View Full Version : Mag leaking down barrel...(pics?)

04-26-2005, 07:58 PM
Well I aquired this gun a while ago and never used it. It's a minimag valve on an RT body. I hold the trigger in and screw on the air tank and whenever I let go of the trigger it leaks badly down the barrel. Ermmm I know absouletly nothing about the mag...and I think pictures might be able to help find the problem....thanks in advance

This is what I get when I disassemble the back part of the valve(reg I think)
here's the o-ring with the spring part on the floor beside the reg
This is what's inside the velocity adjustment screw
This is the order of how things were in the front part(unscrew with the coin)
Finally this is what my on-off (think thats what it's called) looks like disassembled. There's another large
o-ring inside valve but I can't get it out. Also there's another small oring on the top of the on-off.

04-26-2005, 08:02 PM
Start by replacing your power tube o-ring (the o-ring in the front of the valve - in your 4th picture)

04-26-2005, 08:25 PM
Start by replacing your power tube o-ring (the o-ring in the front of the valve - in your 4th picture)
I replaced the one and lubed the two orings. Still leaks badly down the barrel.

04-26-2005, 08:31 PM
Does it leak when you hold the trigger back when gassed up? ;)

04-26-2005, 09:12 PM
Does it leak when you hold the trigger back when gassed up? ;)

04-26-2005, 10:13 PM
did you lube the on/off assembly too?

04-26-2005, 10:25 PM
do you have the bolt on?

stupid question yes...but when i didnt know anything about a mag ...i had the same symptoms and it was because the bolt wasnt there...but it would stop leaking if i held the trigger down...and upon immediate release it would leak like it was niagra falls

04-27-2005, 06:14 PM
see in that last pic for the on off valve...that small oring on the far left...there should be a bigger oring around it..the same size as the power tube oring..it would suggest getting an old/stretched on...becuase the small one has to stay in the middle of the bigger one..if you look on your bolt theres an etched diagram of the peices that should go in..

just make sure the bigger o ring stays around the smaller one and put them back in...thats a problem that would cause a consant leak

04-27-2005, 06:50 PM
If it doesnt leak when you hold the trigger back there is nothing wrong with your on/off. I suspect the powertube oring or the wrong size spacer.

05-02-2005, 04:00 PM
I'd say you probably need a smaller size power tube spacer or replace one of the o-rings in the power tube.

05-04-2005, 09:56 AM
I agree. Replace the powertube o-ring. If that doesn't work, put in a shorter powertube spacer.

05-05-2005, 09:53 AM
and now.....my pance fit :dance: