View Full Version : annodizing question

11-23-2001, 09:52 PM
i want to annodize my e-mag, what do i have to do first? i know i have to get rid of the original paint (or not?). but are there any prep measures i have to do? anything i have to seal off so that doenst get annodized? help me out please.


11-23-2001, 10:01 PM
ok, the olny parts on an e-mag you can annodise are the sight rail, the body rail, grip frame, and the battery pack. im guessing for the electronic stuff you should take out all the electronics! body rail and stuff i cant see there bieng a problem. The question about the removal of old anodize,i think you have to acid wash the origional annodise of, i may be mistaken tho

11-23-2001, 10:10 PM
so that's a no go on the body itself (and the electronics :p ). what about the barrel? i've seen pictures of guns that had a matching barrel. is that anno or just paint?



11-24-2001, 12:18 AM
Yes you can anodize the barrel, ONLY aluminum parts can be anodized, any other material will be dissolved, or at least seriously damaged if you try to anodize them, you can have your parts sent to an anodizing company, and may be a better place to get answers, PK Selective is one metal plating company that does anodizing.

PK Selective (http://www.pkselective.com)