View Full Version : ion thread, dont post if your gonna whine

04-26-2005, 03:51 PM
does anyone know of any new frames for the ION?

04-26-2005, 03:56 PM
Not to whine (I think Ions are great), but... isn't there a better place to ask this? Like... an ion forum? Or at the very least, one of the million other ion threads we've got in this forum? It's starting to take up more space than discussion on mags!

And personally, I know of aftermarket bodies and triggers coming out, but no frames.

04-26-2005, 03:57 PM
By frames, you mean body? Like the ones deadlywind is making?....

04-26-2005, 04:03 PM
no i mean the whole trigger frame........

04-26-2005, 04:26 PM
Currently there aren't any aftermarket lower reciever/trigger frame assemblies. I don't believe we can expect to see such items any time soon either.

04-26-2005, 04:28 PM
I don't believe we can expect to see such items any time soon either.

Out of curiosity why? Seriously. To me it looks like this - the Ion is probably one of the most popular markers, at least in terms of sales this year. We have already seen people willing to pay for new bodies on them - QEVs, triggers, etc. I would follow that trigger frames would be coming. I may be wrong but thats why I beleive it, Im curious as to why you beleive they are not

04-26-2005, 04:40 PM
Theres no frames out yet. Maybe Coolhand will make one, he makes a nice 90* Shocker frame.

bound for glory
04-26-2005, 04:49 PM
thanks alot fsu :clap: whan did ao become io? this ion posting is getting stupid. why don't all you ion guys get your own site going and talk about your plastic throwaway sp crappers there. ok, maybe i'm being a jerk. sorry. i'm really not. but enough already :rolleyes:

04-26-2005, 04:56 PM
thanks alot fsu :clap: whan did ao become io? this ion posting is getting stupid. why don't all you ion guys get your own site going and talk about your plastic throwaway sp crappers there. ok, maybe i'm being a jerk. sorry. i'm really not. but enough already :rolleyes:
Ban this asshat. How come everyone can talk about thier Vikings? Intimidators? Angels? Cockers? STFU.

04-26-2005, 05:03 PM
thanks alot fsu :clap: whan did ao become io? this ion posting is getting stupid. why don't all you ion guys get your own site going and talk about your plastic throwaway sp crappers there. ok, maybe i'm being a jerk. sorry. i'm really not. but enough already :rolleyes:

I talk about my Ion because its here.... I'd talk about my DevilMag but... well its not

04-26-2005, 05:14 PM
I dont see anyone else complaining but you bound for glory. Every Ion thread that gets started you come in bragging on your devilmag. Its getting more annoying than all the ion threads. You dont think the devilmag has hype surrounding it? Please :rolleyes: I like mags, but they arent the 'best' gun on the market. Yet you talk about them like they are. ANd when the Pneumag frame comes out....well...how many will be buying devil mags?

As for the frame question. I doubt that any frames will be coming out for the fact that they have the ASA and air passage already milled in them. Im not saying it isnt a possibility, but I dont think it will happen soon. I think more ppl prefer the .45 frames anyway. I know I do. I just cant see spending 150 or more on a body or frame on a gun that only costs 285 new. I dont think it is cost effective to machine bodies and frames for the ion. I know that deadlywind may be doing it, but......*shrugs* I dunno....wait and see.

04-26-2005, 05:20 PM
Why not make your own Custom Body (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=929513)

Seems cheaper and you can make it your own, but more work.

04-26-2005, 06:09 PM
That PBN body is hot. Kind of reminds me af a DM4 body.

04-26-2005, 06:09 PM
I'll eventually get an ion and experiment with doing a body. I got a design in mind too.

04-26-2005, 06:19 PM
I might try the PBN body thing.

04-26-2005, 06:23 PM
thanks alot fsu :clap: whan did ao become io? this ion posting is getting stupid. why don't all you ion guys get your own site going and talk about your plastic throwaway sp crappers there. ok, maybe i'm being a jerk. sorry. i'm really not. but enough already :rolleyes:

What's wrong with you? You can't read a simple sentence? I believe the title of the thread stated in CLEAR ENGLISH 'no whining'. I think we would all appreciate if you kept your negative comments to yourself. I can see if you have something constructive to say, but flaming just to be an *** is just stupid.

My $0.02

04-26-2005, 06:30 PM
What's wrong with you? You can't read a simple sentence? I believe the title of the thread stated in CLEAR ENGLISH 'no whining'. I think we would all appreciate if you kept your negative comments to yourself. I can see if you have something constructive to say, but flaming just to be an *** is just stupid.

My $0.02
I concur..........

04-26-2005, 06:31 PM
I can understand that alot of people are getting upset... but theres even an Angel FORUM in here! These guys are just trying to get a thread without being hassled...

04-26-2005, 06:42 PM
At least these ion threads are threads. Without them AO would have like zero new posts a day, they keep it somewhat alive.

04-26-2005, 06:48 PM
grow up, if you dont like it dont post.

it said ion in the thread IGNORE it.

btw i would also appreciate it if you guys used the pbn sp/ion fourm or something..

i wouldnt be surprised if somone like coolhand made some nice aftermarket frames/triggers :ninja:

but nothing confirmed that i know of..

btw all the ups people are considering on these might as well just buy a quality marker

but w/e flaots your boat :cheers:

or SINKS it :argh:

04-26-2005, 06:50 PM
I doubt anyone is gonna make a frame for awhile, the whole point of making a new body/shell was replacing the plastic one.

04-26-2005, 06:58 PM
btw all the ups people are considering on these might as well just buy a quality marker

but w/e flaots your boat :cheers:

or SINKS it :argh:

Why don't you like the ion?

04-26-2005, 07:05 PM
With an estimated 12,000-20,000+ IONs out there, someone will be making a frame for sure.

04-26-2005, 07:15 PM
when buying an ion, isnt the main sales point the price? i mean, isnt an ion basicly a $500 gun for $300. buying a couple new $30 parts for your ion is ok, but if you are going to drop $150 on a new grip frame, and another $50-$100 on other parts, wouldnt it make more sense to buy a different gun in the first place? imo, the $300+$250 is better spent getting a different gun. once the ptp mag comes out, it should be around in that price range, and would be a better investment imo(this is just me, i'd prefer lvl10 and a fully mech-walkable marker to a semi-tricked ion with eyes) since mags come new with xvalves and ule bodies now, they dont need to be "upped" any more(other than cosmetics). they come stock as upgraded as they can be, which imo is GREAT service from AGD. just my $0.02

04-26-2005, 07:22 PM
^mags still cant compete very well in tourneys........they are the best mech for that price range you could geta sick electro.....

04-26-2005, 07:49 PM
when buying an ion, isnt the main sales point the price? i mean, isnt an ion basicly a $500 gun for $300. buying a couple new $30 parts for your ion is ok, but if you are going to drop $150 on a new grip frame, and another $50-$100 on other parts, wouldnt it make more sense to buy a different gun in the first place? imo, the $300+$250 is better spent getting a different gun.

I agree with you to this point. Its going to be funny when the kid who now says his $300 17BPS Ion is as good as any $700 + marker out there and can compete tries to explain, in two months, why his $800 17BPS Ion is better than any $300 17BPS Ion because he spent more money on it. Im going to laugh

once the ptp mag comes out, it should be around in that price range, and would be a better investment imo(this is just me, i'd prefer lvl10 and a fully mech-walkable marker to a semi-tricked ion with eyes) since mags come new with xvalves and ule bodies now, they dont need to be "upped" any more(other than cosmetics). they come stock as upgraded as they can be, which imo is GREAT service from AGD. just my $0.02

Ehh.. at least I agreed wtih you on the first part.

04-26-2005, 07:50 PM
nice gun great price and i like whine .

04-26-2005, 09:46 PM
I think right now, frames could be made and sold for a profit. Unfortunately,I think it would be kind of pointless to buy one and then get a new body and frame, trigger,feedneck. Could have bought something else.

On a side note, I got to shoot an ion today, seems like a nice gun, shoots nice, the trigger pull feels good, light gun, pretty smooth shootin. The only thing I didn't like a whole lot was the side to side slop in the trigger and the feedneck is a little high, but not horrible.

04-26-2005, 10:01 PM
^mags still cant compete very well in tourneys.

what do you base this on ? have you even played in a tourney yet. I have used my mag and or RT in numerous tourneys and have had no problems.
The reason i ask you this is based on the numerous questions you have asked in the past i get the impression you have not played in a competitive level yet.

04-27-2005, 02:03 PM
wimag:your right, i havent played in tournies yet, i live in VT and there really isnt any tourney pball up here. i have been playing for about 5 years and i have been following tourney ball for a long time. i think i know what im talking about. im not one of those 12 oe 13 year old kids that gets everything thats new they see. im looking into the ION because i figured to my self...."yes, the mag is great gun, its one of the best mechs around, of all time. but i could geta better gun for the same price, an elecrto, the ION." thats just my opinion. about the mags in tourneys, i thought about upping my mag witha new trigger frame to get a little more bps but then again i could get a better gun, IMO the ION. i have been following tourney ball for a long time, my mag isnt really impressing me as much as it used to. based on ALOT of RESEARCH and watching vids i have determined thatb the ION would be better for tourneys than the mag.

04-27-2005, 02:31 PM
I play tournies with my mag and I am constantly out gunned. and dont give me that skill crap. If I cant get out of my bunker to use my skill its pointless to have.

I think most are correct though I dont see a frame coming anytime soon. I personally like the frame, but I have always like 45's better then other angles

04-27-2005, 03:09 PM
If you can't get out of your bunker now.. What does shooting 8038545849357439850 BPS going to help you? Your still going to be pinned in behind your bunker. :wow:

Basically no gun can compete in tourneys. Its an inamiate object. It takes a skilled operator to make a gun do anything. :shooting:

04-27-2005, 03:14 PM
If you can't get out of your bunker now.. What does shooting 8038545849357439850 BPS going to help you? Your still going to be pinned in behind your bunker. :wow:

Basically no gun can compete in tourneys. Its an inamiate object. It takes a skilled operator to make a gun do anything. :shooting:

because I wouldnt be the one behind the bunker if I had the ROF I needed. And im sorry but if you tell me that snap shooting is easier with a mech mag then any electronic triggered gun you have issues.

any you are only partially correct on your last part. The gun does make some difference, that cannot be denied.

04-27-2005, 03:36 PM
This has prolly already been said but if you are going to buy a 300 dollar gun and put 300 dollars worth of parts on it, why not just buy a 600 dollar gun?

04-27-2005, 03:40 PM
Watch some Blowfish videos. They seem to do OK shooting 2bps. Granted, they sometimes use a couple of back players with semi's, but still...

On topic...I wouldn't be surprised to see someone like Shocktech make a "Custom" ION with a milled and annodized body/frame.

Also, how many markers do you buy these days and shoot bone stock anyway? Even if you drop $800 or $1000 on a marker, you are still going to replace the feedneck, and barrel, and drop/uni-mount, and slap a fancy trigger on it...oh and new grips, etc., etc.

04-27-2005, 04:00 PM
When I buy my Proto, all I'll be replacing is the barrel. My Ion may get a few more goodies.

04-27-2005, 04:09 PM
wow that ion on PBN is sweeeeet. 1st time i have seen it and it looks nice.

04-27-2005, 05:45 PM
I'm dying to do that and make it red to black. I'm gonna have to experiment.

04-28-2005, 08:35 AM
Ban this asshat. How come everyone can talk about thier Vikings? Intimidators? Angels? Cockers? STFU.


04-28-2005, 08:46 AM
Welcome....To IONS.ORG


http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/17000/Skullsig_4549.jpg (http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/17000/Skullsig_4549.jpg)

04-28-2005, 08:46 AM
what do you base this on ? have you even played in a tourney yet. I have used my mag and or RT in numerous tourneys and have had no problems.
The reason i ask you this is based on the numerous questions you have asked in the past i get the impression you have not played in a competitive level yet.

I, on the otherhand, do compete in tournaments, and can tell you that 'mags, while great markers, just simply don't hold up to today's supermarkers. I'm not sure my first pick would be an Ion, but I'd certainly take it over a mechanical automag...

04-28-2005, 08:53 AM
Perhaps not as a back or mid player but if someone "can't" play front with something like an RT-Pro then I feel sorry for their teamates.

04-28-2005, 09:42 AM
Perhaps not as a back or mid player but if someone "can't" play front with something like an RT-Pro then I feel sorry for their teamates.

Two of the best players (both front) I know use mechanical mags... sure they don't use high rates of fire to win, but they do win. Well... at least until this year, one of them switched to an Ion actually.. I find it amusing considering this thread, and others like it.

04-28-2005, 10:03 AM
ok, this is getting annoying. Everyone stop complaining about ion posts. There are maybe a total of 5-6 threads about Ions. They are a new gun and cheaply priced for such good features. That is why everyone is talking about them. Maybe if AGD would do something similar, everyone would be talking about AGD guns. But, AGD seems to be selling off their stock and dont have anything new in their lineup. ANything done to mags that is nice was done by someone else (ie pneumag frame, devilmags, homemade emags)

Truth is that ppl dont just post about Ions here. They DO go to ion forum on PBN, or other websites. This is ANOTHER site we visit. SO get off our backs. If you are an ion hater, dont post or read the thread.

04-28-2005, 11:11 AM
Who are you even "talking" to? There's been very little whining here.

04-28-2005, 11:13 AM
The reason I say that I don't believe that an after market trigger frame will be avalible soon is simply the "complexity", if you want to call it that, of the piece because of the integrated ASA. THe piece would most likely end up costing over $200 given the price of other trigger frames out there which are JUST a trigger frame. Case in point Logic Ripper (http://www.logicpaintball.com/cgi-bin/mivavm?Merchant2/merchant.mvc+Screen=PROD&Store_Code=LP&Product_Code=SVF10F) which is most likely similar to what most people looking for a replacement frame will be looking for.

It not only will be more material intensive, but also more machine intensive to make what SP'S made into the Ion trigger frame.

04-28-2005, 12:14 PM
ok, this is getting annoying. Everyone stop complaining about ion posts. There are maybe a total of 5-6 threads about Ions. They are a new gun and cheaply priced for such good features. That is why everyone is talking about them. Maybe if AGD would do something similar, everyone would be talking about AGD guns. But, AGD seems to be selling off their stock and dont have anything new in their lineup. ANything done to mags that is nice was done by someone else (ie pneumag frame, devilmags, homemade emags)

Truth is that ppl dont just post about Ions here. They DO go to ion forum on PBN, or other websites. This is ANOTHER site we visit. SO get off our backs. If you are an ion hater, dont post or read the thread.

Everyone is jealous of our cool new cheap entry level tourny guns. And to think that many of us have endured the Mag vs. Cocker Debate for 10-13 years... It is part of paintball, as is the My Gun is cooler than Ur Gun regardless of the manufacturer... But the bottom line is not your gun but your skills, but it is much harder to argue "I bunker better than you do"...

We are on several forums: www.IonOwnersGroup.com and PBNation SmartParts ION forum, and also here because we love our mags and love our ions and we don't have a big issue seeing both types of guns as viable. Too bad the rest of the world is so close minded... But it is their silliness and their loss... ;)

04-28-2005, 12:18 PM
Everyone is jealous of our cool new cheap entry level tourny guns. And to think that many of us have endured the Mag vs. Cocker Debate for 10-13 years... It is part of paintball, as is the My Gun is cooler than Ur Gun regardless of the manufacturer... But the bottom line is not your gun but your skills, but it is much harder to argue "I bunker better than you do"...

We are on several forums: www.IonOwnersGroup.com and PBNation SmartParts ION forum, and also here because we love our mags and love our ions and we don't have a big issue seeing both types of guns as viable. Too bad the rest of the world is so close minded... But it is their silliness and their loss... ;)

WOW. they even let you have a sig image there :rolleyes:

04-28-2005, 12:21 PM
Everyone is jealous of our cool new cheap entry level tourny guns.

Umm.. I doubt it

Too bad the rest of the world is so close minded...

Yeh, because we shouldn't even discuss if there may be better markers out there, after all we are just jealous.

bound for glory
04-28-2005, 12:25 PM
i will admit i have been an anti-ion jerk :cry: i promise to never, ever put down the ion again. ok?

04-28-2005, 12:39 PM
i will admit i have been an anti-ion jerk :cry: i promise to never, ever put down the ion again. ok?

but what a lot of people dont understand is there is nothing else to talk about right now so this gives us something to do. :clap:

04-28-2005, 12:57 PM
Too bad the rest of the world is so close minded... But it is their silliness and their loss... ;)
Not the rest of the world, just AO.................

04-28-2005, 01:04 PM
Not the rest of the world, just AO.................

Careful on that line of thought... you go from being open minded to discussion of the Ion and its strengths to close minded in discussion of its weaknesses very easily along that line. Those who do not agree with you are not necessarily close minded. They may place greater value on areas that would be considered weaknesses of the Ion then you do. Those who instantly assume that those that do not agree with them are just too stupid to quickly find themselves being the one with a very closed mind. I find AO, for the majority, reasonably open minded with few true extremists. Those who hold beleifs for a reason, can outline a logical reason to hold those beleifs, are not extremists, they may just place value points differently than you do.

04-28-2005, 07:51 PM
Who are you even "talking" to? There's been very little whining here.

Apparently you havent been reading the Ion threads lately. Everyone of them has someone saying something along the lines of....my gun blows the ion away...stop posting about ions this is AO. And the Ion.org comment was along those lines.

I agree that there hasnt been much whining here in this particular thread, but read around and you will see.

I too own mags (have owned many of them). I love mags. I will argue that they are the best mech guns around. I have said that all along. ON the otherhand, I like the Ion too. I dont care for shockers or imps because they have reflective eyes, and they cost too much (and imp w/ ups does) . Ive shot many high end guns to know the difference between them, and I am impressed with the ion. That was my whole point.

I cant love a mag and ion at the same time? They both have strengths and weaknesses. I just think it is a great performing gun for only 285. It actually resembles the mag in terms of pneumatics. Only difference is air pushes the bolt back instead of a spring, and it operates at a lower pressure and is more efficient. Im just saying, shoot one for a while and you will see why it is the topic of discussion in the paitball community now.


04-28-2005, 07:59 PM
Apparently you havent been reading the Ion threads lately. Everyone of them has someone saying something along the lines of....my gun blows the ion away...stop posting about ions this is AO. And the Ion.org comment was along those lines.

Actually, the only person saying thier gun owns all others is bound for glory, saying his Devilmag was the best ever. :)