View Full Version : First day on field with new 'Wagner'

11-23-2001, 11:33 PM
Well, just got the first chance to use my new minimag with Dye SS barrel. I ordered some marbs but they hadn't come in yet so I tried Team Colors and some Proball. The team colors did alright but the Proball gave me problems all day. I could have painted my house with what it did to my gun. Other than trying marbs, can anyone figure out what else it might be?


11-23-2001, 11:35 PM
I shoot proball and i never had any problems with the same barrel as you. I like team colors too becuase the fill is really thick. I havent had any problems. Where do you keep your paint? It also could have been damaged in shipping with dimples and pinchs.

11-23-2001, 11:37 PM
Also, make sure to fully pull the trigger. If you barely pull it like you do on spyders, it will short stroke and you will chop. Are they barrel breaks or breach breaks? I had the same problem the first day with my mag. I wanted to get rid of it until i figured out it was short stroking.

11-23-2001, 11:46 PM
I had read alot before I purchased the gun so I ensured I didn't short stroke...I was so torqued off that I didn't even take the time to check where the breaks were, I just kept firing a couple of rounds. I did notice that the paint usually started at the nubbin...I am gonna reduce the nubbins profile and see if that helps.


11-24-2001, 12:26 PM
First step is ALWAYS do a bounce test. See Tech Tip #4 in the Table of Contents thread for a complete explanation. Report back here.


11-27-2001, 06:12 PM
Well, my marbs finally came in.

I first noticed that they were not oily and had a satin finish to them, is this normal?

Also, when I tried the blow test on both my Dye SS and Dye Boom, I couldn't blow it through either.

Has RPS changed the marbs to a medium bore...should I try the Hellfire balls?


11-27-2001, 06:21 PM
not sure about bore size, but RPS did switch to a no oil shell

11-27-2001, 06:47 PM
try pmi premium gold thats what i use on my Lapco and on my Dye great fit. also NEVER buy hellfire they are for LOW PRESSURE ELECTROS you would break about everyball because they are so thin shelled.

11-27-2001, 07:27 PM
ok chad.. i had a few problems like this with my mag. first off always make sure ur feed plug is totaly in.. or get a parabolic feed plug from agd. second make sure the internals of ur gun is totaly clean. after breaking a ball u must make sure ur gun is clean before going on.. it will cause many problems if u have shell on or around the bolt.. also ur nubbin may need to be fixed