats what i use for my tipp 98c w/rt. almost as acurate any gun. looking to do tha same for my mags (68 classic & rt). :headbang:

j&j ceramic barrels are a good medium sized barrel :shooting:

05-10-2005, 06:40 AM
just run up on the fools and blast them :shooting: :shooting: :shooting:

nah...on my mag I use a dye ti boomstick...extremely accurate but even more expensive...I would say if you're willing to spend that kinda money go with a freak kit and a small bore size paint like draxxus inferno...good paint to barrel and you'll be shootin darts. :eek: