View Full Version : Paintball players - the marker lost a game and total zealotism towards companies

04-25-2005, 10:34 AM
I'm tired of a lot of things in paintball, and most of it comes from the paintball players.

One is this need to totally support or denounce a company. You get SP supports and dare say SP quality control and tech support sucks - in my opinion they both do and I own and buy SP products regularly - and they immediatly try to discredit, disqualify, or denounce the opinion. You dare say anything bad about AGD - level ten in specific and you become an idiot incapable of saying anything. Funny, these same people support your abilities and knowledge when you mention something bad about SP. I realize that it is because I am listening to the most vocal, who are likely a minority... however I am beginning to agree with Beemer more and more on the average player. You can acknowledge views that do not support your conclusion, and still have that conclusion, at least in regards to the merits of a company.

Today's rant... more inlines with the thread title. Players all the time tell me something of the sort that gun A won a game. A marker cannot win, you can loose because of equipment, but it cannot win. Lets take the extremes. You have the choice to play with a pump or a semi-auto. You choose a pump. You get a good angle on someone, fire and the ball bounces, by the time you recock and aim again you are forced in and you feel it changes the outcome of the game. Is it the markers fault? No... 100% yours. You choose your equipment, you tech your equipment (or assign whoever does). Equipment failures, are at the base, the players fault, for lack of maintenance or a poor choice in equipment. All the equipment needs to do is fire a ball when you ask it too... if it fails it is a tech issue that you are responsible for. If the marker fires that ball... it surely is not the fault of the equipment if you loose.

Just my rants for today

04-25-2005, 11:13 AM
think thats all been said before

i dont mind if somone has an opinoon contrary to mine or others as long as they have a logical reason other than "they suck" :rolleyes:

and yes blaming the gun or w/e else you can other than yourself isnt fair to anyone

04-25-2005, 11:40 AM
We see it in other things as well, such as the auto industry. The only difference is that the paintball “market” tends to be much younger so we see things exaggerated accordingly.

04-25-2005, 03:18 PM
If you listened to hype then all paintball markers suck. Or they all rule. Depends on which side of the fence you're on.

04-25-2005, 03:43 PM
I dont like the level 10, it never would work on my mini. I don't like SP, and I tell people not to buy their X product because of my experience with it. If I had never used the product, I wouldn't tell them not to buy it.

Yes, you win with X gun. It happened at my local tourny the other day. One team was ramping like mad (20-23bps). They beat everyone that they played withour effort. They were a good team, but they beat several better teams that were playing great that day.

04-25-2005, 03:51 PM
I dont like the level 10, it never would work on my mini. I don't like SP, and I tell people not to buy their X product because of my experience with it. If I had never used the product, I wouldn't tell them not to buy it.

Yes, you win with X gun. It happened at my local tourny the other day. One team was ramping like mad (20-23bps). They beat everyone that they played withour effort. They were a good team, but they beat several better teams that were playing great that day.

Good excuse to loose :rolleyes:

I watched a team take second in a three man, playing over 12 games... as a team they went through 3/4 of a case of paint or a touch less. Does it take firepower to win, is it the only way? More to the point... if it were allowed why didn't you have the firepower? It was a failure on your part to be prepared.

04-25-2005, 03:51 PM
in many cases youre right. Although i do agree that it is the players fault for anything that happens, there are some instances where i disagree.

For example, say a toruney has really bad paint. Say that teams shooting shockers are murdering it, and teams shooting inimidators are shooting it great. In such a case, although the paint is the basic problem, the gun is giving you a problem by not being able to shoot paint that other guns can. The gun is putting you at a disadvantage.

Or another example would be a lemon gun. Some specific guns just seem to be cursed right out of the box, and they break or break paint for no explainable reason. Im sure youve seen one kid breaking tons of paint, and the next kid, with exactly the same gun, setup and paint is shooting it fine. Again, in that case the gun would be screwing you.

04-25-2005, 04:05 PM
in many cases youre right. Although i do agree that it is the players fault for anything that happens, there are some instances where i disagree.

For example, say a toruney has really bad paint. Say that teams shooting shockers are murdering it, and teams shooting inimidators are shooting it great. In such a case, although the paint is the basic problem, the gun is giving you a problem by not being able to shoot paint that other guns can. The gun is putting you at a disadvantage.

