View Full Version : Quick Diagnosis (Classic Valve)

04-27-2005, 06:12 PM
I let my dad clean out my mag's valve while I took a shower after a long day of play. I got to the field, and forgot to bring any of my other markers. Anyways, it leaked out the back of the valve where I adjust the velocity. What's the most likely problem with the valve, so that I can know what too look for?

Also, if anybody has it, what it Air America's email address. I'm having problems with my AA tank, but their site is down for remodelling..

04-27-2005, 07:50 PM
It could be a couple of things, let's start with the simple one first. Did he adjust the velocity nut? If so, back it out until it stops venting. If he didn't, he might have gotten some sort of debris in the regulator half. Disassemble it and clean it out again. Make sure that there is no debris in there from what he used to clean the valve. Check the reg piston O-ring, oil it again and give it a try.

04-27-2005, 11:46 PM
Watch the video the reg piston oring is like a disk, it needs to snap in to place.

04-28-2005, 07:38 PM
I bought my mag used and it didn't come with the video. Is there a link to it online anywhere?

I'll try to see if the velocity nut is too far in once I get some air.

04-29-2005, 06:02 AM
Quite often if you take the valve halves apart on a mag that hasn't had the o-rings changed in a while, you won't be able to get a good seal with the regulator seat o-ring. You should change it. Any leaking at that o-ring will cause the reg to vent out the back. A possible quick fix would be to check the orientation of the reg seat o-ring. It may be installed backwards from where it was before. It needs to be installed in the same orientation as before due to the tiny indentation that the valve puts in the o-ring to create a tight seal.

Carbon Blue
04-30-2005, 02:50 PM
Watch the video the reg piston oring is like a disk, it needs to snap in to place.

i think your referring to the regulator seat not regulator piston oring. The regulator piston oring and regulator piston can be taken out by removing the velocity adjuster nut, then the black spring pack should fall out. After those two are removed you can look down the back of the valve and notice an allen wrench hex key type of nut with a brass encasing. I pulled mine out just by sliding it out with a similar sized allen wrench. The oring on mine was toast which caused it to leak out the back. Since your dad did take apart the valve, usually most of the times the regulator SEAT will need to be replaced since its a once a seal kinda deal. The regulator seals usually cannot be reused (although some have claimed that it still works) it has never worked for me. This can be taken out by unscrewing the two valve halves apart. On the back valve (regulator body i believe?) which is the one without the pin sticking out from it. You should find a clear silicone type disk. That is your regulator seat. One end is bigger than the other and it should snap into the back of the valve body. It should make a clicking noise. If the regulator seat does not make a clicking noise or just seems to fall out then most likely you will need a new one. If its not attached to the back half of the valve then most likely it is resting on the middle of the pin. Hope this helps