View Full Version : Ti Boomstick vs Stainless Boomie

04-26-2005, 12:33 PM
I am just curious, does the Titanium boomstick for the automag look any different from the stainless steel boomstick, other than color? Got any pics?

04-26-2005, 12:36 PM
well the older stainless's are one peice ;) . but if you are talking about the new ones no i do not think so

04-26-2005, 12:39 PM
Yeah I meant to say the older ones. The ones that are glued together. Do they look different? Does anybody have any pics of both?

04-26-2005, 01:25 PM
My friend has a Stainless Boomstick (cocker). And I have a new Titanium Boomstick (mag). As looks go they are identical. The difference is weight, the Ti is half the weight of a stainless boomy.

FlynnRuss Productions
04-26-2005, 03:10 PM
Wow, bushmaster, you ask a question and get real responses. Im glad some of us can. :headbang:

04-26-2005, 03:51 PM
well the older TI boomsticks, the front piece of the back, was more ronded, not as squarish... that is about all i could ever tell

04-26-2005, 08:25 PM
are boomsticks step borred? (Do they have 2 bore sizes like a kit)

04-26-2005, 08:36 PM
I'm pretty sure they are stepped.

As for the whole SS vs TI boomy, don't get either. Go with a DYE Ultralight. The UL is lighter and cheaper. The only reason it's cheaper is it's made from aluminum instead of ss or titanium. Same performance tho.

"the FitZ"
04-26-2005, 08:41 PM
the carving on the sides of the back are opposite. It's kinda like an elongated teardrop. but theyr'e deff. opposite.

04-27-2005, 12:22 AM
Actually, I'd bet the Ti Boomy is lighter than an Ultralight. The tips are the same, and the back is Ti, instead of the UL's aluminum. The few grams of difference doesn't justify the extra cost, IMHO, though.

04-27-2005, 12:24 AM
supposedly titanium has tighter packed molecules which makes for a smoother surface

04-27-2005, 01:13 AM
Actually, I'd bet the Ti Boomy is lighter than an Ultralight. The tips are the same, and the back is Ti, instead of the UL's aluminum. The few grams of difference doesn't justify the extra cost, IMHO, though.

no... ti is not lighter than aluminum... sorry to burst your bubble its lighter and about as strong as steel, not lighter than aluminum though

its a marketing gimmick which sells well and shoots sparks some times