View Full Version : Car making a funny noise

04-25-2005, 06:13 PM
OK, I got a 98 Nissan Altima about two years ago (used from a dealer with 60,000 miles). It now has 76,000, and the majority of that is within the last 6-8 months.

Recently (like Friday) it started to make a funny noise, like a helicopter rotor blade (that whoop whoop whoop sound) when I would lift my foot off of the accelerator. As long as I was accelerating it didn't do it. Sounds like its coming from the front of the car. Any ideas?

Now, it is due for its maintance stuff (different fluid flushes and the like and brakes need to be looked - need new pads I think) at 80,000. I'm thinking of putting it in on Friday for this stuff and having them fix it too. Any harm in having this preventitive maintance done a little early?

And I bought an extended warranty so everything SHOULD be covered. I hope

04-25-2005, 09:08 PM
The problem is that YOU BOUGHT A FORIEGN CAR! BUY AMERICAN! Now, any idea where the noise is coming from? Wheels, engine, ect...?

04-25-2005, 10:18 PM
Sounds like its coming from thr front of the car when I'm in the drivers seat.

And don't give me that "buy American" crap. Please, American cars are worse. And nothing you will say will ever make me change my mind. I've read too many horror stories about people with Chryslers or Fords. My aunt and uncle work for GM and they tell me to buy a foriegn car cus they're more reliable.

04-25-2005, 10:29 PM
yeah, saying it's coming from the front of the car doesn't really narrow it down much.

So you're saying that your family has no pride in their job?

04-25-2005, 10:39 PM
And don't give me that "buy American" crap. Please, American cars are worse. And nothing you will say will ever make me change my mind.

:rolleyes: nice open mind there. I work on cars, every day. Granted where I live foreign cars are not a great big deal, but truth is, mechanical devices break, regardless of where they are made. Remember most "ratings" are through short periods (or five years outside) of ownership. Many of us own cars older than that. For me American cars represent a better value with comparable repairs and maintenance that tend to be less expensive. That being said, drive what you want... but I would hate to think I would ever have an opinion so strong that it was "nothing you say will ever make me change my mind". Its close minded and a touch sad in my humble, or not so humble, opinion. It belongs in some places, perhaps where religion and faith are concerned, but surely not in what car you drive.

04-25-2005, 11:30 PM
Now getting back to the thread...

If you could post an audio file of the noise we could tell you a lot more.

If you had the hood open and had someone listen to the engine you should try reving the engine while still parked. This would rule out most drivetrain problems if the noise appears.

If this is the case then the next thing to check is air related stuff like air filter and working your way through. If you are fortunate enough to be able to listen to the noise while stopped then you can isolate it to a section of the engine.

04-26-2005, 02:52 PM
OK sorry about jumping down your throat. I get tired of people yelling at me to "buy American" when most of what I read says that American cars are not as dependable or as good as foriegn. I needed the car right then cus my old one died and I only had about 8 grand to spend. If I could have waited 6 months it would've been a whole different game, but I couldn't and the car at the time appeared to be the best deal for the dollar.

OK the car. It does NOT make the noise when I just rev the engine in park.

There is also a slight thump coresponding to each "whoop". I can feel it in my feet. Sounds like its coming from about a foot ahead of the wind shield and is slighty to the right of the driver's seat.

It does make the sound when I'm driving and I slip it into neutral (automatic tran.)

Anyway, thanks for any help.

Big'n slo
04-26-2005, 03:09 PM
Sounds like either brakes, CV, or halfshaft to me

04-26-2005, 03:13 PM
Curiosity, do you have a vibration on high speed braking like at 60MPH plus. Im wondering if you are not hearing a warped brake rotor somewhere on the vehicle.

04-26-2005, 04:27 PM
Curiosity, do you have a vibration on high speed braking like at 60MPH plus. Im wondering if you are not hearing a warped brake rotor somewhere on the vehicle.

No more so than when I just take my foot off the gas. I don't like to use my brakes unless I have too (he he he who does?? :D)

04-26-2005, 08:32 PM
We are all assuming this is a front wheel drive car.

The CV will make that noise but it would be more noticable when making a turn (left or right).

When you say slip into neutral I assume you mean you are driving at 40 mph and then slip into neutral and then brake when you need to stop.

I also assume you don't feel a surge or jerk at the same time when you hear the sound.

04-26-2005, 08:55 PM
if it sounds like

co co cachooo..

very serious problem.

get the vaccum, youve got cosby in your tailpipe

04-26-2005, 09:34 PM
We are all assuming this is a front wheel drive car.

The CV will make that noise but it would be more noticable when making a turn (left or right).

When you say slip into neutral I assume you mean you are driving at 40 mph and then slip into neutral and then brake when you need to stop.

I also assume you don't feel a surge or jerk at the same time when you hear the sound.

Yes, front wheel drive. Aren't only sports cars and trucks rearwheel now? Yes about the neutral. Its not something I do normally. Just this once. And there's no surge or jerk.

Whats a "CV"??

04-27-2005, 12:24 AM
Yes, front wheel drive. Aren't only sports cars and trucks rearwheel now? Yes about the neutral. Its not something I do normally. Just this once. And there's no surge or jerk.

Whats a "CV"??

CV is the Constant Velocity joint. There are 2 of them attached to the front tires.

If you look under the car attached to the center of the wheel you should see a bar attached with a black rubber boot that encloses the joint. If the boot is damaged then you have problems because the grease in there will eventually escape. Failure of the joint is characterized by a Wah Wah Wah sound when turning.

Not sure what else to ask. The surge or jerk would indicate some transmission problem so that's good news. :) If there were engine surging then you should see the RPMs go up and feel surging.