Or another example would be a lemon gun. Some specific guns just seem to be cursed right out of the box, and they break or break paint for no explainable reason. Im sure youve seen one kid breaking tons of paint, and the next kid, with exactly the same gun, setup and paint is shooting it fine. Again, in that case the gun would be screwing you.

I had a marker like a lemon gun you describe... 100% my fault for not selling the thing away when I realized it. Funny thing is, it was cursed only to me. I should have done something with it...

Poor paint... sometimes you have to change strategy... it is the "bad" days that prove the merits of the team... what adversity can you overcome?

04-25-2005, 04:13 PM
Well, I will not purchase SP products nor support them. It has nothing to do with their products. It's for "ethical" reasons. And that is more important to me.

04-25-2005, 04:55 PM
Good excuse to loose :rolleyes:

I watched a team take second in a three man, playing over 12 games... as a team they went through 3/4 of a case of paint or a touch less. Does it take firepower to win, is it the only way? More to the point... if it were allowed why didn't you have the firepower? It was a failure on your part to be prepared.

It wasn't allowed. ;)

04-25-2005, 05:49 PM
I am beginning to agree with Beemer more and more on the average player.

Umm agree with me on what?............Let me guess, would it be that they are uneducated and uninformed????????????????

04-25-2005, 05:51 PM
It wasn't allowed. ;)

If that is true, then it would be correct to say "They got beat by the cheats." or "The cheats Won"

04-25-2005, 07:50 PM
Umm agree with me on what?............Let me guess, would it be that they are uneducated and uninformed????????????????

That would be it :)

04-26-2005, 04:20 AM
im sorry but thats the way it is in any sport involving such a relience on equipment!! and everyone has an excuse for why they lost.. oh the ref sucked.. the umpire made bad calls.. the wind wasnt blowing the right direction.. i was tired cuz my girlfriend kept me up all night.. my leg hurts.. we have all heard it just say yeah whatever dude and walk away noone is paying you to listen to them whine so why bother listening!!

04-26-2005, 05:02 PM
I'm tired of a lot of things in paintball, and most of it comes from the paintball players.

One is this need to totally support or denounce a company. You get SP supports and dare say SP quality control and tech support sucks - in my opinion they both do and I own and buy SP products regularly - and they immediatly try to discredit, disqualify, or denounce the opinion. You dare say anything bad about AGD - level ten in specific and you become an idiot incapable of saying anything. Funny, these same people support your abilities and knowledge when you mention something bad about SP. I realize that it is because I am listening to the most vocal, who are likely a minority... however I am beginning to agree with Beemer more and more on the average player. You can acknowledge views that do not support your conclusion, and still have that conclusion, at least in regards to the merits of a company.

Today's rant... more inlines with the thread title. Players all the time tell me something of the sort that gun A won a game. A marker cannot win, you can loose because of equipment, but it cannot win. Lets take the extremes. You have the choice to play with a pump or a semi-auto. You choose a pump. You get a good angle on someone, fire and the ball bounces, by the time you recock and aim again you are forced in and you feel it changes the outcome of the game. Is it the markers fault? No... 100% yours. You choose your equipment, you tech your equipment (or assign whoever does). Equipment failures, are at the base, the players fault, for lack of maintenance or a poor choice in equipment. All the equipment needs to do is fire a ball when you ask it too... if it fails it is a tech issue that you are responsible for. If the marker fires that ball... it surely is not the fault of the equipment if you loose.

Just my rants for todayHe speaks the truth. Again.

04-27-2005, 01:05 AM
Well sometimes refs do suck. I've lost a few games because a ref was standing with his thumb up his *** in the middle of my line of fire. It is used an excuse too often though.

I agree with the first post in this read. People tend to jump to conclusions. The cause of the problem is that people are out there who spread false rumors every day, or overexaggerate a true rumor. It happens on the field, it happens on Pbnation, and it even happens here. Generally, I wouldn't tell anybody that marker X is better than marker Y unless I have owned or used both of them, or have heard about it from somebody who I know owns it in real life. I do, however, spend a lot of time discrediting people who do make false/unproven claims. Dang autococker owners! :rolleyes:

04-27-2005, 01:18 AM
Dang autococker owners! :rolleyes:ROFLMAO!